Sports Talk

Did you really PM . Must be a real tiny one between your legs
Cottonmouth 171 reads

I could tell you more about Kenny Stabler and Joe Namath than you may care to know . Maybe not though because you sound like the type who might get off on it .  

All that happened in that Iron bowl is the season got good . The same thing happened in 2011 with LSU .  

You are clueless and  know nothing . I say you're a fraud which is par for the course with anyone connected to Auburn .

-- Modified on 12/1/2017 8:17:09 AM

-- Modified on 12/1/2017 8:43:21 AM

I am an Auburn Grad. And am sick andntired of all these damn bama fans (bam’rs) that can’t spell Tuscaloosa! Hell, I guess you have to be able to read before you can spell!  

I’m not talking about legitimate, lifelong Bama fans....My grandparents were legit and I’d pull for the University to beat all other SEC schools unless their loss could really help Auburn. It’s the johnny-come-lately’s that chap my ass to no end! They were all Gatot fans 10-12 years ago when UF was on top. And, just look at ‘em...... fat, toothless, food-stamp using, GED- desiring ......

But the person that chaps my ass the MOST is Gary Danielson!!! He’d suck Saban’s dick on national TV given the opportunity!!! 2 Weeks ago during the Auburn-Georgia, Danielson couldn’t refrain from wanting to suck up to Saban again! At least 3 times he said some shit like “...... unlike Alabama and Nick Saban”
Danielson is the worst Saban kool-aid drinker of them all!  

Looking forward to feed back! Please state if .....
A. You or an immediate family member have a college degree.
B. you live in the state of Alabama
C. A NY Yankees’ fan in the summer
D. or if you just went to Wal-Mart like 98% of the other bam’rs


Cottonmouth158 reads

Every war chicken alum had to kick in at least something to help pay for that big new shiny church .  



** lot S , look for the flag , one extra for that creep friend ** answer your phone **

Personally I kicked in $50,000..... pocket change! But, little do you ACTUALLY know! The Dad’s church hadn’t seen as much as a coat of paint! The SOB, lied to alums as well as Cam!!!

And your shitty punctuation indicates you are a bam’r!!! LOL!

86H13LTP144 reads

dress a redneck up but he's still a dumb ass who falls for the pretty smile and a line of BS a mile long .  

You figure it out , brain surgeon .  


86H13LTP148 reads

Neither he or any of his yankee family ans friends from Beaver Falls , PA are allowed to cheer for Alabama according to your ignorant reasoning .  

National Championship and SuperBowl winner Joe Willie Namath is out according to some dipshit who thinks Auburn is an Ivy League school .  It's more like a Kudzu redneck school full of clown want to be's .

Fella’s I didn’t say anything negative about the school, any coaches or players! I was dissing on the fans that have just jumped on the bus, and act like they are superior...... when in actuality these bam’rs are fat, toothless, and perhaps jobless.

The “Yankee” meant they probably wear NY Yankee stuff during baseball season...... that shit is available at Wal-Mart as well! I named a gerbil after Joe Willie when I was like 8-9. Read his biography, too!

Cottonmouth172 reads

I could tell you more about Kenny Stabler and Joe Namath than you may care to know . Maybe not though because you sound like the type who might get off on it .  

All that happened in that Iron bowl is the season got good . The same thing happened in 2011 with LSU .  

You are clueless and  know nothing . I say you're a fraud which is par for the course with anyone connected to Auburn .

-- Modified on 12/1/2017 8:17:09 AM

-- Modified on 12/1/2017 8:43:21 AM

Talking about football, and you start talking about the size of my cock. “cottonmouth”.... get that from all the dried cum on your lips? Being a bam’r don’t own a toothbrush, so the acculation makes sense!

I know plenty about Bama football. Growing up Snake Stabler was like my hero! I remember Johnny Musso, Scott Hunter.... I said I hate all these goddamn band wagon jumpers! Most of these ignorant fucks were gator fansn10-12 years ago!  

A Fraud????? What the fuck is that suppose to mean? I got a COLLEGE diploma (do you?), plus 7 others in my family have Auburn Diploma’s! Not counting the blacksheep with uga and Dividson degrees.

One college has three different quarterbacks that won at least 1 Super Bowl each. Name the school and the 3 QB’s...... See if you can do it without Google!’m
I made it perfectly clear that I respect Saban, the school and the storied history that is Alabama football. Sober up and read anothers post, before you act. OR, am I using too many multi-syllabic words for you?

Enough said!  

God, I hope all the band wagon, toothless, overweight bam’rs don’t start wearing Auburn gear!

I have a college degree and, except for the 23 years I spent in the best Navy in the best world, I'm a lifetime Alabama resident. Not a Yankee fan, but not a Yankee hater either. And yes, I go to Wal-Mart on occasion. That being said, announcers like Danielson are the reason that I've started muting my TV and watching the game in silence. I don't need some ratchet-jaw telling me what just happened. I pull for Auburn except when they're playing 'Bama. By the way, congratulations on a great win for Auburn. Since Navy lost also, the football weekend really sucked!  

You sir display the same class of character as my grandparents! Though I may not! Until around Saban’s 3 or 4 season, I too would pull for the U of A, unless playing Auburn OR an Alabama loss really helped Auburns’ standing!
What I really hope doesn’t happen, is that some of these bam’rs start wearing AU gear! I keep the old faded decals on my vehicles as proof, that I have been AU for some time.

Thanks for your post. Refreshing to hear from an intelligent Bama fan that read my initial post, and didn’t just come back “hatin”. I have respect for the school, the team and history. I’ll argue that Saban is a better coach then even Bear Bryant. That should get some response!

sometimes when I'm in Wal-Mart, I actually see some people wearing Auburn gear.

GaGambler152 reads

Actually I am only a fan of my wallet and I have no loyalties to any team, either college or pro. I do have quite a few teams that I have a certain "fondness" for, which usually comes from having won a lot of money by betting on them. All three major Florida teams of the 80's 90's and yes Bama as well over the last several years are a few who come to mind.

That said, I have to agree with you about the "faux fans" I just don't understand the concept of being a "rabid" fan of a school you didn't either go to, grew up rooting for, or otherwise have some kind of connection to. I lived in Atlanta for well over 15 years and as such I am "kind of" a Dawgs fan, but I won't hesitate to bet/root against them on their off years or whenever I think they are outmatched (or the spread is too high. lol)

To answer your questions, NO I do not have a college degree, I am a very happy college dropout. NO, I do not live in Alabama, but I did live there for a time back in the 90's. NO, I not a Yankees fan, but neither am I a Yankees hater, and lastly YES, I was in Walmart as recently as yesterday. lol

Lastly, I am expecting a MUCH better game today. The narrow spread (UGA -1 1/2) shows the oddsmakers agree with me, as I know how hard it is to beat a team as good as UGA is this year twice in the same year. Not taking anything away from Auburn, you guys have earned my respect this year, and I did actually pick you to beat Bama, but I just don't think you are going to have it that easy today. I do plan on putting a few bucks on the Dawgs, but I don't plan on betting the farm on this game.

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