Sports Talk

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1949 reads
1 / 25

First time since 1955, 4 people will be elected to class of 2015...

Craig Biggio
John Smoltz
Pedro Martinez
Randy Johnso

cashorcredit 483 reads
2 / 25

We could still use him right now.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 530 reads
3 / 25

How rare is it that the core group that played for the then great Braves of the 90s is together in HOF.

cashorcredit 514 reads
4 / 25

That 90s team was lethal, how the heck we only win one ring, those damn Yankees lol

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 499 reads
5 / 25

You can call me crazy but I think Derek Jeter will end up not only getting in on first ballot but with close to 100% votes, if not 100%.

GaGambler 549 reads
6 / 25

and Biggio was quite deserving as well. I hate to tarnish their accomplishments, but I have to agree that many of the dominant players of the era won't ever be given serious consideration by mere suspicion of steroid use, even those like Clemens who actually had his day in court and won.

My point is, why even have due process if the results mean nothing? Might as well just lynch them for mere suspicion of wrong doing. I can only wonder how Babe Ruth, Ted Williams and all the other "bad actors" would have fared in todays PC world?

ShakingtheSheets 189 Reviews 592 reads
7 / 25

t's really unfortunate, but the entire HOF voting process has turned into a group of sports writers making arbitrary guesses as to who used PED's and who did not. Those fortunate enough to avoid any speculation of use like Biggio, Smoltz, Pedro and RJ, get into the Hall; while other deserving players (Piazza/Bagwell for example) are caught up in speculation of use and thus find admittance to the Hall difficult. No concrete proof exists that either Piazza and Bagwell used PED's, but enough writers believe they did to deny admittance. Conversely, watch next year when Griffey Jr. slides easily into the Hall b/c there has never been any connection with his name and PED's (just like Frank Thomas last year).  

Clemens/Bonds candidacy's are perplexing. Their numbers are so historically great (in the A+ room of those who ever played the game)  it boggles the mind that they only garner around 35% of the Hall of Fame vote. Obviously too many writers  will never vote for them assuming that their careers were tainted by steroids. Who knows what is true. Again speculation.  

Whenever you have a process that is completely arbitrary and subject to the whims and personal views of those casting ballots, the entire process is flawed. The same standard of evaluation is not applied fairly to all players across the board and its wrong.  

The four men that got in this year, based on their career numbers are all deserving. No argument there. But the bottom line is that they are in because they avoided speculation of PED's (again we don't know). Other candidates weren't as lucky

cashorcredit 858 reads
8 / 25

loved by everyone, so mostly certainly first ballot HOF. Now 100% of the vote that's stretching it

ShakingtheSheets 189 Reviews 525 reads
9 / 25

Now it may be silly that some writers just refuse to vote for players on a first ballot, but it is what it is. Having said that, NO  way should Derek Jeter break the mold and be the first player to receive 100% of the vote. He's not an immortal.  

Here's some of the players who he's NOT (in no particular order): Ruth, Cobb, DiMaggio, Mantle, Williams, Mays, Aaron, Musial, Gehrig, Wagner, Lajoie, Anson, Hornsby, Wheat, CY Young, Walter Johnson, Mathewson, Seaver, Koufax, Grover Cleveland Alexander, etc.....And NONE of these men received 100% of the vote. (though I do find Ruth hard to believe b/c, well, he's Babe frickin Ruth)

Derek Jeter is a first ballot hall of famer. No argument. But, come on, now. He's not in the A+ room of the Hall and certainly does not deserve to be the first unanimous selection.  


-- Modified on 1/6/2015 8:25:43 AM

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 497 reads
10 / 25

And Jeter is much more popular than Randy Johnson ever was..

They don't give you a tribute just like that..And what a tribute that was..  

I consider myself very lucky having had chance to watch Captain play...

GaGambler 573 reads
11 / 25

and most likely at least a few who will feel his actual baseball skills aren't worthy of a 100% first ballot vote. Lets face it, Jeter is/was a class act and a great baseball player, but is he even "top 100" greatest ever, much less "top one" greatest? I don't think even his biggest fans can claim that distinction.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 477 reads
12 / 25

on he should or he shouldn't. Certainly not the first great to play the game. But in the light of Randy Johnson getting 97% of votes its not a stretch to think that Jeter might, just might, get all the votes..

aznlvr9 26 Reviews 545 reads
13 / 25

No one will ever get 100% of the votes.  Some writers will never vote for a player on the first ballot in principle.  That is why being a first ballot hall of famer is such a huge honor, probably the highest honor any athlete can get.  

