Sports Talk

Nice Job Boise State.... Definate National Champ Contender
hotbeavermuncher 5624 reads

Now that's limber...terrible colors, though! Ha...Gator Fans...

CYNIC5737 reads

State deserved to win, however, because they made the plays when they had to.  That fake punt was a gutsy call, and it worked to perfection.  I think Boise State HAS TO BE CONSIDERED as the #1 team by the AP, depending, of course, on what transpires in the Alabama-Texas game.  Indeed, if Texas wins it (and I don't think they will), I'd DEFINITELY put Boise State #1, because I really don't think Texas is that good.  I will say that I thought the QBs in the Fiesta Bowl were not as good as some of the QBs around the country, particularly the TCU QB, but the rest of the players on both teams could play for anybody.  In any event, the Fiesta Bowl was a good show, and both teams did themselves proud.  Note the TV cameras spent more time than usual on the TCU cheerleaders, with good reason.  USC's might be a bit better, but not by much!

St. Croix5661 reads

the rating system for high school athletes. Most of BSU's players are at best 3-star players, a couple of 4-stars. They are never ranked in the top 25 as far as college recruitment classes, nevertheless they always put a really good team on the field. Of course after the Bearcats got throttled by Florida, it does make it a bit more difficult for the lesser known conferences to get the required recognition.

And yes, the TCU cheerleaders were hot.

...major teams Bama, Texas, Florida....well, maybe not Bama, they can't get it up for average providers, I average (mean minor conf) teams.

Anyhow, go Bama on Thurs night!

If Alabama wins

1. Alabama
2. Florida
3. Boise state
4. Texas
5. TCU

If Texas wins

1. Texas
2. Boise state
3. Alabama
4. Florida
5. TCU

Fake punt, doesn't get any better. For a school that usually gets table scraps for recruits and has a pretty small budget for athletics, they seem to hold their own. Now if they could just get some big time schools on their schedule, we might find out just how good they are.

CYNIC5566 reads

If Alabama wins

1. Alabama
2. Boise State
3. Florida
4. TCU
5. Ohio State

If Texas wins

1. Boise State
2. Texas
3. Alabama
4. Florida
5. TCU

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