
Am I too old or not old enough? (More info for Newbies)
greeneyes98104 1517 reads

When I first began meeting my new female friends, I had this question sort of turning inside of me.  
Am I too old to meet young women?  
After bringing up the question to a few ladies and looking through some guide books.  I found that a guy really can’t be too old!  In fact many providers prefer older gentlemen.  Some will require that their client be at least twenty five years of age or more.  What matters most is that you carry yourself and your age with grace and flare.  Keep well groomed and don’t dress sloppy.  So even if your new lady friend is half or even a third your age, you may feel comfortable knowing that she really does care about entertaining you.

Now while I’m off to pick up a six pack of Ensure,   I’d like to especially thank those ladies who don’t let age get in the way of a good time.  

Take care.

Mr. Green Eyes

Dear Mr. Green Eyes,

Money is money, age is not the issue.  $250 from a 22 year old will go just as far as $250 from a 65 year old. I agree that hygiene is a must, and having some manners is always nice, but frankly, providers could care less about how you dress or look, as long as you show up on time, clean, sober, shaved (if you DATY),  and with cash in hand.  Your clothes, sloppy or not, tasteful or not, are going to come off anyway.  This isn't dating, this is prostitution.  

Sure, in a perfect world she would prefer her clients to be youngish, but not too young, nicely dressed, handsome, have  tight bods, and be great lovers, but this just isn't the reality.  Hobbyists are people.  They come in all shapes, sizes, ages, incomes, races, looks, and styles of dress.

If a provider prefers older men (some do), it's usually because they perceive older men to be more calm, more reliable, more humble, less aggressive, and perhaps less interested in developing more than just a professional relationship than a young man.  

I've seen escort websites that post age minimums (I think  Jasmin asks that you be over 25?) but have never seen a maximum.  I guess the upper limit would be dictated by your ability to acheive an erection. Just another reason to hit the gym, pump some iron, take a jog, hike a trail, do some Kegel excercises, or book with Jae.  

Have fun, stay safe, and leave the lights ON!!

-- Modified on 1/14/2002 12:15:40 PM

although the majority of them are late 20's - mid 30's.  But from what I understand my clientele are a little different than the usual hobbyist.

As for you Green Eyes - your age definately doesn't show - you look like the typical rebel motorcyle stud - bad boy with a sweet heart.

Ice hon, still waiting in anticipation to see if my Ice tricks will work on you:-)

Be safe and Be bad:-0


You never see a site where the provider says "No one over 250 pounds"!  Money is the issure here and that is about it.  No matter what age, if you are a pleasant, clean and kind person you will get rewarded.

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