San Francisco

The problem in hiring girls from SF is that there are a number of great strip clubs in SF...
BiggieCheese 19655 reads
1 / 8

Starting a small, upscale agency in the area.  Any ideas on how to make it work for you fellow gentlmen out there?  Rate would be around $400 per hour.  Only have college-type ladies who are legitimately in school.  No drugs.  Wholesome, fun types.  What do you think?

riker 7 Reviews 26337 reads
2 / 8

The only thought that springs immediately to mind is that you should use the phrase "wholesome, fun types" in your ads :)

"No drugs" is also pretty good:)

riker 7 Reviews 25973 reads
3 / 8

But on a serious note, the most important thing is for an agency to have a good reputation. That's the key to attracting quality ladies to join and that's the key to getting them bookings.

I used to be highly opposed to agencies, because of a couple of early bad experiences. Since reading a couple of really excellent reviews on TER, of ladies who happened to be associated with agencies, I decided to take a chance. In the past several months, my very best experiences ever have been with agency girls.

Acquiring and maintaining a good reputation is most vital, because once a rip-off review has been submitted, the entire agency will be considered a rip-off, or at least a bad bet.

1) Hire great ladies who love what they do.
Many times the rip-off provider doesn't start out intending to be a rip-off. They're girls who want money, but are not particularly inclined (or reclined, as it were) toward this kind of thing. They do their best at first, but soon discover they're not cut out for it. But they still want the money, so they use what they know to cheat guys. Some girls may also have the ability to deceive the agency into believing they are sincere in their desire to please.

2) Offer customer service.
Agencies are often known for not giving half-a-damn about the clients. When a client calls to complain about a no-show, or poor service, they are quite often ignored. Now, I know it's tough to offer extra time or discounts to every guy who decides he's going to complain about something, but doing your best to make up for a no-show, late or simply lousy provider will be something that soon earns you a fabulous reputation.

3) Teach these girls how to enjoy themselves, and what a GFE is.
Invariably, the best escorts are ladies who really love people and enjoy what they do. They are girls who suck the marrow from the bones of life and suck the bone of the gentlemen they meat dry. (a rotten attempt at word-play)
Sex is fun. Everyone likes sex - everyone who's doing it right. And clients can be very nice, respectful and fun-loving people. If you're going to be operating an upscale service at $$$$, you're going to have to have GFE providers. What I mean is: ladies who kiss, and enjoy deep french kissing. BBBJ is optional, but SF is desperate for the girl friend experience since it is so rare here. Typically I pay $$$ for an hour with a lovely lady, but I'd be willing to pay the $$$$ if it involved that kind of passion and affection.

4) Stay involved with TER. TER is one fabulous community, and here is where you find the top-quality clientele. They may be quiet on the Board, but they're using and writing reviews in volumes that rival our competitors sight. Post ads here, post topics and participate in the discussions. Offer your insights and let the guys here get to know you, the girls and how you do business.

Good luck in your venture,
Keep us all posted because I’ve got a feeling this could be something good,

lostronin 20983 reads
4 / 8

I believe that it is imperative that the girl in the photo is the girl the client sees. By this I mean two things: first it is very easy for a photo of the actual girl to be false. There are ways to photograph someone so they look thinner, taller, younger whatever. One misreprentative photo would taint the entire agency pictorial IMHO.
Second, all lot of agencies have "similar" ( I use that term loosely) girls. You see this a lot with the agencies (russian ones spring to mind immediately). Ususally it just means that there are several blondes for the day, or brunettes, or what have you. I would never use an agency twice that did this. However, if I see a photo, and I find that person attractive, SHE shows up, and there is the emphasis on service that Riker suggests, They will have created a regular customer. A regular customer that recommends them to their friends is the best thing a buisness can have. LR

riker 7 Reviews 20418 reads
5 / 8

I can't believe I left that one out. Never send a differenct girl than requested. If she's unavailable, tell the client on the phone, and let them know who is available, and direct them to see the pics of her on the Web. Often, they may take your suggestion and call at a later date to the see the original girl they were trying to book.

BiggieCheese 22418 reads
6 / 8

We always heard it was hard to hire directly from the SF area?  Is this not true?  There must be tons of college girls and young professional women who would be interested or not?  We have always heard you must bring your own "crew" to SF...not correct?

riker 7 Reviews 21380 reads
7 / 8

finding those girls is another matter, about which I would have no idea

GirlCrazy 19019 reads
8 / 8

Pretty women can make lots of money by stripping in SF.  So you have to compete with them for available talents.  Former strippers are not necessary good escorts.  Stripping requires hassling with in the world of escort is a prelude to ROB experience.  IMHO, stripping extracts a high emotional price from ladies than escorting.

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