Sports Talk

Brent Musberger sucks! The Rose Bowl would be evenangry_smile
CYNIC 5440 reads

more enjoyable if just about anybody else was announcing.  I can't stand him!

Yea, and to think that he will be doing the Championship gams on thursday.  How much you wish to bet that he will be biased for alabama?

St. Croix4851 reads

Nevertheless, the Rose Bowl is the best venue for a football game. This bowl just outclasses all other bowls.

johnhuntback4894 reads

You couldn't think Rose Bowl without Keith Jackson coming to mind.

I can't think of college football on TV period without thinking of Keith Jackson! He was the best!
I'm very fortunate in that I pay pretty much no attention to the announcers of the games except the color guys who are usually ex-players. I figure they know a little bit about what's going on.

He was the best as long as you were Michigan or USC!

CYNIC6078 reads

I suppose there's some truth to that.  Also Washington.

Which means you miss Roone Arledge. He was to sports broadcasting like the O'farrell brothers and Jenna Jameson were to porn. Henceforth you need a good executive producer to know what he is doing.

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