Sports Talk

Elin's golf game
Foodyguy 29 Reviews 6400 reads

I don't know how many lessons she has had.  I do believe she has the best pay out per lesson or stroke of any one in the world.

Now you have two of the three mistresses fighting each other out in public for their 15 minutes of fame and the title of who brought down Tiger first.

You have Uchitel in one corner who talked to the Enquirer first, passed lie dictator tests, and provided some evidence to give the story credibility. She then publicly lies saying she never had an affair with Tiger and it wasn't her who talked to the Enquirer. Today she will admit to the affair through her lawyer and claim I lied that I never had an affair to protect Tiger.

She also claims ownership to the Tiger - Elin dust up that night by claiming to have been texting Tiger just prior.

In the other corner, you have Grubbs who claims ownership to the longest affair with Tiger going back 31 months, several dozen text messages and a voice recording of Tiger the night before asking her to cleanup her voicemail greeting.

Somewhere in the middle you have Kalika Moquin who is not talking for now.

My feeling is you will have several more "mistresses" come out in the coming weeks after the realization they were not the only ones bedding Tiger besides his wife sinks in and the dream of a multi million payday in "hush money" from the networks, Tiger himself, the PGA, or his sponsors fades away.

Early next year you will have phony lawsuits against Tiger with claims he promised to marry em, then reneged blah, blah, blah. Given the history of some of these girls, I won't rule out "Tiger gave me an STD" lawsuit.

By early spring, "my affair with Tiger" tell all books will hit the shelves.

It is amazing what the pursuit of fame, money, and "happiness" will get people to do. Directly or indirectly, it is open season on Tiger's bank account right now and it will cost him if he wants to put everything back under the lid. The PGA, sponsors, networks or others will probably pay up because right now he is their "money."

The media built up Tiger Woods since he was two years old and appeared on the Carson Show? They will bring him down now. It always happens that way. A year and a half to two years from now when Tiger is on the verge of catching Jack and passing him, they will start sucking his cock all over again.

then Tiger should be able to get out of this after a month in the dog house.

The question is how much will the diamond he has to buy cost him?

What ever it does, it will be worth it.

CYNIC6706 reads

chicks seem to be coming out of the Woodswork.  There are three already, with more to come, I'm sure.  Quite clearly, Tiger's one of these guys who can't keep his dick in his pants!

They had a prenup agreement but according to the lawyers he is offering her millions more to stay.  If she stays another 2 years, she would double what she originally agreed to and if she stays to 10 years (have been married 5 so far), she will get 4 times the original amount.  

Well I guess he can afford it.  Talk about a "professional" agreement, this makes us pros seem cheap in comparsion.

He needs Elin now more than she needs him. She alone can help rehab his image similarly to what political wives have done. Think Clinton's, Spitzer's, Vitter's, Ensign's and many more.

He is too close to Jack's record to divorce, date, remarry and have kids. That "green side DFK" money shot with her and the toddlers around when he passes Jack will be worth a fair amount along with the false media portrayal of a "happily married couple and family."

penny716047 reads

He and his wife introduced Tiger and Elin, and Elin was their nanny. He said he hopes Elin uses a driver next time instead of a 3-iron.

I have had many recent close shaves, but my choice of Fusion was not a mistake.

I don't know how many lessons she has had.  I do believe she has the best pay out per lesson or stroke of any one in the world.

At least Tiger is spreading the wealth now.  He is paying off the wife to stay and now the girls to keep quiet.  A million ain't too shabby.

CYNIC5156 reads

have avoided a lot of this if he had just been more open at the outset.  He may have gone to Stanford, but he obviously didn't learn too much.

Don't worry if tiger wins a few majors, then we all will be talking about how great of a golfer he is!

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