Sports Talk

Wouldn't you think that Tiger's house has a lot of security cameras?
channelguy 32 Reviews 7069 reads

Even living in a gated community, someone of Tiger's popularity is going to have sophisticated security systems.  Even a nobody like me has a couple of cameras focused on my driveway.

Now those would be interesting videos to get.

I've got three hobbys:  auto racing, golf and pussy.   I go to 8, or so, pro golf tournaments a year.  I NEVER see Tiger sign autographs. He just puts his head down and walks by everyone - kids included.  The area where the PGA tour sets up lines for players to sign....Mickelson will stand there for an hour and sign until everyone is happy.

Is Tiger a better golfer than Phil? Absolutley.
Is Phil a more genuine dude?  Absolutely

penny714672 reads

He most likely does, but the police would probably need a court order to get them. From what I've read so far, the only charges they're even considering are traffic violations. Don't think they would go to the trouble of getting feeds from the cameras for that.

How about if spousal abuse is hinted at?   It is on TMZ

Or does Tiger get "a pass"....?

If he did and said his wife had gone bezerk then we have a whole different story.

I am also not sure of Florida law. The law in the state I live in, a spouse has to formally file a complaint with LE and agree to press charges before a prosecutor will agree to prosecute. In most cases, the victim spouse also has to agree to testify against the abuser.

Tiger is also an adult, if the "victim" was a minor than it would have been much easier to intervene even without a police report or a formal interview.

-- Modified on 11/29/2009 6:28:08 PM

One Tee program.  Good for him.  It's also a huge marketing vehicle for all his other activities.   IMG has made a nice business out of One Tee.

I'm not saying I don't like Tiger - he is right there with Nicklaus as the best ever (very tough to compare different generations).  But he isn't personable except when the cameras are on and he knows he has to be.   Tiger has manipulated the press and the TV networks.  Remember how he refused to talk to CBS' Peter Kostis for a couple of years when Kostis critiqued Tiger's swing?    

He gets away with a lot of stuff that less talented players would be called on the carpet.  

I'll stand by my previous statements that he's an incredible athlete, gets special treatment from the press and isn't the genuine "good guy" that Phil, Davis Love, Jim Furyck and a few others are.

I still think she whacked him for cheating on her.

Tiger's popularity is for his performance on the course. Phil's on the other hand is for his humility off the course.

Phil routinely spends his time with autograph seekers and is generous with his cash, always seeming to drop a four figure tip on a waiter / waitress, locker room attendant, club house caddie etc.

Tiger is known more for filing lawsuits against companies / people who use his name, image or likeness who are simply trying to make a living without knowing the consequences.

The outpouring of support for Phil's wife was genuine when she was diagnosed with cancer, even Vijay wore a pink shirt for a round of golf. I doubt you would see the same for Tiger.

Hardcore golf fans and Tiger fans will still be around but I suspect the PGA will lose all the excess golf fans that were drawn to the course or the television when Tiger showed up or was in contention on Sunday afternoon.

My guess is the loss of audiences will be reflected in the ratings next year and over the long term. Short term the ratings will remain the same because curious audiences will want to see if he is still the same and get a look at his face for a scar or two.

-- Modified on 11/29/2009 6:30:12 PM

You don't think he is charitable?

He has put millions into the Tiger Woods Foundation for youth.  For the rain forrests.

As far as the game goes, I don't think there has been a better ambassador of the game since goldf was invented!

He has started and participated in more youth golf projects than any golfer in the game now and probably more than Nicklaus and palmer.

If you don't like the guy, just say so, don't go hog wild on how he is not a good ambassador of teh game.

The tournament this weekend coming up is his charity tournament, I would almost put monety on him still playing in that even though media says they don't know if he will.

The game has grown in popularity because of Tiger, but it wont shrink even if he leaves.

The Asian market has developed some very ciompetative golfers and that is the largest growing market, it won't be deminshed back to where it was ever!

