San Francisco

Re: Refugees gone awry ???
Oldtimemonger 818 reads

Posted By: Skyfyre
 Pst, pst, just between you and me... most hosts (not that they really own this place or anything) surely feels resentment when guests come in and tell them their home is nowhere as good as where they came from, LOL.
We don't own it. The owners are in Europe. We do support it by paying for our memberships. You people can't even use your inboxes because you are too cheap to pay $30 a month.  

I realize as a "street monger" that you are frustrated that you can't find your Blow and Go $60 specials. We don't want them here. Those types don't belong here. Neither do you. Other than making a pest of yourself, why is a guy hanging around here when you made it perfectly clear you are not here to buy anything.

You think our "home" is nowhere as good as your old home? Well, at least we still have a home. Your old home is now owned by the FBI. LMAO..............

How come several people keep inboxing me that MP is in our group and changed his name to Skyfyre. I don't know who he is but it's obvious that MP/Skyfyre must be persona non grata  at the dozen or so new groups that have opened up to replace the defunct board. Some have "street Action" and yet MP now known as Skyfyre was not invited.  

To oargerela,

You posted: "P.S. Handing you the olive branch, it's up to you"

After reading MP/SkyFyre's post, I would not hold my breath in regards to the olive branch.

I find it interesting ever since I arrived in this community that there's a lot of bitterness towards a new members that just got here. I looks like we invaded a place of arrogant, exclusive, inclusive cultist sect society, don't want any part of outsiders, agitators, boring, whiners, moaners and all kinds of different unpleasant name the call us, it's unbelievable, like we got some horrible disease to spread.

We came here because we lost our home, a sweet home and all we have left to survive, maintain, sustain longevity of our lifestyle that we all chooses to be in and to continue our journey is our memory, the good, happy memories, the laughter and the sadness, the humor and pain and mostly our friendships with each other and those are not easily discarded from our minds, and it is a very healthy thing, maybe only time can erase those someday but it is not contagious disease at all, but for some reasons the occupants of this place which they consider themselves intelligent, well educated, brilliant and arrogant are forcing us not to talk about it to much and move on, I understand that some have move on, I am so proud of them but some still in the state of shock and having difficulty adjusting, their is no one size fits all for everyone, and it saddens me that I don't see any compassion or a little understanding when a refugee mentions about their memories they are automatically grind into pieces step, spit upon, forbidden of somewhat to talk about the past, don't encourage emotions a feeling of nostalgia like a stupid machines and just delete everything, like most of them around here a fucking deadfishes.

Well fellows, you like it or not we are here to stay, for how long? nobody knows so get a grip of your senses we are squatters, refugees, or whatever names you call us we are camping out here, we will discuss our own interest freely whatever they might be, and if you are not willing to embrace the changes in this territory, well tough, because as far as we know we made this place alive, with our beautiful, fun things, made this bit interesting in many ways, legitimized a better exchanges of ideas and information how to help one another and enjoy the community and mostly breath deeply and if you can not handle those things and don't have the heart or open up your minds to accept us, well I hope you have a lot of energy because we are coming, get your best intellectual agendas and arguments ready because we will be challenging all your point of views or on the other hand you can join us and concentrate on what WE ARE HERE FOR enjoy one another exchange/share information, team up to solve, figure, find input any solutions, share good happy moments, give support for those who are not doing well, congratulate the successful be comforting and critical and always offer solutions to make this a better place like a virtual heaven for everyone.

P.S. Handing you the olive branch, it's up to you

-- Modified on 8/20/2014 4:10:59 PM

Skyfyre928 reads

Well it should be obvious that the two sites have entirely DIFFERENT cultures. There's a good reason why the long-timers are here and NOT there. Simply put they didn't click with the culture THERE in the first place and that's why they went HERE then stayed here!

Different cultures breed resentment, of course! It's not unlike in early USA when the Chinese first came here.  It's called culture clash.

