Sports Talk

Only YOU would think that typingteeth_smile
CYNIC 6443 reads

slowly increases understanding!  More proof that you're a mental pygmy!

CYNIC7857 reads

hasn't done shit this year!  The NBA REALLY HAS TO CHANGE the selection process for the All-Star game.

Not to mention his 'all about me' style.

I wouldn't worry about it; who(players)really plays anyway?

Did you see the 3 point comp?  Rookie Stephen Curry took second place. Kid is a pure-shooter. Like Bird,Maravich and Wilkens. :-)

Oh btw;i'm sure he has shit somewhere.

He's actually not playing to due "family issues." But, I agree. The fact that the fans voted him in is absolutely nuts!

2011 thru 2020 will be the decade of knicks with emergence of lebron james as greatest player of nba in the history of the sport.who needs the nfl when we have lebron in BIG APPLE

CYNIC5768 reads

could get BOTH Lebron and Wade, which was an assertion that YOU made!  Can't you read?  Aside from the question as to whether or not Lebron WOULD WANT to come to NY, it would seem that the only other star that the Knicks could POSSIBLY get would be Bosh, which I think would be great.  But this is all conjecture.  Wait until things ACTUALLY happen before shooting off your uneducated mouth, and maybe then people might conceiveably pay at least a minimum of attention to you.  After all, ANYTHING is possible, although you're probably an exception to the rule!

please now tell me, lebron james where will he be bigger in ny or cleveland, winning championships in ny do you know how big he would be. and if wade came with him and they both win 5 to 6 championships do you know how huge they would be. kobe has maybe 3 great years left even that. knicks haven't won in 36 years, he would be a god. Trust me if he won 5 or 6 championships he would either match jordan or surpass you know how much his endorsements would jump. lebron in ny. at macys, lebron fragrance, lebron at time square, He would own world. if he loves cleveland why hasn't he signed.Lebron knows what ny would mean to him and his legacy, and he knows when he walked away from game he would be greatest and won in toughest market, something ewing as great as he was never did, i love ewing he was my idol as a kid, i started watching georgetown because of him, all time college player but as a pro only an above average player. he never lived up to the hype.

CYNIC6071 reads

see.  But him AND Wade?  Very doubtful.  What the fuck are you basing that on?  Your imagination?  Like I said before (which you would know if you could READ), maybe Bosh - that's possible.  BTW, Lebron doesn't have to come to NY to prove himself.  Where the hell have you been?  Hasn't he proven himself already?  The NBA is the NBA whether you're playing in Cleveland or NY.  Think of it this way, you moron, did Jordan need to play in NY to improve his legacy?

CYNIC7729 reads

so back it up!  How much would ticket prices go up, moron?  $1,000 for the upper tier?  $100,000 per game for floor seats?  What does "immensely" mean, huh stupid?

CYNIC5939 reads

Knick ticket prices would be?  YOU were the one who said they would go up "immensely," so why don't YOU tell us how much they would be.  And how did the Yankees get into this?  Baseball is a different sport with different monetary dynamics, in case you didn't know.  I just can't believe how persistent you are in proving to us all what a complete idiot you are!  LOL!!!!

if knicks will have same run this decade that the yankees had in late 90s the organization will be extremely profitable. just look at the difference in prices between the mets and yankees. in this recession people pay top dollar for the best but for something average they won't spent one dollar, Do you understand?

CYNIC7670 reads

your original comment about Lebron and Wade, and also totally irrelevant to your comment about ticket prices increasing "immensely."  I still want to know what "immensely" translates to.  Why can't you answer questions concerning your OWN posts?  

-- Modified on 2/16/2010 12:54:32 PM

CYNIC5585 reads

can't even speak or write in English!  You are mentally challenged and hopelessly deranged!

CYNIC6444 reads

slowly increases understanding!  More proof that you're a mental pygmy!

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