San Francisco

I can hardly believe some of the crap you spew from your keyboard...can you?! You're sick. ~eom~confused_smile
Drumsticks 90 Reviews 255 reads


Hello ladies and fellow hobbyists,

In my 2 years living here, meet-and-greets in the bay area are non-existent for whatever reasons.  Maybe everyone is too busy tweeting or updating their Facebook and Instagram pages that they are not interested in meeting new friends the old fashioned way – in person.

The last time meet-and-greets were active here on TER was 5 years ago.  Those events were hosted/organized by a provider, who has since retired.  

So – as a military veteran, I’m going to take charge and carry out the plan of the day!  And get it done!

I’ve attended numerous meet-and-greets in FL and LA.  I’ve seen what worked well and what didn’t work well, so I’m going to borrow their ideas and not reinvent the wheel.  The best meet-and-greets I’ve attended were small affairs.  They were more intimate to have conversations and connect with the human element.  So here is my action plan:

FIRST and FOREMOST:  Safety and privacy of all those attending is first and foremost.  If you break the rules, you don’t get invited.  It’s that simple.

TWO:  Keep it simple.  Meet-and-greets I’ve attended have been in private residences, rented houses, hotel suites, aboard boats.  Ideas on TER have included costumed affairs.  Whoa, whoa, slow down cowboy!  You gotta crawl first before you walk, let alone run.  SF meet-and-greets are not even crawling.  They’re dead and underneath the ground.  So the simpler it is this first time, the easier it will come together.

COST:  Re-read the last paragraph.  With that said, this meet-and-greet can be as simple as a lunch, happy hour or dinner event like we’re a MeetUp group.  No-host bar rules apply.  If you can’t afford $30-$50 for drinks and/or food (it’s so expensive to live here), then perhaps you’re not the target audience.  Look for a cheaper hobby, like watching TV.          

LADIES:  I’ve noted about 6 ladies in the past year who have expressed interest in attending a meet-and-greet.  I hope they see this post and reply with the same interest.  Ladies should be on TER, P411 or similar boards, and be active and established for, at least, the past 6-12 months. This ensures that you’re not undercover LEO with a brand new profile looking for a bust.

Also, you are key because YOU invite the gentlemen, as many or as few as you feel comfortable.  This ensures that the gentlemen attending are respectful, discreet and well-mannered, and not undercover LEO looking for a bust (oh, I’ve already mentioned this once).  This is an opportunity to make new friends, so would you refer an unsafe friend to another provider?  I hope not.  

Visiting ladies, please join us if you’re in town :)

GENTLEMEN:  Only ladies get to invite you.  You don’t invite yourself.  This worked VERY WELL from my past experience.  This is not the only screening, but it does serve as additional screening in and of itself.  So get your ATF to attend and then she can invite you!

DATE:  July 24 or 25 or 26 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) works for my life.  After that, Aug 7 or 8 or 9 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) looks open on my life calendar.  Beyond that, we need to avoid the heavily-attended SF conventions, such as VM World in late August or Dreamforce in September.  Ladies will be busy and venues all over the bay area will be pre-booked for those conventions.  

TIME:  Lunch, happy hour or dinner hours.  

VENUE:  A restaurant in the South Bay (Palo Alto, Los Gatos, San Jose) for this first event.  We're just another MeetUp group meeting, right?  

So what’s next?

LADIES:  Please reply which date (July 24 or 25 or 26) works for you.  After I receive replies, I will contact you all via email with logistical details (I do not want to post them here for safety reasons).

GENTLEMEN: Get your ATF to attend so she can invite you.  Suggestions or scouting of possible restaurants would be helpful.  Maybe one with a patio or deck.

LAST but NOT LEAST:  Safety and privacy of all those attending is utmost.  This also ensures that attendees are not undercover LEO looking for a bust (oh, I’ve already mentioned this twice already).

Repeated, the best meet-and-greets I’ve attended were small affairs.  They were more intimate to have conversations and connect with the human element.  I welcome positive and constructive comments only.  Anything that kills my sunny SoCal vibe dude, well – it’s my party and I can just ignore you!

