Sports Talk

Hulk Hogan: Slow learner or masochist?....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 6316 reads

I actually met him once and he seemed like a nice enough guy, but what is up with this?

ladies that highly resemble my former. JUST SMACK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't have to; her lawyer will do it.

My brother's second wife was the spitting image of wife number one all the way to being very loud! LOL! Sadly, number two ended just like number 1!

Hey, I met him once very briefly in the Tampa airport when I wished him luck with his impending divorce-He thanked me and refered to me as 'sir', (well, I am an 'old fart')but it indicated to me he is a respectful guy with a good heart-His fortune has been decimated by his wife and son and it's a shame he's had to return to the ring to get more bucks-I heard on Stearn that he had made over 100 mil and it was down to 6 before the divorce-Pulling for the Hulkster to make a comeback-1rob...hoping he has a great prenup on this one....OUT

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