
Question for providers and hobbyists
MAKUXHAL 25 Reviews 1421 reads

It seems like more than a fair share of hobbyists try to make sure the providers enjoys the time to the fullest.
Is this something that you guys do in your non hobby related encounters?
And ladies in your non hobby related trysts, are your partners usually so determined to make sure you enjoy your experience cumpletely?

It seems like the numbers dont match up, I talk to a fair amount of women at work and they are always complaining that they are left hanging.....what gives?

... and something I've thought about time and time again.

Just to make sure that I understand you question, I believe you're asking whether most men treat the providers they see better than their SOs.

In my case, the answer is definitely YES.

There are things that I could say and do with a provider that I wouldn't feel comfortable saying or doing with an SO.  I'm convinced that both hobbyists and providers have a bit of "rebel" in them, and therefore we understand each others' needs -- especially with regard to the reasons why we partake in the hobby.  

My experiences with providers, both intimate and intellectual, are almost always positive and whenever I see ladies it's usually on the best of terms.  For this reason many of my female friends are providers.  

Now isn't this an incredible hobby?  Sure beats collecting stamps, eh?


plus people are so more interesting to lick than stamps lol!

Desiree1532 reads

LOL, I felt like being a raunchy little...uh..girl.
Well, lets see here. Sometimes I like a nut, sometimes I prefer to give an unexpected gift of surrender. I know that most men like to please their partner, that is all fine and well. One thing I think is important to understand is that trying too hard to please is completely retro-active. When I am in the mood to be the aggresor, I want to have the control to make a body move...hmmmmm. There are times when I feel like expressing myself with flesh and moans, I want a pliant canvas to work with. It is at these times that my pleasure is derived form that expression alone.

On another facet, I enjoy receiving a passionate rendering of.... well, thats a secret. LOL The ability to know when to be the canvas or the perveyor is as much a part of the experience as the mmmmmmmm. It is how you feel, not a "have I given/received my share?" contemplation. The way I see it, if things are flowing in a good way, do not overly exert resistance to make a supposed "equal" ratio. Let the expression express.

Happy Holidays! Peace, Desiree

Zolya1736 reads

Desiree, you are so correct in your statemet. And lady you are one canvas I love working with....

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