Sports Talk

Final Free VIP Days - World Cup 2014 Predictions Competition
DiscussionBoardAdmin 1884 reads

Congratulations to all winners!!!    

chchcheckitout 45
B9TAG 45
hornyguy123 40
T20T21 40
bunza 30
seymourbutz 30
majornutz 25
stpohboy 15
dctravel_2003 10
macdaddy1944 10
257044 10
maxexpatl 10
FuckMeAlbert 10  
Scaramouche 10
Darkforce35 10
Nnoway 10
strdrdrgz2 10
johnipe 10
sweetromantic 10
stolper 10
MVPness 10
Concorde757 10
Tio_Chilo 1


I'm really happy I won 10 free VIP days, but I just checked my status and I'm still a basic member. Please advise as to what I did wrong and how I can go about enjoying my test drive of the service. Thank you.

Go to account manager at the top right corner of the screen. At the bottom of the screen you will see two lines.

Membership Type:

VIP Days Remaining:

What do those say?

In a few cases, if you are awarded free VIP days, those days do not begin until you actually purchase a paid membership which is monthly, quarterly, semi annual, annual or you submit a review.

I went to account manager and it says I'm still a basic member. I guess you were right -- I needed to be an existing VIP member to get the free days. Bummer. I guess there really is nothing in life for free. Still, it was a fun competition!  

Thanks for the help friend and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Thanks for a fun competition!  Hope to see more events like this :)

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