Sports Talk

I'm old fellows. I used to see them when they were simplyregular_smile
OSP 26 Reviews 6108 reads

the CA. Angels. And the contempt for the Dodgers!; phew

Let's see... Yankees vs Phillies... bragging rights on the Acela Express. Pinstripes vs Phanatics, and the West Coast gets punked out.

Then you've got Dodgers vs Angels - the Freeway Series some of us here in SoCal been waiting for since 1962, and the East Coast gets punked out.

And of course Dodgers vs Yankees , one of the truly great World Series Rivalries. Partisans go wild, true fans revel, and the media jump for joy.

Somehow though, nobody seems to be interested in Phillies vs Angels.

Has anyone else noticed that?

anything NY or LA. Before you go there,the Angels are in ANAHIEM. NOT LA. But you know that already

That's like saying the Giants or Jets are not NY teams, yet the Meadowlands are about 5 miles from NYC...if that.  Anaheim is part of the LA metro area, so it would obviously be like Yankees/Mets, Cubs/White Sox, or Giants/A's, if the Dodgers and Angels get to the Series...

the CA. Angels. And the contempt for the Dodgers!; phew

johnhuntback5273 reads

and when Dean Chance won the Cy Young award in 1964, when there was only one award give nfor both leagues.

CYNIC5991 reads

LA pitchers won 5 straight Cy Young awards back in the day when only ONE award was given each year?  Drysdale won in 1962, and Koufax won it in 1963, 1965 and 1966.  You obviously already know that Chance won it in 1964.

but not one Dodger fan thinks of them as the LA Angels. They are the Anaheim (or California) Angels and always will be despite Moreno's attempt to lure away LA fans.

LA bleeds Dodger Blue, always has, always will. The interlopers will not break into our true fan base. It would be like someone suggesting that the Mets are gonna steal Yankee fans. Just not gonna happen.

Remember, you never here the "Beat LA" chant at an Angel game.

CYNIC7694 reads

I was born and raised in Brooklyn, but nobody here in NY thinks for one moment that LA "stole" the Dodgers.  Indeed, when they left, all their fans turned to the Yankees and the football Giants.  That is, of course, until the Mets were created in 1962.  Many Met fans today are old Dodger fans, and NYers today don't care about the Dodgers, except when they wear their BROOKLYN Dodger caps.  BTW, how many people in LA actually know how the Dodgers got their name?  How many people in LA know about the time 3 Dodgers slid into third base AT THE SAME TIME?

followme6019 reads

Do you know what their name was when they were originally founded as an amateur team in 1845, then was changed to _________________ in 1890 when they joined the National League?

Thank you
2009 = 27

Be careful,  do not get hit by any trolleys.

CYNIC5762 reads

as was the Robins (even though people called them the Trolley Dodgers as far back as the late 1800's).  Do you know who they got that name from, and what MLB record he STILL holds?

followme5758 reads

That is in honor of Uncle Wilbert the winningest manager in their history.

Thank you
2007 = 27

followme5505 reads

You are talking about most hits in a 9 inning game at 7 he is not in sole possession of that record, I forget who but there is one other guy who also has 7 hits in a 9 inning game.

Thank you
2009 = 27

CYNIC6139 reads

He's still the record holder.  I never said he was in sole possession of the record.  But he was the manager when three guys slid into third base at the same time.  That was the only time in MLB history that it happened.

followme5353 reads

If one is not in sole possession of an accomplishment is it really a record, since he is not the only one.

That is almost like asking who has the record for the most unassisted put out in an inning...well i suppose it is a record, that I would think there are  well over a thousand co-holders.
Don't get me wrong 7 hits in 9 innings is a heck of an accomplishment since only he and one other has done it in the history of the game.

Thank you
2009 = 27

Amen, CYNIC!
I started pulling for the Dodgers in '52, when I was 8 and developed a loathing for the Yanks that survives to this day-The Dodgers would get to the Series and the Yankees would beat them-I certainly loved the old team with Pee Wee, Gil, Campy, Duke, Junior, Clem Labine, Oiskine, Billy Cox, Furillo, Newcomb and others-1955 was the greatest year ever for me as a fan as Podres beat the 'Evil Empire' in pinstrips 2-0 in the 7th game in their house, thus righting the wrongs of the sporting universe for those early years in the 50's and giving the typically obnoxious Yankee fans crying 'wait till next year.' smile
I believe the Dodgers would still be in NY if a new stadium deal had not been nixed by a public works official, whose name now escapes me.
Later, Buddy, and it's always good to run into old Brooklyn Dodger fans-1rob...still bleeding Dodger Blue....OUT  8-)

CYNIC7069 reads

Series.  Newcombe was in the Army then, but if he had been pitching that year, there is NO FUCKING WAY they would have lost to the Yankees.  The Dodgers FINALLY had a left fielder that year - Andy Pafko, and Furillo was on fire and won the batting title!

...area. It is 35 miles from L.A. and in Orange County. It's a whole 'nother world.

Being from NJ, I don't see it quite that way, but what do I know commenting about anything going on California?  I do this:  Yanks up by two!

followme6443 reads

If I’m not mistaken it is the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, and it should be the Brooklyn Dodgers of Los Angeles.

Thank you
2009 = 27

YANKEES in six

I'm rooting for an Angles vs. Phillies World Series. You gotta show the City of Brotherly love some love, man.

phone for awhile. Man I was scared to death for relatives and frinds in the area.

Tusayan6405 reads

No it didn't.  The last California World Series was in 2002 when the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim beat the San Francisco Giants 4 games to 3, no earthquake required.

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