
The TER Newsletterregular_smile
Mo Joe 78 Reviews 1535 reads

I find the newsletter to be very informative and filled with great information for both hobbyists and providers.  If you'd like to receive the newsletter go to our homepage, click on "join our mail list" and complete the form.

The following is the most recent newsletter:

A Word from the staff
Chat with the very sexy Red and Carol of California in the Video Chat Room Thursday 1/17 at 7PM PT. Check out the Chat Schedule for more details. Don't forget, ladies, if you have strong reviews on TER you can join us as a featured chat guest by e-mailing us. See you in the chat rooms, where the talk is cheap but the women never are!

In order to provide for the volume of visitors we will be upgrading our servers on Wednesday 1/16/02. There should be no downtime, but if you have any technical problems please email [email protected]

Do you have questions about submitting reviews or did your reviews get turned down? Maybe our new review help section might help steer you in the right direction. If you still have questions, please email [email protected]

-- Staff

TER Newsletter:
Recently, one of our members posted this question on my board:  Do you have any advice for the younger ladies on how to have sex with men over 50?  Apparently, when this man couldn't get aroused fast enough to suit the taste/schedule of a provider he was with, she callously gave him a hard time of a different kind.  

For the gals:  Any smart woman knows that sex is a very important means of expression for men - a non-verbal way to offer themselves to another and be accepted, physically and emotionally.  When a man makes a sexual overture to a partner he is really doing something more than asking for sex (even if he has other, female commitments in his life) -- he is asking for acceptance.  What I am suggesting, ladies, is that you learn
to understand and respect this particular vulnerability men have to avoid damaging their self esteem and losing business.

Even if your client isn't that younger Mr. Right you may be hoping to meet in your private life, you don't have to wait until you're in love to be loving.  By this I mean that anyone can learn to bridge the generation gap and be a great lover, simply by being kind, attentive and caring. What older men may lack in stamina, they more than make up for in technique and sexual generosity.  And while they may take a little longer to get an erection, studies show they stay harder longer than
their younger counterparts.  This gives them more time to pay attention to you -- and what girl wouldn't benefit from that?  

At this point, perhaps some of you are thinking:  'This is only my business.  I'm not going to give any of my real self away.'  But if you tend to lash out at the men you see, you are already giving up a valuable part of yourself:  Your own sexual power.  You are declaring that you are not the master of your own destiny, but the unhappy victim of your client's whims.  Everybody loses. As many of you already know, your clients visit you as much if not more for a GFE than they do for
sexual gratification.  A session can still be salvaged, and even
enhanced if a young woman just takes a moment to give her older visitor some positive feedback rather than making him feel like crap.  

Rather than focus on his penis, pay attention to the entire man.  Shift the purpose of your session from giving him an orgasm to giving him a good time.  Men really like a sense of humor, so use yours to ease any tension.  Sometimes a slower start can be an opportunity to engage in better sex in the long run.  Have him get creative with foreplay.  Since men are so visual, they love to explore the feminine side of a woman.
Encouraging him to work you into a state of sexual excitement pleases many men as much as getting off themselves.  Let him tell you about a past conquest, or take advantage of his own sexual history - guys with a lot of life experience make great teachers in the bedroom, where homework assignments are always a plus.

For the Guys:  See if you can stop buying into society's line that the older you get, the less attractive someone else will find you.  As a culture group we Americans have become truly paranoid about the aging process.  I honestly get email from men in their 30's who are worried about this.  We like to think that with age comes wisdom - but this is not always so with love and sex.  If you find you are hooking up with too many girls who don't have the savvy it takes make a man feel that
he's more than a meal ticket, I once again recommend reading the TER reviews to check out whether or not your next provider will be somebody who not only physically interests you - but somebody who will suit your emotional needs as well. Some women just happen to be, by their nature, more kind and intuitive than others.  Many more post that they prefer seeing gentlemen over a certain age on their websites.  

Another way to insure better session quality is to address the problem head on:  Mention your age to the next girl you see and gage her reaction.  Also try to find ways to boost your own confidence outside the bedroom, which will help you whenever you decide to enter it again.  Although a steady diet of physical and mental stimulation won't forever keep the Reaper at bay, it can help a person stay vital and productive.

Finally, for both guys and gals:  In this life we have two choices, wait alone for a perfect soul mate to show up, meanwhile demanding that others give to you what you may be too stingy to give back, until sex becomes forced and unenjoyable.  Or... make it a practice to open yourself up to new experiences with different individuals.  Personally, I always think it's better when you seek to become the kind of person YOU always wanted to meet!  

- Randi Lane

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WOW I couldn't have said it better myself!! Great WORDS GG
Thank you for the lovley insight into the way to deal with a mature man!!I believe that every man should be treated in that manner! And I treat all of them that way NO MATTER WHAT! I cannot believe some of the things I hear of some of the younger prettier providers say and do to thier poor clients.
Poor guys!

... I couldn't possibly take credit for a publication that I didn't write.  I just wanted to show our readers a sample of our newsletter and encourage those who are interested to put their names on the distribution list.

I'll be sure to give credit where credit is due!  Glad you enjoyed it.


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