Sports Talk

Martin will be on Oprah before it is over with. :D EOM
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1716 reads
1 / 19

...Size isn't everything.  Jonathan Martin went to Harvard-Westlake, one of the most elite high schools in the country.  It's not an athletic powerhouse but H-W also produced Jason and Jarron Collins, notoriously soft players who couldn't have played with (or against) Bill Laimbeer and the Motor City Bad Boys.  H-W isn't exactly Friday Night Lights.

Martin went to college at Stanford which, while competitive in athletics, is more known for its academics.  It's on a par with Duke and Northwestern and is sometimes called the Harvard of the West.

Martin didn't stand a chance against Richie Incognito who was an asshole from the womb.

It's precisely because Martin is so big that he couldn't complain about being bullied.  People just wouldn't believe that a big, tough football player could be bullied.  You don't and you're a fairly reasonable guy.

1rob 42 Reviews 336 reads
2 / 19

all my life-the time comes when you have to stand up for yourself and punch the SOB in the mouth-Worked for me-instead this spawn of wussie IVY League elitists runs away like a little girl-and cries ''bully''   For gosh sakes, GROW A PAIR-I can't have a lot of sympathy for a man who won't stand up for himself-especially if he goes over 300-seems to me he'll be running from tough situations the rest of his life if this episode is any indication-If he can't stand up for himself, IMHO, he wouldn't stand up for his team when needed- I wouldn't want him as a teammate-
Igcognito is doubtless an ass hole and a bully, Big Papa, but the best thing Martin could do would have been to stand up to him instead of running away like an effin pussy-I have no respect for that-especially if he has the physical capacity to do something about it- even an ass whipping would show some guts and character and garner some respect instead of running away and whining like a little bitch-I just couldn't depend on a man like that---thanks for the thread--

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Size isn't everything.  Jonathan Martin went to Harvard-Westlake, one of the most elite high schools in the country.  It's not an athletic powerhouse but H-W also produced Jason and Jarron Collins, notoriously soft players who couldn't have played with (or against) Bill Laimbeer and the Motor City Bad Boys.  H-W isn't exactly Friday Night Lights.

Martin went to college at Stanford which, while competitive in athletics, is more known for its academics.  It's on a par with Duke and Northwestern and is sometimes called the Harvard of the West.

Martin didn't stand a chance against Richie Incognito who was an asshole from the womb.

It's precisely because Martin is so big that he couldn't complain about being bullied.  People just wouldn't believe that a big, tough football player could be bullied.  You don't and you're a fairly reasonable guy.

rktect7 5 Reviews 317 reads
3 / 19

Where Martin happened to attend high school and college has nothing to do with the escalation of the particular situation.  You are getting awfully close to "blaming" him ...

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Size isn't everything.  Jonathan Martin went to Harvard-Westlake, one of the most elite high schools in the country.  It's not an athletic powerhouse but H-W also produced Jason and Jarron Collins, notoriously soft players who couldn't have played with (or against) Bill Laimbeer and the Motor City Bad Boys.  H-W isn't exactly Friday Night Lights.

Martin went to college at Stanford which, while competitive in athletics, is more known for its academics.  It's on a par with Duke and Northwestern and is sometimes called the Harvard of the West.

Martin didn't stand a chance against Richie Incognito who was an asshole from the womb.

It's precisely because Martin is so big that he couldn't complain about being bullied.  People just wouldn't believe that a big, tough football player could be bullied.  You don't and you're a fairly reasonable guy.

rktect7 5 Reviews 479 reads
4 / 19

Maybe Incognito should write that one down ... he might be able to use that one.

If you are questioning a player's response, don't forget to call out the other teammates who most likely knew Incognito's (mis)conduct, yet turned their backs.  You want to talk about "depending on a man"?  Martin could clearly see that no one was in his corner ...

OSP 26 Reviews 289 reads
5 / 19

I really don't know who to agree/disagree with here. I have been a bully(high school) and have been bullied(jr high and high school lol). As an adult, now, I realize my hatred of bullies. I've defended many an underdog when I discover bullying. Why weren't this mans team mates more pro-active in this case? I honestly believe Martin walked away because he thought the team/admin were aware of the situation and refused to act. A BIG man walks away from confrontation. Does there come a time when a man needs to punch someone in the fucking puss? Sure. But a man also picks his battles. You may fuck with me. Fuck with mi familia and I'll stick my fist down your fucking throat and punch your guts out your ass. Or have someone do it(OJ Simpson)

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 368 reads
6 / 19

...professor.  He went to one of the best private prep schools in the country.  A former assistant football coach at Harvard-Westlake said that the coaches were not allowed to yell or curse at the players.  Parents were allowed to come to practice and pull their kids out if they wanted them to do their homework.

That's the world he grew up in.  He didn't "do the dozens" so he wasn't inured to the treatment he received from Incognito.

GaGambler 382 reads
7 / 19

Now which one of us is supposed to be the drunk??? lol (yes the lol was just for you)

As for Martin, As I am sitting here with ESPN on in the backround I am starting to here more about the story which may change my kneejerk reaction that football is a physical sport, anyone who makes it to the NFL level has endured and not only survived, but thrived in other locker room situations, and for a guy to "call mommy" will cost him any respect he ever had in the locker room. That's my knee jerk reaction to the story.