"I don't think there has been a better ambassador of the game since goldf was invented!"

You really want to stand by those words?
Let's just see what a great ambassador he is.....Plays only tournaments he wants to. Sure he is an independent contractor but go play Milwaukee or Quad Cities and help out the economies of these towns.

Caused huge controversy in the Ryder Cup pay-for-play issue a few years back with his buddy O'Meara. That's the spirit of the game Mr. Ambassador!

Remember Billy Andrade asked Tiger to sign a ball for his children's charity back in 1997? Remember what Woods's response was? I do...NO.

Fuzzy Zoeller made some ridiculously stupid statements after Tiger won his first Masters. Would a great ambassador leave another fellow pro to have his entire career destroyed by the media for months afterward or would a great ambassador accept an apology and move on?

I don't think many people "hate" Tiger Woods. His charity efforts are certainly commendable, but so are every hockey, football or baseball players' charities also. But in our 24 hour, instant gratification society why must we keep deifying this guy when he really isn't all that interesting without a golf club in his hands?

Any city in the country can groom a course well enough to submit for a PGA championship tourney.  If the city does not want a major tourney it is Tigers fault he doesn't play there?

Focus on the reality, if Tiger is winning a major % of the starts he makes with a top flight players list, what do you think will happen if he starts attending all the smaller tournaments?

He will be accused of wanting to prevent every golfer the opportunity to win a tourney not to mention it will kill attendance.  Do you really think that the final day is going to garner huge crowds if Tiger is in the lead by 25 strokes?

He has to make sure he chooses tournaments where a majority of the top 25 golfers are playing.

Show me one player that has had the impact on the game Tiger has as far as getting kids interested in the game?  He dominates the answer of kids, who is your favorite golfer and who inspired yoyu to start playing golf?

As for Andrade asking for the ball signing for his charity.  That was tacky at best of him to ask in the manner he did, he was looking for a FREE plug to his charity and he got it.  Had he asked behind teh scenes through a former invitation like most people asking for charitable donations he would have gotten it!

Zoeller opens his yap and insults Tiger and it is Tigers fault Zeoller got egg in his face?  Give me a break.  Have you ever seen what happens when someone insuted MJ or Kobe, they rub it in their faces every single time they play.  There is no forgiveness when you insult a player at his work place.  Since they are all free lance the only way to get even is to crush them.  

I never said Tiger was worth keeping in the media outside of golf.  Golf is his media presence, some players and media figures don't want to have the medias eye every moment of their life.  I respect the man for wanting a private life.

Not every person wants to be a Shaq and make movies.

As for the difference of opinion between Tiger and O'Meara, so what, do you agree with everything your friends or coworkers say?  Fact is they didn't agree and it made news because he is a major figure in the game.

You could not be more misinformed or clueless on the subject of the game of golf.
Tiger and O'Meara were together on the Ryder Cup issue.
Of course kids today will say Tiger is the greatest. But ask older golfers and they will say Arnie did more to save and popularize golf in this country then any person ever.
And ask each network president and tournament organizer about ratings/attendance in your so-called smaller tournaments. Player purses have been driven higher because Tiger was playing and winning. They have all gotten fat off of him. You think they are gonna accuse him of denying them a chance to win? Hardly.

And after all you have read and heard these last few days, you still think Tiger is golf's greatest ambassador ever?

St. Croix5964 reads

two of my favorite tournament destinations are Phoenix and Dallas. Normally you think golf tournaments are a bit proper serious events, but the pussy and alcohol oozes at those events.

I have played in the pro-ams in both tournaments.  The Phoenix pro-am is fun - the gallery is fun even on Wednesday.

But...the Byron Nelson pro-am is damn fun!  The Tuesday night pairing party is a feast and the babes in attendance who are "floating around" would be 10's on TER reviews.

I still remember the hangover from a few years ago - the Four Seasons People somehow got me to my room.    A miracle.

Hot...very hot Texas women.  :-)

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