San Francisco

The high risk of hobbying, what is the proper action to take???
oargerela 110 Reviews 1102 reads

Besides deseases, STDs and other dangerouse health related issues, which majority of these risks are avoidable in most cases, with proper precautions and protections and common sense. My question is about the one that is completely unavoidable risks?

More and more incident were happening around the region about an unavoidable emergency situations resulting an arrest and sometimes fatality. Lately a high ranking educator from Marin was arrested in Sacramento with a provider that fainted and he does'nt know what to do and attracted someone attension from the hotel  and alerted the LE and got himself in trouble. Their had been so many examples about this in the past especially around the world, Italy, Argentina, Manila, Canada and others that an escort or a client dies or sustained a serious body injuries or fatal health related issues, like heart attact and drug overdose during a sessions.

I asked this questions because an incident happens to me twice during this year, and just want to share.  

First:  It happens in SB I was with a AAMP, one of those high rise newly built apts beautiful place, huge marble bathroom, we both took a shower together and after, she got out first to retrieve a towel and  I followed her then all of the sudden boom! I slip and hit my head againts the vanity and I was out for a few seconds, as soon I recovered still in dazed I felt my head if it is bleeding, lucky me it's not but I have a huge bump and I'd notice the lady I was with was in panic and shaking uncontrollably and really, really terrified, she told me she taught I was dead. Long story short, with the help of an icepack we went ahead and finish the session. And as drive back home,  I thought what if, I died, well I probably don't know what's gonna happen to my body, I'm dead anyway but, just a thought.

Second , I was with my regular in WC and we were in the moment doing it so intense as usual and all of the sudden something occurred, she just fainted, gone, limp, lights out for a few seconds, I tried to call her name, shake her, path her face and tried to wake her up but no success and I start to get nervous and slowly in the state of panic, then she came back and whoa, that is so nerve racking experience,  then she asked me what happen and I said you were gone for a few moments hun! and she said, oh I'm sorry I forgot to take my MEDS and I tend to go in seizures if I don't take them regularly. Man that was close, I was sweating my behind and told her don't do that again.

I know my experience have resulted a happy endings, But I just figured what if it didn't. Someone died or sustained a serious body injuries,What should someone do or the proper action to take. You leave discreetly and don't alert anyone? notify LE? call anonymously? call a friend or somone for witness after the fact? ask for help or you are fucked. These  risks probably will not occur frequently to stop me from hobbying but just curious if someone have the same or similar experience. What is the proper action to take or what would some do?

-- Modified on 10/16/2014 1:32:17 AM

Its NEVER worth some ones life just because you don't want to get arrested! Plus some girl just went to prison for leaving a client that over dosed....

harmonica435 reads

You're not obligated to report anything

Posted By: oargerela
Besides deseases, STDs and other dangerouse health related issues, which majority of these risks are avoidable in most cases, with proper precautions and protections and common sense. My question is about the one that is completely unavoidable risks?  
 More and more incident were happening around the region about an unavoidable emergency situations resulting an arrest and sometimes fatality. Lately a high ranking educator from Marin was arrested in Sacramento with a provider that fainted and he does'nt know what to do and attracted someone attension from the hotel  and alerted the LE and got himself in trouble. Their had been so many examples about this in the past especially around the world, Italy, Argentina, Manila, Canada and others that an escort or a client dies or sustained a serious body injuries or fatal health related issues, like heart attact and drug overdose during a sessions.  
 I asked this questions because an incident happens to me twice during this year, and just want to share.  
 First:  It happens in SB I was with a AAMP, one of those high rise newly built apts beautiful place, huge marble bathroom, we both took a shower together and after, she got out first to retrieve a towel and  I followed her then all of the sudden boom! I slip and hit my head againts the vanity and I was out for a few seconds, as soon I recovered still in dazed I felt my head if it is bleeding, lucky me it's not but I have a huge bump and I'd notice the lady I was with was in panic and shaking uncontrollably and really, really terrified, she told me she taught I was dead. Long story short, with the help of an icepack we went ahead and finish the session. And as drive back home,  I thought what if, I died, well I probably don't know what's gonna happen to my body, I'm dead anyway but, just a thought.  
 Second , I was with my regular in WC and we were in the moment doing it so intense as usual and all of the sudden something occurred, she just fainted, gone, limp, lights out for a few seconds, I tried to call her name, shake her, path her face and tried to wake her up but no success and I start to get nervous and slowly in the state of panic, then she came back and whoa, that is so nerve racking experience,  then she asked me what happen and I said you were gone for a few moments hun! and she said, oh I'm sorry I forgot to take my MEDS and I tend to go in seizures if I don't take them regularly. Man that was close, I was sweating my behind and told her don't do that again.  
 I know my experience have resulted a happy endings, But I just figured what if it didn't. Someone died or sustained a serious body injuries,What should someone do or the proper action to take. You leave discreetly and don't alert anyone? notify LE? call anonymously? call a friend or somone for witness after the fact? ask for help or you are fucked. These  risks probably will not occur frequently to stop me from hobbying but just curious if someone have the same or similar experience. What is the proper action to take or what would some do?