Pst, pst, just between you and me... most hosts (not that they really own this place or anything) surely feels resentment when guests come in and tell them their home is nowhere as good as where they came from, LOL.

Posted By: Skyfyre
 Pst, pst, just between you and me... most hosts (not that they really own this place or anything) surely feels resentment when guests come in and tell them their home is nowhere as good as where they came from, LOL.
We don't own it. The owners are in Europe. We do support it by paying for our memberships. You people can't even use your inboxes because you are too cheap to pay $30 a month.  

I realize as a "street monger" that you are frustrated that you can't find your Blow and Go $60 specials. We don't want them here. Those types don't belong here. Neither do you. Other than making a pest of yourself, why is a guy hanging around here when you made it perfectly clear you are not here to buy anything.

You think our "home" is nowhere as good as your old home? Well, at least we still have a home. Your old home is now owned by the FBI. LMAO..............

How come several people keep inboxing me that MP is in our group and changed his name to Skyfyre. I don't know who he is but it's obvious that MP/Skyfyre must be persona non grata  at the dozen or so new groups that have opened up to replace the defunct board. Some have "street Action" and yet MP now known as Skyfyre was not invited.  

To oargerela,

You posted: "P.S. Handing you the olive branch, it's up to you"

After reading MP/SkyFyre's post, I would not hold my breath in regards to the olive branch.

Well said, YOU DON'T OWN IT, you're no better than anyone else, you're just a renter, you're nothing to anybody.

-- Modified on 8/20/2014 8:52:35 PM

Posted By: oargerela
Well said, YOU DON'T OWN IT, you're no better than anyone else, you're just a renter, you're nothing to anybody.

-- Modified on 8/20/2014 8:52:35 PM

I never said I was better" than you. I only said that at least I have a home (even if just renting here).  It's the people from from the defunct board that are homeless.

Skyfyre721 reads

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Posted By: Skyfyre
  Pst, pst, just between you and me... most hosts (not that they really own this place or anything) surely feels resentment when guests come in and tell them their home is nowhere as good as where they came from, LOL.
 We don't own it. The owners are in Europe. We do support it by paying for our memberships. You people can't even use your inboxes because you are too cheap to pay $30 a month.  
 I realize as a "street monger" that you are frustrated that you can't find your Blow and Go $60 specials. We don't want them here. Those types don't belong here. Neither do you. Other than making a pest of yourself, why is a guy hanging around here when you made it perfectly clear you are not here to buy anything.  
 You think our "home" is nowhere as good as your old home? Well, at least we still have a home. Your old home is now owned by the FBI. LMAO..............  
 How come several people keep inboxing me that MP is in our group and changed his name to Skyfyre. I don't know who he is but it's obvious that MP/Skyfyre must be persona non grata  at the dozen or so new groups that have opened up to replace the defunct board. Some have "street Action" and yet MP now known as Skyfyre was not invited.  
 To oargerela,  
 You posted: "P.S. Handing you the olive branch, it's up to you"  
 After reading MP/SkyFyre's post, I would not hold my breath in regards to the olive branch.
Geez, where did you ever get the idea that I'm "frustrated"? there are plenty of $60 Blow n Go specials at Backpages where I'm doing my REAL shopping. Then there are the streets of San Jose and Oakland. I'm touched by your concern for my well-being but please rest assured I still get my fill of Blow n Go and am very happy.

The reason we don't want to pay $30/mo. is because we don't plan to shop here. Why pay for Costco membership if I do my shopping at Walmart, right? and Walmart is totally FREE...

Why am I hanging around here without any intention of purchasing? well at first it was to fill in the time void that I was suddenly left with after the demise of "great old site". Afterall I was spending hours everyday posting and perusing all the tasty pussy shots while contemplating among inviting Quickies offers, LOL.