If anyone does get all the votes, why on God's earth would it be Jeter?  As was alluded to earlier, he is not even in the top 100 players of all time.  If Randy Johnson, arguably the best pitcher of all time (top 10 no doubt), only gets 97% then nobody will ever get 100%  If memory serves, the highest percentage of votes ever was Tim Seaver or Nolan Ryan...I believe they both got over 98%

Ihaveabig1 420 reads
14 / 25

100% not a fucking chance! what kool- aid are you drinking?

JackDunphy 522 reads
16 / 25

14 time all star, 5 time gold glove winner, rookie of the year, almost 3500 hits, lifetime .310 average (.308 in post season), incredible leader and clutch player. Yeah, he's top 100. Easy.

skarphedin 528 reads
17 / 25

.310 puts him at about 114th all time in career AVG. Even assuming that AVG is a revealing statistic...

Derek Jeter was by every metric the worst or second worst defensive shortstop in the league for the majority of his career. Not a single one of his gold gloves was deserved.  

He was not an incredible leader. He has one World Series ring during the time he was The Captain. He forced A-Rod to play third when A-Rod was many many times the better SS.  

3500 hits is his one hook.  

It took him 11195 ABs to do it 7th All Time.

Moreover, he was a singles hitter. Here is the Career list for Singles:

He is 5th.  

But, even so, pick any player in the top 50 of that list and he had a worse statistical career.  

Here is Career Total Bases:

He is 21st (between Wiliiams and Foxx LOL).  

Pick any player in that top 100 and compare statistics. Jeter loses.  

he played for a very very long time for the NY Yankees. That is all he has

JackDunphy 543 reads
18 / 25

You jumped the shark with your "worst or second worst defensive shortstop in the league"comment. That's just stupid and asinine.

He was one of the games best, up until the last few years. You don't get GG handed to you on a platter. They are EARNED.

To compare a contemporary hitter to the all time hitters based on average is ridiculous. Jeter faced MUCH tougher pitches AND pitching than the players of yesteryear. That's not even close.  

Lets match him up against more contemporary players. Many consider Manny Ramirez (lifetime .312) or Albert Pujols (.317) to be the two best RH hitters of the last 30 years and Jeter is at .310. Incredible for a SS to compare so favorably to those two guys.

He was NOT just a singles hitter and hit for good power as a SS, having double digit HR years SIXTEEN times with not a whisper of steroid use.

He was an exceptionally smart base runner and had 30 SB on 4 occasions.  

NINE times in his career he finished in the TOP 10 in MVP voting.

ESPN has Jeter ranked as the 31st best player of all time.

Buy a clue bro.

-- Modified on 1/8/2015 2:03:54 PM

skarphedin 499 reads
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That list has Jeter ranked over the following players: Bob Gibson, Ken Griffey, jr, Cal Ripken Jr, Nolan Ryan, Mel Ott and Eddie Matthews...  

Golden Gloves are a joke.

Let's assume AVG is an important statistic. Let's also assume that the "quality of pitching" has increased over time. From what year forward would you like to have as the context for Jeter?  

jeter is 17th in Slugging among SS since 1922. Michael Young had more power.  

Jeter is 15th among SS since 1940. He had a little more pop than Rich Aurilia.  

Jeter is 42nd in SB since 1922. His SB rate is not even top 100. Remember, he had almost 12,000 PA.

-- Modified on 1/8/2015 3:20:11 PM

JackDunphy 503 reads
23 / 25

Strike that. You MUST be a Mets fan. Bosox fans would give Jeter his due.  

Nobody could bitch and moan about Jeter being a TOP 50 player, let alone a TOP 100 one, as much as that jealous fan base. lol

Now go argue with ESPN there are AT LEAST 69 more players better than Jeter and tell me how it goes for you. roflmao  

Anyone can argue if he is 31st or not, but to use your is PREPOSTEROUS to think he isn't in the TOP 100.

skarphedin 479 reads
24 / 25

I am a Cardinals fan. But, I stand second to no one in my love of Paul O'Neill. If anyone deserves to be in the HOF for "leadership" it is him. It is not a coincidence that Jeter won only one WS without Paulie Fucking O'Neill...  

The fact that those players are rated lower than Derek Jeter calls into question the validity of the entire poll...  

Derek Jeter was "better at baseball" than Ken Griffey Jr.?  

I will concede that Jeter has the reputation of a Top 100 player.  

If Jeter put up those numbers as a Brewer would we even be having this conversation?

wolverine3647 66 Reviews 531 reads
25 / 25

Derek Jeter is definitely a first-ballot Hall-of-Famer, but if neither Greg Maddox nor Randy Johnson (players close to Jeter's generation) do not receive 100% of the vote, I do not believe that Jeter should be the first to obtain that accomplishment.

I have heard rumors that some of the Hall-of-Fame voters leave certain players that they believe to be "locks" for enshrinement off their ballots, therefore insuring that a player will never receive 100%.  If that's the case, that is a complete crock!

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