Sports Talk

I have given Vick some adviceangry_smile
Floyd_Landis 6708 reads

I told him that he needs to be involved in a doping scandal.  That way, people will forget about the whole dog-fighting episode. Hey, look at Manny Ramirez, ...the whole town of LA is now kissing his dope-tainted ass.

penny718878 reads

He's making his debut tonight against Jacksonville. As reprehensible as his past deeds were, I really hope he does well tonight. Only time will tell if he is really remorseful, but you got to start somewhere.

If he is truly remorseful then he should live in a $1000 a month  one bedroom apartment, drive a five year old ford escort and donate the rest of his income to the humane society.

penny718201 reads

Bearing in mind that he also owes about $20,000,000 to various creditors, that's probably where most of his income will go.

to an organization show that he is remorseful??  Or that someone cares??  I know people who donate to organizations and to fund raisers because they are made to, not because they want too or because they really give a shit about it.

So basically you are saying everything he has already done and been through doesn't mean anything right?  Rapist have gotten less fines and charges than he has.  But they aren't made to give all their income to programs for the sexual abused are they??  And those people they have abused, they have to live with that for the rest of their lives.  Or murderers who get a few years in prison and then released to society.  They aren't made to work in organizations that support families of the deceased.  

But somehow, Mike Vick could be more remorseful by giving up all his money to the human society, instead of paying his millions of dollars debt he has accumulated during this whole thing.  I agree, that would show he's so remorseful, what a great idea.  Do you want to write him the letter with the suggestion, or should I??  

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA another good joke I see.

Little Phil7307 reads

That his appearance on the field was greeted by a standing ovation from the Eagles fans.

At the end of the day, sports appears to be about my team kicking the living shit out of your team.  It seems that being a good guy has no bearing on things.

... will be a slightly different tune.


~ Lorsha

Are standing on the sidelines throwing blood on him or something.  This is football we are talking about, not dog shows.

Hi, Phil!
Remember the Eagles fans once booed Santa Claus-so consider the source. While there are a lot of good Philly fans, there are a lot of obnoxious pricks as well-which even necessitated a court in close proximity to the old stadium to handle the bad behavior such as drunkeness and fighting. Visiting fans sporting their team colors can expect heavy abuse-sometimes physical. I'm a former Buc season ticket holder and I have to admit it warmed the cockles of my heart that the Bucs beat them in their last game at Veteran's Stadium and the first game in the new one. I love all sports fans; it's just that I love the Philly fans a whole lot less than the others-smile.  I'll be following the Vick saga all year and from McNabb's behavior last night, there's a QB controversy already brewing. 1rob...OUT

CYNIC9328 reads

Michigan colors in Columbus!  Ohio State fans are the WORST, and they're like that with ALL opposition fans.  There are SO MANY examples of this, but one of the most notable was the time the mother of a Michigan player was wearing a Michigan jersey with her son's name on it, and she was assaulted on the street in Columbus just because of that.  It was in a good part of town too, and they caught the guys who did it and threw them in jail!  Ohio State fans are treated well in Ann Arbor, which is CONSIDERABLY more civilized than Columbus.  Wearing an "M" hat in Columbus could be a life-threatening experience!

tur19200 reads

As rephrehensible as his acts were, how does this compare with murder of another person, or pedopilia, both crimes committed by other (at least former NFL) players?  In no way does this excuse his acts but when a pedophile gets a 12 month suspended sentence as has happened recently in the area where I live, I can't quite grasp why his acts are so much more hideous.

Floyd_Landis6709 reads

I told him that he needs to be involved in a doping scandal.  That way, people will forget about the whole dog-fighting episode. Hey, look at Manny Ramirez, ...the whole town of LA is now kissing his dope-tainted ass.

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