Sports Talk

Here is a link so all your butt sniff bros can see how much you don't know about hockey too
86H13LTP 350 reads

Geez dude , it's you're team.  

F-Ing closet fair weather fan !!!!

Okay I will admit that I am a UCLA football girl.  I recently started a new job that has me near the LA Kings hockey team.  I still cant tell you anything about the game other than they all try and hit the puck in the goal but it is fun to watch.  I will be cheering for the Kings when they play tonight in Chicago.  Go Kings!

They just stick to their game plan no matter if the other team scores 2 or 3 goals first. They are so resilient. I can't see the Rangers or Canadiens being much trouble for them in the Cup Final.
You gotta give credit to the GM for putting this roster together and the HC for keeping it all going smoothly.

86H13LTP389 reads

lead and Mr. Soft Goals lets the Kings back in it.  

nice try below

86H13LTP420 reads

Scotty Bowman calls him all the time for input .

But Stan is the Hawks GM...and has been since 2010.

Glad to see you are right on top of all this.

You're just an encyclopedia of knowledge  LOL

Guess it must be really boring to just sit at your apartment and vent how life has so poorly treated you.  Cheer up...things can get worse for you!

Maybe go out (your nurse will help you get to the walker and assist you with all of that) and talk to real live people.  It may change your disposition on life.  Or just be the miserable old fart you are...hating that you can't do anything.  Seriously...try and walk a block at first.  Then two.  It may take you a while...but you've got nothing better to do anyhow

86H13LTP398 reads

first things Rocky did was get Scotty onboard as a senior advisor . Last year was Scotty's 13th cup he's been part of .  

I love it when jack offs make it easy .  

Ha Ha Ha fucking know it all boy !!!

I'll bet Bob would take a walk with you...just ask. are a genius  LOL

Someone needs to wake up Scotty and let him know you think he's the bomb.  He'll not care...but it is time for his pre-game ritual.  Do you know what it is

86H13LTP438 reads


Pre-game ritual ,
Oh your mean you have to get that closet dust of your knockoff sweater .  

Go get'em Tiger !

All you know how to do is google shit.

When you actually put a pair of skates on and go around the rink one time we can chat.  Until're just another pathetic wannabe player that never got closer to 1,000 feet from an ice surface.

Maybe if you're really nice to your nurse tonight she'll get you out of the house and you'll make it around the block.  Let me know when you've got that far and I'll see if old red lips will take you to Target tomorrow and the two of you can do the greetings at Home Depot.  He still doesn't need a walker however...can you stand on your two feet for 8 hours?

As a bonus...if you make it all the way I'll see if I can get Stan and Scotty to come and say hi to you.

Posted By: 86H13LTP
 Pre-game ritual ,  
 Oh your mean you have to get that closet dust of your knockoff sweater .  
 Go get'em Tiger !

86H13LTP351 reads

Geez dude , it's you're team.  

F-Ing closet fair weather fan !!!!

So let's see...Scotty has been involved in what per se?  Aside from a few photo ops?'re letting the talking heads get to you.

Has your nurse been able to clear a path yet so you can get to the walker?  Come on...give it a try.  It'll do you good.

If you can go around the block in less than 4 hours...I promise to name you a senior adviser as well.

Posted By: 86H13LTP
Geez dude , it's you're team.  
 F-Ing closet fair weather fan !!!!

86H13LTP376 reads

instead of modifying your dumbness or trying to get the strong dropped like other no brains do .

"get the strong dropped"....WTF is that all about?

Sheesh...I figure the closest you've ever been to an ice surface was when you broke down and went to see "Stars on Ice".  And then you figured that qualified you to claim you know Olympic level athletes.

Check with your nurse tonight...she's told me that she's been trying to get you to walk a block.  We're all rooting for you.  I also think that your nurse knows Corey Crawford.  Makes sense now.  You're a jealous old man that wants her attention.

One day if you'd like we can meet up and I'll take you on a tour of the Hawks locker room.  That should be a big thrill for you.  Then you can tell the other old men at rehab that you have met real hockey players.  That should make your day.  Just no stepping on the Indian head logo. really is there in the locker room.  And guess what...all the other teams have the same type of logos on the floor.  Won't that be exciting?

Posted By: 86H13LTP
instead of modifying your dumbness or trying to get the strong dropped like other no brains do .

Lol! I'd just be happy to have Bowman or his son associated with my club again. The guy is a hockey god.

the Granato family members involved.  A terrific family with a wealth of knowledge on so many levels.

I got to see Tony skate as a 9 y/o for DG and he was a terror back then.  But he also became a very involved coach through the years.

Some years later my kid skated for Daddy Don and Robbie...then played some with Cammie.  All of them work hard to get kids involved...and give so much back to the community.

No shortage of extremely talented skills coaches in Chicago.  Unfortunately being a great skills coach doesn't translate into being a really good bench coach.  Always fun to watch certain ex-NHL'ers get behind a bench  LOL

Posted By: DocJuan24
Lol! I'd just be happy to have Bowman or his son associated with my club again. The guy is a hockey god.

unfortunately being an enforcer behind the bench as he was on the ice doesn't add up the Wins.

-- Modified on 6/1/2014 12:49:15 AM

unless they loose to the black hawks! then I don't care

lets go rangers!!!!!

welcome to the family! hockey is the best sport  
I can watch if it college or russians KHL or ottawa and calgary  

football is fun baseball is long and slow interrupted by excitement, like life! or war!

hockey is noon stop excitement broken up by a fight

if you love hockey I love you

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