Well that was at first. Now that I realize my presence here has become an annoyance to the uppity and stuffy cats here I'm finding it amusing and entertaining as well

Skyfyre659 reads

OK what you said about your inbox messages intrigued me so I put in some research time using the latest and most advanced search algorithm the NSA ever developed. Turns out that this MP dude was supposed to be a legendary hobbyist in the "great old board" well revered by fellow mongers for his boundless savvy and infinite wisdom, LOL.

Nah just tell your inboxers to relax and stop pulling out their hairs speculating. For what it's worth I started out using the whimsical handle of Frisco Jack then later changed to Kwanz. It's really no secret at all. Cruisers and bizzies on the streets recognize me whenever I drove up and down S. First St. in my Ford Explorer and with a white turban on my head!

But of course that's too much infos and which really doesn't concern you one least bit right? the past is history et al...

I know how you feel!    The old place was great.   Great exchange of information on all kinds of topics.  It was an awesome community.   Nothing like it.   Now I am feeling lost again.   Just lost New Spa in Redwood City so I don't know where to go.  What a waste of taxpayer money.  It was a good substitute for RCAM.  RIP.  I guess I am saving some money.

What do you mean you lost New Spa? Did LE shut it down? That was a good place while it lasted.

Skyfyre749 reads

Don't forget too that it was the one and only site that one could get to see Pussy Shots galore without havint to go to porn sites.

No other site could ever beat that! LO

There is little point in continuing this thread. Post away with your drivel. I hope for your sake you find some group that makes you happy.

catlover714 reads

How ironic.
 The problem is that you're trying to change a culture and format that's existed for at least a decade AFAIK to suit what you think is best or better.  
I tried to do the same thing on the FBSM forum on the now defunct site.  
I made some of the same arguments as you did.
You're probably one of the persons that told me to to go away if you didnt like that forum.  
Now here you are acting me like me back on the FBSM forum and being told the same thing people (you included?) told me back there.  
Continue with your activism. I have nothing against free speech.

Get over it, seriously that site is gone so people need to not whine, it's not the end of the world. I'm tired of hearing people snivel about it....I had 6 pages of reviews on there, in 2 years, but I was not on its tit. I do not miss it. Time to move on to better things.
Btw wanted to add that this site is obviously much more professional/prestigious and the other one can't really compare, in my opinion.  

-- Modified on 8/23/2014 12:51:50 AM

uboat509489 reads

You are correct, it is not the end of the world, certainly, but it has taken quite an impact on a lot of people, both, providers and clients. There is simply now, no good reliable way to authenticate reviews. It is more difficult now to authenticate the validity of an ad, specially of a new provider. Some other sites are providing only a certain degree of that validation, the images, etc., but nothing like the community which was established in the other site. As you say, we need to move on and adjust to what is currently available.

Posted By: Katie_krush
Get over it, seriously that site is gone so people need to not whine, it's not the end of the world. I'm tired of hearing people snivel about it....I had 6 pages of reviews on there, in 2 years, but I was not on its tit. I do not miss it. Time to move on to better things.  
 Btw wanted to add that this site is obviously much more professional/prestigious and the other one can't really compare, in my opinion.  

-- Modified on 8/23/2014 12:51:50 AM

just create a similar site? it does not cost much and you can have a sort of old house back

crazyshit745 reads

Really, no one cares.  If you just came here and participated like everyone else instead of pointing out that you were from the other board, no one would have known.  

For God's sake you are like the freaking New Yorkers that move out west that gotta compare eveeything to that damned city.  Really.  We don't make a good bagel?  Deal with it.  Enjoy this board for what it is and for pete's sake shut up about your old stupid board which is now dead.  

Or start a support group for "survivors of the other board."


I hope someone reopens a new site like the old one.   It worked really well and it was not just about mongering.   We had discussions about food, technology, fitness, and other stuff like movies.  Here's a tip to anyone who does this - pay your taxes!

Gee some people here are really snotty.

