Sports Talk

Her we geaux Saints! Can they make it 12 and OMFG?
Chengster 20 Reviews 7021 reads
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They don't do so well in the cold, snow or grass fields.  But then again they are playing the skins and that is the next best thing to a bye week.  

Have a friend who is trying to unload 4 lower level end zone tickets with a parking pass.  PM if interested

CoachFollowme 5514 reads
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Very possible for both the Saints and the Colts to go into the post season undefeated.

I think that would be a first.

Thank you
XLIV = 4

Chengster 20 Reviews 6502 reads
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But as a long time Saints fan we always expect the collapse

CYNIC 5799 reads
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Chengster 20 Reviews 5421 reads
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They are actually pretty good seats but he waited till last night to try and unload them.  He is will to let the set of 4 ands the parking pass go for about 200,  the face value of the ticket is 109.   He was surprised I didn't jump on them but since I just home from the hospital I have no desire to go freeze my ass off at the game.   Gonna sit at home, enjoy a guinness or two and the nice pain meds the doc gave me (in moderation) and watch the game on the big screen.

CoachFollowme 5081 reads
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My cousin DrFollowmeMD tells me NEVER, NEVER, NEVER mix any kind of alcohol with any kind of meds.

And my Cousin OldFollowmeSailor wants  to hear ya rooting for NAVY next week
so Don’t fuck up on us.

Anchors Aweigh

Thank you
XLIV = 4

Chengster 20 Reviews 7422 reads
7 / 28

Didn't work so well for several rock stars and I don't care to risk it,  so just tylenol this morning so I can have a guinness or two during the game. Pain levels are not too bad so should be OK

CYNIC 6329 reads
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Chengster 20 Reviews 4249 reads
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OSP 26 Reviews 4973 reads
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my high school team to beat an NFL team. I thought for sure i would just 'cover' on this one. It's early.

penny71 6671 reads
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But, as the immortal Kenny Mayne said time and again, games aren't played on paper, they're paper inside TV sets. Nawlins needs to keep their guard up, cause this can be a trap game.

penny71 7141 reads
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CYNIC 6665 reads
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SaraPrescott See my TER Reviews 6687 reads
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WTF? Seriously? Tied with the Deadskins come on now get with the program guys!

CYNIC 5861 reads
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OSP 26 Reviews 6899 reads
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Chengster 20 Reviews 7106 reads
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Said it before, they can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on ay given day.  

Thank goodness for good pain meds, this will all be a blurry memory

Oh well, it was a good run and they will still make the playoffs.  It is not that they lost that hurts, it's losing to the Skins, it's like when teh Skins lost to the Lions.

penny71 6072 reads
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CYNIC 6844 reads
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CoachFollowme 5971 reads
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OSP 26 Reviews 6170 reads
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I'm taking CYNIC's advise and standing down for awhile. This streak can't continue. I'm flirting with disaster if i go on.

Besides; what the hell am i going to do about the IRS? ;-).

penny71 5310 reads
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CYNIC 3616 reads
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