-- Modified on 6/19/2015 1:47:59 PM

A popular, major and beautiful city like SF needed one. Thank you very much for organizing it.  
Any of those dates would work for me.  
I can't wait!

You're prefect for this event!  Think about the friends you'd like to invite, if any.  Please pass this M&G info to any other ladies who are like you.  You remind me of someone who I used to know :)  Exquisite!

I will, and gladly. Do you need any other help?  

Maybe  we have met? Have we? ;)

No, we haven't met (yet).  I can already think of one thing you can help with. I'll contact you once we get going!

Well, I don't know who's buying these but, I wish you luck. Seems like, I will be the first one to be ignored here but I'll express my opinion anyway.

SUSPICIOUS: what are you trying to accomplished here, the idea that gathering ladies in one place, just for a drink, conversation, connection, get to know each other, IDK if you are by yourself or you pick and choose personally a group of unverified people is suspicious to me, or just lonely.  

SAD: seems to me that you're a person looking for an action and can't get any, maybe has no friends or acquaintances to hangout with and figured this idea, lure, posting open invitation, gathering providers in one place and gives you company.

WEIRD: your rules, that no GUYS are invited until they are INVITED, WTF is that, you want the ladies to invite their ATF's like you mentioned, which probably most of us REGULAR GUYS are very private and discreet for a number of reasons and you want the ladies to solicit us to go this gathering and just get to know YOU or someone. I say NO thanks to that, most likely my response to that invite.

QUESTIONABLE: using your military veteran as your resume/qualification to lead these events. I find it interesting knowing that most veterans holds a moral high standards when it comes to the law and assembling a group of people regarded that their line of work still considered illegal form of activities, doesn't really make sense to me. And BTW one other thing your lack of updated reviews and the significance of your handle is questionable to me. So I question what is really your agenda here? Please elaborate...

Well, you're clearly not invited to this M&G or any future M&Gs, because you didn't pass the screening criteria:  you failed to show respect to others.  Your negativity is killing the positive vibe, so I'm compelled to respond.

MOST RESPECT:  As I get older, I've become wiser as a hobbyist.  The exquisite ladies that I see are in the $400-$500 range and are already well reviewed.  We spend multiple hours sharing conversation, mutual massage and enjoying each others company.  Afterwards, I always ask whether they prefer a review with intimate details of our time together.  They all say no, and so I respect their wishes.  I have too much respect for my ladies to do anything contrary.  

RULES:  Those rules are borrowed from successful M&Gs I've attended.  It's for the safety of the ladies.  Yes, I had to wait to be invited.  M&Gs build a sense of community and support for the ladies.  Not online, not on TER or P411, not on social media - but in person.  If you have attended M&Gs, in say FL, you immediately sense togetherness from the ladies, whether they are from Tampa, Orlando or Miami.  I was awed by it.  They get it.

Obviously, you've never attended a M&G before.  Otherwise, you would know that.  Here's how it goes:  There's a start time.  There's a definitive end time.  Nothing illegal happens.  All clothes stay on.  You match a name with a face, enjoy a cocktail or two, share life or travel stories, share laughs together.  Everyone is discreet, polite, courteous and respectful.  You make friends with the ladies, as well as the gentlemen.  Almost always, there is NO explicit discussion of the hobby nor arranging of appointments - that's taboo.  A meet-and-greet is just that, and no more.

QUESTIONABLE:  Don't EVER question or criticize my military service.  You're probably one of those arm chair, X Box-playing wanna be's.  There's a lack of recent era veterans in the bay area and you obviously have never served.  So I don't expect you to know nor understand that those who serve in the military are taught (very early on) to lead, to take charge, to take the initiative and to organize/square away any mess.  For your information, I deployed overseas from 2004 (height of the insurgency) to 2007 in 3 combat deployments.  Then I was stationed overseas from 2008 to 2012.  Kinda hard to hobby and write reviews from the sandbox, while humping 40 lbs of "battle rattle" daily, while enemies of the U.S. are flinging bullets, RPGs and IEDs at you.  But heck, I was risking MY life to preserve YOUR soft cushy "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness."  You're welcome.  