There are already a couple of other sites based upon the now shutdown site.   And I am member of them.  But, TER has a lot to offer.  Granted things may look different, we are all here for the same thing.  

In fact, what has always been great about TERE is the national and international coverage and also the greater  attention to approving reviews.

crazyshit668 reads

My point is and always will be this:  Shut up about what once was, and embrace what is.  It's really that simple.

I personally don't see the appeal in talking with a bunch of providers and clients about food, technology, fitness, and "other stuff like movies."  I'm here to find out information about providers and the services they provide.  I have zero interest in interacting with other clients, except to exchange information.  The concept of being virtual "friends" with someone who pays to play with the same girls that you do...well, that's your trip.

The old place is gone.  Quit whining about it.  It's not coming back.  Or instead of waiting for someone else to take the initiative, you can do it yourself.

Because if it's really as simple as "paying your taxes," why should you have any problems with the risk of hosting a site talking about this activity?  Just saying.

Not true, just the usual stuff that took down Al Capone as well: money laundering and not paying taxes.

I know you were no fan of the former site which is fair enough, but try not to make accusations such as the above unless you have some hard evidence to back it up. For all the old site's faults and shortcomings, there was no indication that such stuff was even tolerated...

When that site was taken down the initial reports that were coming off of the news was that they were able to take them down AFTER the investigation since 11 re: tax evasion due to 5 girls that were found from the ages of 13 - 15 that were advertising on said site...

I found at least two articles within five minutes of a google search and several via bing...

However, as someone previously said.  WHO CARES?  The site is gone....   get over it and move on..

Posted By: Jazz Jewel
When that site was taken down the initial reports that were coming off of the news was that they were able to take them down AFTER the investigation since 11 re: tax evasion due to 5 girls that were found from the ages of 13 - 15 that were advertising on said site...    
I don't buy it for a minute. R-d certainly had his issues but tolerance of underage providers was not one of them. 99% of the membership wanted no part of that and would have flagged them in a minute...

THIS is an olive branch?  You say this is " a place of arrogant, exclusive, inclusive cultist sect society".  Pot meet kettle.  More to the point if peace and tolerance is what you wish for, try exercising some of your own.  If you really feel that way and it's not just hyperbolic garbage, why would you even WANT to be here?

So much drama.  I'm glad to see the influx of people in what was otherwise a mostly quiet corner of the site.  Honestly from what I see most of the railing and hatred are actually people from the other board who came here and brought their drama with them.  (this post being one of them) Roll back through the pre-meltdown posts and you'll see just how little sense this all makes.

I welcome the increased activity and life to this board, but I don't welcome drama anywhere.  

To be clear, I'm really happy to see the new folk who joined, this board was very quiet before, and some of the folk seem to be really good quality people.  I hope this board and it's resources provide them with whatever they came here seeking.

Eventually, things will settle down.  Some will leave but most will stay  Others will migrate to the other sites started by other refugees - which have a good number of people already.

I must laugh as I read through this entire thread.
Funny, I guess mentioning the site is prohibited as everyone tip toes around it?

Recently I hooked up with an RA all dressed in Red.
Very interestingly, she currently was reading a Book on how to create web sites.  
If I was single & more computer savvy, I would probably try to recreate the wheel.
Having a SO, explaining new cash flow & time spent on the internet out weighs that option for me.
It happens & people need to move on.

Unfortunately, some will never receive acceptance when they join a new group.
Best bet is to join & be yourself.
One's words & how they conducts them self is key to acceptance.
Don't whine & flame on others.
Just contribute good info & show you are worthy to gain recognition.

Having a good sense of humor & not taking stuff personal also goes a long way.

BTW:   Nice to see a few familiar handles around here!

Spark one up!

I can't believe I read this whole thread as well.

I'm still testing the waters to see which site I want to pay membership to. I've heard a lot of great things about TER, and I'm giving it a shot.

There's no point in comparing the old site to any other. It's time to move on since it won't be coming back.

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