-- Modified on 10/16/2014 1:32:17 AM

I've thought about this before, as I see quite a few clients on the more mature side or with health problems. If it was something that required a hospital visit, I would drive them there and make sure they got inside, but then leave so as not to cause any embarrassment if family members show up. If an ambulance were required, it goes without saying that I would call and let the EMTs do their jobs, and explain my presence in a discreet manner.

Fear of arrest or other trouble is no reason not to take the necessary steps in the event of an emergency.

I can share an experience I had with a client that resulted in him being rushed to the E.R.Here it goes:

A client I had seen once before really wanted to a four hour dinner date that would start with shopping then dinner and back to my place for dessert. I could tell something was wrong when we met up. He was drunk. We enter the mall and go to one store where he is all over the teen age sales girl making her uncomfortable. He insisted I pick out some outfits which I did in a hurry. I wanted to get some food into this man. BTW he is older and a chronic alcoholic which I didn't know at the time. I thought he may have been nervous and had a few too many before getting together. He wanted to keep shopping but I persuaded him to go to the extremely upscale restaurant early vs. staying at the mall shopping.

We get to the restaurant and he immediately starts ordering doubles. One right after the other. I encouraged him to eat the food he ordered but he wouldn't.  I ate a bit of food and sipped champagne trying to figure out what to do next. He then asked for help to the restroom as he could barely stand. I flagged down a bus boy and off to the bathroom he went. Or so I thought because he was gone forever. I called him but got no response. Then I get a call from valet telling me my date had walked into traffic and fell busting his head open and was bleeding profusely.  I took care of the bill and ran downstairs.  

What I found that night still shocks me. We we were in a very upscale area and he was seated with a rag to his head bleeding out badly. An ambulance had been called. The hospital was down the street. While we was down there getting injured he managed to get robbed as well most likely by the kids working the valet stand. The ambulance came and I promised I would follow in his car. Yes, he drove drunk to our get together. I knew it would be bad to have it left in valet overnight and the chances of his wife being called were high so I followed the ambulance and we arrived at the hospital.

He was extremely obnoxious in the E.R. exam room trying to get me to lay with him in the hospital bed in my dress and heels. The doctor got the blood to stop flowing and against medical advice he decided to leave the hospital. He was asking to go home and for me to drive him in his car. Bad idea. His teen aged children where there even though the wife was out of town. I didn't want him to get in trouble. My place was less than a mile from the hospital and I promised the doctor if he got worse I would try to convince him to return and I would call for another ambulance.  

We return to my place that although it was fully stocked for its intended use it didn't contain blankets for sleeping and whatnot. I got him comfortable and didn't sleep much that night watching him. I was very worried. In the morning he realized he had zero cash and couldn't pay me but felt so bad that he promised to meet me later that day. He thanked me for staying with him and not letting him go home in that state and for taking care of the billing and whatnot at the hospital. I couldn't have just left this man in the street injured and confused and all alone going to the E.R.  

Later that day he gave me a generous gift for being a decent human being and not leaving him in his time of need. He is an older man and it was so scary to see his white hair soaked in blood and him not knowing how he ended up in the street. I called a friend in the business who berated me for staying with him and bringing him back to my place. She said she would've left him when the call came in from valet saying he was injured. I guess they called the last incoming call which was me. She said he could have  died and I would've been at fault blah blah blah. I knew that wasn't true. I got a lot of questions asked of me as the hospital. Lots of looks but I couldn't have ditched a fellow human being in that condition.  He was so happy the car wasn't locked up in valet and that once he felt better he was able to drive home. After washing the blood out of his hair of course.  

So it goes both ways. The gent has become a regular of mine and now we can laugh about some of the details of that night but at the time it was not funny. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would go on a shopping and dinner date that turned into an overnight with most of the time spent at the hospital and the rest at my place watching over him. So people would've walked away. I'm no saint or anything lol  but I feel I did the right thing by being there when things were seriously messed up.  


What you did for him was wonderful.  If I was him, I'd be forever great full  for your kindness

You definitely went above and beyond! What a harrowing tale. You must have been mortified, scared and confused yet you kept your composure throughout. I think you actually might be a saint! What a story!

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