"IF" it turns out that Incognito was not just a lockerroom bully that could be dealt with with a left hook and a right cross in a locker room brawl that would inevitively be broken up before much damage could be done. "IF" is turns out that Incognito was not only threatening to do serious harm outside of the locker room, but was a legitimate threat to do so, in that case I would change my opinion on the subject.

sailor66 14 Reviews 356 reads
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had told Incognito to "toughen Martin up" during the offseason after Martin had missed a couple of workouts. If this is true, then Incognito is being thrown under the bus after doing what he was told to do, and he shouldn't be the only one to lose his job.

GaGambler 335 reads
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it's beginning to sound to me like Martin had "issues"

and has anyone else noticed that lefties always seem to be the ones wanting to coddle anyone who claims to be a "victim"???

My knee jerk reaction as the knuckle dragging neanderthal that I am, is that the guy needs to stand up for himself and be a man. The knee jerk reaction from the typical lib is that he is a victim who should be coddled, and the mean bully punished.

Let's see if BP is also a "fairly reasonable" man and adjusts his opinion as the facts come in?

GaGambler 285 reads
10 / 19

and quite frankly, I don't have much if any sympathy for him. The NFL is for the toughest of the tough. It's not a "right" to play at the highest level, it's a privelege that needs to be earned every day, and it's no place for a pussy, either the mental or the physical type.

The NFL is supposed to be for the best of the best, and the toughest of the toughest. That's why they get paid millions of dollars, I can't imagine him commanding the least bit of respect in ANY locker room from this point forward.

Rob called it perfectly, it's the "pussification" of America that has led us to this point. Fuck Martin, if he doesn't have the mental toughness to survive in the NFL he needs to step aside and let someone who wants to be there take his place, There are thousands of very skilled players who would love to take his place.

Cataclysm 340 reads
11 / 19

It's doesn't matter how big a dude is or the world he's in,  he can still be a mental pussy

1rob 42 Reviews 332 reads
12 / 19

was a paragon of eloquence-for the last 50+ years a certain element of society led by feminists has engaged in the 'pussification of society' where engaging in manly behavior is demonized and characterized as 'neanderthal' and persons are always encouraged to be 'victims' to run to the open arms of a sympathetic politically correct society-I sadly have to say that this effort has been largely successful-The Martin case is a perfect example-Running to Mommy, I dare say, is nothing new to Jonathan Martin-This thing reeks of future litigation and Mom is an attorney-He reportedly now has sought treatment for emotional issues-Bet you dollar to a doughnut there's a lawsuit coming-that one wouldn't even make the board in Vegas  lol-Whare is Martin now? with Mommy-He had tons of choices-stick a fist in Incognito's nose, go to the head coach, general manager, owner of the team-but instead of standing up for himself, he ran-from his team-and cried 'bully' to a politically correct NFL and the world-despite the fact he's a man weighing over 300 lbs-IMHO, he'll never amount to a hill of shit-If he can be bullied by members of his OWN team, imagine what the opposition would do to him. Football is a brutal game with the winner being the strongest and fittest-this includes mentally as well as physically-Martin showed he can't cut it and the Dolphins, who seem to fully support Incognito, don't want a weak link which can be exploited by opposing teams in their effort to win games-
I was in the military many years ago and tend to judge other men as to 'would I want this person in the same fos hole with me in a wartime situation or would this guy have my back?'  For Jonathan Martin, a man who won't stand up for himself, my answer is a resounding 'NO'    

Posted By: GaGambler
it's beginning to sound to me like Martin had "issues"

and has anyone else noticed that lefties always seem to be the ones wanting to coddle anyone who claims to be a "victim"???

My knee jerk reaction as the knuckle dragging neanderthal that I am, is that the guy needs to stand up for himself and be a man. The knee jerk reaction from the typical lib is that he is a victim who should be coddled, and the mean bully punished.

Let's see if BP is also a "fairly reasonable" man and adjusts his opinion as the facts come in?

GaGambler 364 reads
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and I can't imagine another team ever wanting a crybaby like him on their team as well.

It would like be interviewing the hot girl for your personal secretary who has decent skills but sued her last three bosses for sexual harrassment, who would knowingly put themselves in that position?

I agree with your foxhole analogy, I would never want to be in a foxhole with the likes of Martin, or even have him on my side in a bar fight, despite his imposing size. You just know he is the type to cut and run, leaving his friends who are counting on him in the lurch.

Cataclysm 293 reads
14 / 19

is a must have and the NFL is one of them . Bleeding hearts need to leave them alone.  

Good thing it wasn't today's world when Brian Piccolo put the mashed potatoes in Gayle Sayers chair . He 'd be called a bully and a Racist instead of Sayer's best friend

rktect7 5 Reviews 301 reads
15 / 19

It is understandable to have this perspective of players, considering the manner in which we discuss the NFL, with all those militaristic overtones - "he's a warrior", we went to battle", it was a war out there today", etc.

What I find interesting is the fact that our true "best of the best, and toughest of the toughest" - our soldiers in the USMC - have specific policies against the sort of conduct at play here in this Dolphins' situation.

Please don't tell me the NFL is tougher than the USMC?  After all, it is still just a game, right ...

OSP 26 Reviews 337 reads
16 / 19

But Bullying has an "intent" tag. Only the perp is aware of the intent thus leaving his motives up to speculation.

Cataclysm 397 reads
17 / 19

You would have seen them as friends .  

Makes me see it as a SGT and a PVT.

-- Modified on 11/7/2013 5:36:50 PM

Timbow 287 reads
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Timbow 328 reads
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