Sports Talk

Like I said, "I believe in due process"
GaGambler 528 reads

then hang him up by his nuts

Ok, "IF" he is guilty of course. lol

It's a rare day I hear of a soccer player assaulting a woman. When I do it's usually a soccer woman assaulting her man.  
   Oklahoma star freshman hits girl  he didn't know, breaking  four bones in her face.
   Assaults against women should have penalties that hurt .  
Will his penalty fit the crime? I would kick his punk ass off the team, permanently .
   Ravens sub par star suspended  two games for knocking out his fiancé, caught on camera, no criminal charges filed.
 Tough  men don't strike women, only weak boys do.  

-- Modified on 7/26/2014 9:25:20 AM

Players get longer suspensions for getting popped for weed.

Swamp_Donkey473 reads

comments to the press. Like it really wasn't a big deal. Strange

he NFL claims its a league of inclusion. Which is why the Redskins name will ultimately be changed because its offensive to the Native American community and the NFL doesn't want to exclude Native Americans from viewing (and financially supporting) their product. Same with the Gay/Lesbian community. They will not tolerate anti gay remarks (NFL teams quickly come out and disassociate themselves immediately from players who make disparaging comments).They want everyone to feel comfortable watching the NFL.  

To that end, the NFL has gone to great lengths to include women in the overall experience. From breast cancer awareness month, to more and more female sideline reporters, to marketing women's apparel, the NFL really wants women to fall in love with football (which has historically been a male dominated viewership). The NFL see's women as a growing target audience and really is trying to draw in more casual female fans.  

Which is why, when the NFL had a chance to make a MAJOR stand against domestic violence (which is a HORRIFIC problem in this country, inside and outside of sports), they FAILED miserably. A two game suspension for Ray Rice, when he knocked his fiancé out and then showed no remorse or concern (the videos are pretty clear) while dragging her out of the elevator, is beyond appalling. It's a joke and completely laughable.  How can the NFL say to women we want you to watch our games, when they turn around and give a star NFL player only two games for punching/knocking out a woman? If I were a female football fan, I'd be appalled at the suspension.  

As others have pointed out, on the field hits can draw 1-2 game suspensions. Players who smoke weed can get 4 games. A Player can mistakenly take a banned substance (has happened) and its an automatic 4 game suspension.  

Look, do we know the entire picture of what unfolded that evening between Rice and his fiancée up to the time he knocked her out? No; and it doesn't matter. There is NO plausible reason for ANY MAN to ever punch/ knock out a woman. In this society you can't ever put your hands a woman in an aggressive manner. Not acceptable.  

I would have given Ray Rice a minimum suspension of 8 games (and I wouldn't have thought twice if they gave him a year) The NFL let a lot of people down with Rice's paltry 2 game ban,

GaGambler557 reads

If beating the crap out of a woman and dragging her out of an elevator, etc etc. doesn't qualify as a 'breach of morals" I honestly don't know what does. and that would go for any woman, to do this to the woman you plan to marry is just inexcusable.

I agree, the NFL blew this one.

I am a big fan of due process,. I say give him his day in court and then suspend him for a year. Sports stars ARE role models like it or not, sending the message that beating the crap out of the woman you love is only worthy of a slap on the wrist is NOT the message we want to be sending to our youth.


Posted By: GaGambler
If beating the crap out of a woman and dragging her out of an elevator, etc etc. doesn't qualify as a 'breach of morals" I honestly don't know what does. and that would go for any woman, to do this to the woman you plan to marry is just inexcusable.

I agree, the NFL blew this one.

I am a big fan of due process,. I say give him his day in court and then suspend him for a year. Sports stars ARE role models like it or not, sending the message that beating the crap out of the woman you love is only worthy of a slap on the wrist is NOT the message we want to be sending to our youth.

I do agree that pro athletes and such are going to influence others.  

When it comes to children, the parents can be the child's role model. if you can parent better than RR can RTB, Ray's behavior will never influence your child.

I look at this incident as happening of the field, so it should have no bearing on what happens on the field

when Rice first appeared at the Ravens' training camp, he was given an ovation by spectators.

see it first hand. I'm a Steeler season ticket holder and I can't tell you the thousands of women who wear Ben Roethlisberger jerseys. Really? If I give Ben the absolute benefit of the doubt he's an arrogant prick who prob. has gone through life mistreating and disrespecting women. In a worse case scenario, he's a two time rapist bastard who should be serving a life's sentence. But Steeler fans, don't see any of it...They see a two time SB winning QB who could be on his way to a Hall of Fame career... I am no different.  

It's no different than the thousands of die hard Eagle fans who are also diehard dog lovers. They cheered for Michael Vick when he was one of them. Jet fans will now do the same. Vick's sick transgressions have long been forgotten.  

I suspect Raven's fans feel the same way about Ray Rice. When he is running between the tackles on game day and scoring TD"s, they won't see someone who knocked out his fiancé. They will just see Ray Rice the football player who can help the Ravens win.

Opposing fans will certainly deride Rice (as they do with Ben/Vick). But Raven's fans don't care. It's the nature of the sport.

cashorcredit501 reads

Copied and pasted.

AC police filed a report against Ray Rice's fiance Janay Palmer, again reporting that she attempted to cause bodily injury to Rice by striking him with her hand. Both Rice and Palmer were charged with domestic violence charges and are due in court February 26.  

I'm not sure why she was charged with assault but something tells me there's more to this story than we know. So I will hold off judgment for now

as in the tape from the elevator, if there is one.

cashorcredit553 reads

For all we know he could've knocked her out, or she could have been drunk. Their is no tape of what happened inside, at least not to my knowledge.

GaGambler529 reads

then hang him up by his nuts

Ok, "IF" he is guilty of course. lol

cashorcredit459 reads

Although I wasn't in Atlantic City that night, if I had to guess I think the chick was in the casino drunk, she probably strikes him and he strikes her back.  

Lets not hang him by the nuts just yet though lol

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