Sports Talk

Re: How was TO? Did he pull out the spycam?
CYNIC 5935 reads

He was kind of quiet in this game.

CYNIC7679 reads

was magnificent at the end, connecting with passes all over the place for the last two scores. The Bills never gave up, though, and the ending was wild.

Buffalo looked great

I was pulling for the Bills
A heart breaker after such a well played game

On to the next game

Before you hurt your hand patting Brady on the back,give credit to the Pats special teams for forcing the fumble that gave Brady a chance to win the game!!

ehy5rth7738 reads

patriots defense looks terrible. everyone says they are favorites to come out of the afc.

the jets will beat the patriots next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CYNIC7689 reads

I agree.  The Pats didn't look as sharp as they usually do.  But they'll make adjustments, and could look very different next week.  But the Jets should give them a run for their money.  Should be a good game.

and they need to play better coming out of the gate. You can't rely on winning games by only playing in the second half. They had several blown opportunities in the first half. Dropped passes, overthrown passes, and a questionable fourth down play, when Brady should have had the ball on a keeper, could have made for a very different score.

in their King of the Hill pools.
Not often are players coached to go down when hit in football but that returner for the Bills should have been advised to fall to the turf.

CYNIC6316 reads

part of the game.  I wish I had a dollar for every game-changing dumb play, bad call by a ref, weird bounce of the ball that I've seen.  If I did, I'd be living on a tropical island surrounded by young, sexy girls who want nothing more than to get into my pants (and I would GLADLY let them).

penny716084 reads

out his yard on Tuesday morning. If they do this to every player who makes a mistake, Buffalo landscapers are going to be busy this year.

penny716896 reads

Yeah, it was on and earlier today.

this was two 16 yr old punks. don't go killing all the good fans from buffalo who are extremely loyal.

We could only hope lol...What is it about Mr. Perfect, their quarterback and that old crab, the coach, and the cheating that makes everyone so happy when they loose.
Oh yeah now I remember...

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