Sports Talk

Re: and Reality 5: Tebow graduates so the carma is gone. ND . . .
keystonekid 114 Reviews 4341 reads

realizes the mistake it made 5 years ago and will not repeat the same mistake by giving Meyer all that he asks for, including "fast lane passes" through the academic admissions area.  The bank vault will be opened and Urban's money truck will take the loot.  The NBC contract alone will take care of Weiss' buyout.

Remember 3 years ago, the Dolphins head coach (Saban) said he was the coach of the Dolphins and then, he was gone to Alabama in a heartbeat.

And, yes, Weiss will be gone in less than 7 days and will reappear as an NFL offensive coordinator (Chiefs probably).

He will be there, as he said today, 'as long as they will have me'.  Guess that means he will coach the Gators until he wants to retire.

I think he stick it out until all of his kids are out of high school, then he probably retires.

He even said today that he could see Tebow returning one day to coach the Gators.  Got to question that one...

Gator_Fan5650 reads

Notre Dame has a bunch of whiny Catholics as fans  in a gray dreary small podunk town in the middle of nowhere. Guys in robes that don't get laid call many of the shots.

Florida  gets better athletes, is in a warm sunny town, and Gator fans make Notre Dame fans seem like GD board manginas. Hot chicks are eveywhere, and everyone gets laid.

Not really a comparison.

Good analysis plus Urban is a god here-why would he leave? Florida has great high school athletes and great HS programs with the weather conducive to year round play-recruiting for him is a snap-Notre Dame I believe started going down when higher academic standards were demanded by the administration-correct me if I'm wrong, Golden Domers-Recent teams have been sad-I saw that TD Jesus with the offensive ineptitude is now called 'Field Goal Jesus'-Later-1rob....OUT

...Notre Dame.  His middle name ain't 'Decay'.  

He's only 45 years old.  He can wait until the next coach turns the program around and then swoop in for the glory in 5 or 10 years.

If it takes a papal audience to get him to ND, that's what will happen.

... besides, what did you really expect him to say with a question like that?  He is very savvy when it comes to dealing with the press.

Regarding his sanity level, I am sure that a coaches sanity level can be called into question on numerous occasions.  College football is historically highlighted by marquee match-ups, and these match-ups most often point to the program/coaches rather than players (who quickly fade into the backround).  To subject oneself to being a coach at this premier level, takes a littel bit of "different" wiring - and ego can get in the way at times.  Does anyone here think that Meyer does NOT have ego?

For better or worse, Notre Dame is perpetually on a very short list of the places to be no matter what we (as fans or devout ND haters) may think of them.  Again, history has put them there, and it would take a lot to remove them as well.  Heck, they have been floundering since Holtz left in '96; they should be old news by now, right?

There are few realities that must be hightlighted, which should really beg the question: if he was offered the job, why wouldn't he take it?

Reality 1: Instant national recognition facilitating recruiting efforts.  No matter what, a lot of kids WANT to wear the gold dome.  Coupling that with the probability that a lot of kids WANT to play for Meyer, would put the program at a huge advantage.  (Since Holtz, the next three did not have a huge personal draw for ND.)

Reality 2: EVERY single game is on national broadcast television.

Reality 3: Ummm ... their schedule.

Reality 4: Even when they clearly don't desreve it, the Irish ALWAYS get the benefit of the doubt, and are ALWAYS in the national title conversation.

Assumimg Weis is out, all this begs the real question: if not Urban Meyer, than who?

Like the man said, he has no interest in the ND gig.  If you had been at the press conference and saw the pure emotion that Meyer displayed, you would have a sense of the feeling that he has for his team and this school.

He is not going anywhere.

As for the gold domers, they made this mess themselves so they will just have to live with it.

Again, I ask: what did you expect the guy to say with a question like that?  He is the head coach of the #1 team in college football, preparing for two last games; winning both gives him three consecutive national championships.  If he even had a remote interest in the ND job, do you think he is ignorant enough to let his own truthful words add to the mixand cause a distraction? Come on ...

... one other thing: the man has his OWN website.  I am pretty sure this community understands the concept of self-promotion.  Let's not fool ourselves ... oh wait, maybe Mr. Meyer already did that.

Are we so repulsed by the possibility of the best college football coach today going to the most easily despised school, that we don't even want it to be close to reality?

Most likely, ND recognizes they made a mistake five years ago (some would argue it has been longere than that) ... I'm sure they will do what ever it takes to correct it this time around.

You will be made Pope before Meyer goes to ND.  Get it through your thick skull moron, Meyer is going no where.

Or are you just a pathetic loser ND alum who is grasping at straws?

I have never had, nor do I currently have, any interest in the papacy.  I will be staying with the Lutheran church for as long as they will have me.

Also, for the record, I am not a pathetic loser ND alum.  (I'm not catholic or even Irish, for that matter.)  Furthermore, there is not a much more enjoyable thing to see on a Sunday morning that the account of yet another ND lose in the Sunday paper.

In my previous posts, I was not saying Meyer was going to be the next ND coach.  I was simply trying to highlight the fact that ND will most likely pull out all the stops this time around (assuming Weis is out).  It stands to reason they have quite a few trump cards they are able to play; more than probably any other school out there.

Do I want to see him go to ND?  Hell no!  Let ol' Charlie stick it out there and wallow in his own mess for years to come - that's what I want to see.  But then again, they probably won't ask me ...

The only thing that has not been remotely discussed here is what happened 5 years ago that got Meyer to go to Florida in the first place.  Did ND snub him?  If so, maybe he (and his big ego) is going to string them along this time around and stick it to them good?  Did Meyer get the impression that ND was only about tradition first, and winning second?  We all know there are at least two sides to this past story ...

Tusayan4749 reads

It will be interesting to see what direction Notre Dame goes because the last three choices  -- college assistant, college head coach and NFL assistant -- have all failed to get the job done. I'm guessing Brian Kelly from University of Cincinnati will be the next ND  coach.

Brian Kelly, Irish-Catholic from Boston-area, went to college in Worcester, Mass, father was a Boston politician...

Seems like everything is lined up for Brian Kelly to go to Boston College, not ND.

Not sure why every Catholic of Irish descent is assumed to want to coach at ND.

you have to wonder how much money they will have to offer a new coach.  Supposedly the buy out for Weis is on the order of 18 million according to some reports.  That is a big hunk of change to have to pay out on top of paying his replacement.

Tusayan6029 reads

It's lined up for him at Notre Dame because there's no coaching vacancy at Boston College.

realizes the mistake it made 5 years ago and will not repeat the same mistake by giving Meyer all that he asks for, including "fast lane passes" through the academic admissions area.  The bank vault will be opened and Urban's money truck will take the loot.  The NBC contract alone will take care of Weiss' buyout.

Remember 3 years ago, the Dolphins head coach (Saban) said he was the coach of the Dolphins and then, he was gone to Alabama in a heartbeat.

And, yes, Weiss will be gone in less than 7 days and will reappear as an NFL offensive coordinator (Chiefs probably).

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