Whether one chooses to hobby or not has nothing to do with what one does for a living.  That's called freedom of choice.  And as a military veteran, I wholeheartedly and firmly support our individual freedom to choose how we live our own personal lives.  

YOU'RE SAD:  You're the #2 poster on the SF board.  Evidently, you're the lonely one, since it seems you spend all your time trolling the TER boards.  Get a life and take your negativity and judgmental pre-conceptions elsewhere.  We don't need it here.

I refuse to continue your conversation.  EOM.

I thought YOU, you stand by your own words, ignore people like me, having a negative comments about your creepy ideas, now you really sounds like a creepoo to me. You can't even handle the legit question why are you doing this? And BTW don't give me advise about life. You don't qualify, I don't have to justify anything to you but for stinger, I've done most everything in life that you can not imagine. I'm educated, successful and self sufficient and considered this is part of my life or put it this way THIS IS MY LIFE a HOBBYIST and proud of it. And one other thing dude, most of us here are veterans too, you're not the only one who serve, but we don't brag about it or use it as a fucking resume. And as far as your public records indicates on your reviews and lack of it, making the military as your excuse again, the way you destroy or disrespected the lady's reputations by posting a negative reviews on them, is an indication that you are not ideal person to organized this events. As far I am concern you don't have the qualities to be a respectful gentleman.

ou might ponder your behavior here and perhaps re-read your posts from the past few months.
Frankly, you are nothing more than a cyber bully and it's old and tiresome.
It is also the reason you receive the contentious blowback so often.

Just sayin''re subject line is right on Drumstick.
This guy can't resist the opportunity to argue and spew names at others.  
That's the nature of a  bully

Looks like I have plenty of followers, interesting, but let's put that aside for another day. Going back to this gentleman old school idea, I'm questioning his real motives here everything is questionable to me and I just want clarity.

-Let's try to make it clear, his idea is to invite providers to participate in a gathering in PERSON which he will arrange the venues in public but private, IDK how he's gonna do that? and the kicker is 'gentlemen are NOT invited'.

-Then he wants the ladies to solicit and invite their REGULAR to attend which probably most are discreet gentlemen, to the venue to meet him and maybe other guys or other providers that he has already invited himself, which can not be verified, you just have to take his word maybe? he asked voluntarily, well good luck to this one.

-And the most bothersome to me is, anyone really buying this, my concern is, can this guy be trusted? He went on try to explain himself, about you can't handle the truth line, blah,blah,blah but just the idea that, for having the knowledge and the information about all the people that will be lured or invited. There might be a Bill Cosby moves on these ladies, getting together, buying drinks not knowing any substance being sneak in their cocktails and waking up not knowing what happened and don't have any recourse, because of the line of work they do...hhhmmm interesting...


Posted By: SFGentleman
 You might ponder your behavior here and perhaps re-read your posts from the past few months.  
 Frankly, you are nothing more than a cyber bully and it's old and tiresome.  
 It is also the reason you receive the contentious blowback so often.  
 Just sayin'  
   're subject line is right on Drumstick.  
 This guy can't resist the opportunity to argue and spew names at others.    
 That's the nature of a  bully.  
-- Modified on 6/20/2015 5:00:46 PM

-- Modified on 6/20/2015 5:21:59 PM

I've been to many M&G's in a number of cities. Held in restaurants that were still open during the M&G. Sometimes held in a private room and sometimes held in an area of the restaurant that was roped off just for the M&G. Also been to a M&G at a hotel and it was held in one of the meeting rooms. All were held by respected TER members and there were no problems.  

The OP wrote his first review back in October 2001, on the other hand you wrote your first review back in May 2014.  

While ladies inviting gentleman is not the norm, I've heard of this before.  

Now as far as a "bill Cosby move on the ladies" you've quite the imagination.  

Btw, still waiting on the pm concerning your Super Bowl thread.

The response has been less than underwhelming.  There was a post in February that showed some interest from some guys and gals.  Maybe it's the summer months and folks already have plans.

Why can't we have a small gathering? Just put it up there and send the invite to the interested ones.

I don't want Donald Downer there jumping all over me because I'm a dude

The M&G's that have been successful in the bay area before have been provider-run. Not run by some yahoo with delusions of being the HMFWIIC

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