San Francisco

anarenee See my TER Reviews 195 reads

Honestly some women are just flakey. As a provider, I've tried at least a dozen times to get together with other providers (going out for drinks, getting lunch, etc) and the majority of them flake. It's the nature of money-hungry women, always looking for better opportunities.

 What I do know is that if I have a date set you'll hear from me the evening before/morning of and two hours before. Why two hours? Because I want solid confirmation from the client before doing hair/makeup. It's odd that she didn't initiate confirmation because I doubt she'd get fully ready for a date without confirming.  

From now on I recommend making it clear with providers that you want a confirmation email/text by X time. We may have other things going on but this is our business, any provider worth their shit isn't going to ignore a simple text that solidifies an appointment.

I'm puzzled.  I visited SF at the beginning of  this week.  I made arrangements a week in advance to see someone I had had my eyes on for a while, and had just been waiting for my next visit to SF to see her.  She is VERY well-reviewed, and not inexpensive, either.  Set-up was smooth, with emails and references, and we were all set for a nice date.  I promised I'd keep her apprised of how my day was going so that if something went over time she would know I might be a few minutes late, but everything went like clockwork during the day and I let her know.  I heard back nothing, but I figured that had to be because she has a real life and was involved with it during the day.  I got back to my hotel room, got ready, made sure we had a nice bottle of wine and some fruit and chocolates -- and when the appointed time came, nothing.  She did not show, did not respond to emails and to all appearances just decided not to come.  I emailed her the next day asking if she is ok, and whether anything had happened to her.  No response.  (The last time I had a no show, it was because the woman had been in a bicycle accident and was in the hospital - she emailed me the next day to tell me what happened.  This one just made believe I don't exist.)

So - what on earth could make a woman decide to do this?  I had planned this out and was looking forward to it.  I ended up having to  make very unsatisfactory last-minute arrangements that actually cost me several hours of sleep (and it wasn't worth it).  And I'm scratching my head as to why.  It's not like she would have suddenly gotten word I'm some kind of freak -- I'm very conventional, and polite, and I try to always be respectful.  I don't think any provider I have seen would have a bad word to say.  And even if she suddenly decided I'm not for her, why not at least respond to my inquiry about what happened even with some kind of bullshit excuse?  anyone have a guess as to what happened here?

You certainly have my sympathy over this situation and probably that of countless others as it has perhaps happened to many of us as well.  I've had similar experiences a few times over the years and it's always extremely annoying to say the very least.

As far as what could have happened?  The easiest answer, at least for me, is to say it's just the nature of the business (no matter what else, we all know that it still is just that - a business).  Something better might have come along or she may have had a legitimate excuse -- still no reason to just blow you off without any contact at all.

I'm sure it's no consolation knowing that you are far from being alone with this issue.  IMO the best you can do is to "out" her (no doubt others will disagree with me on that).  At least by giving us her name, you will have done a good thing for your fellow hobbyists and even perhaps make her think twice about pulling this on another good person like yourself.

Again, sorry this happened to you!  Best,  Mike

Reasons why-A million. Some legit, some not. Most likely none had to do with you.  

What to do? Since she wasn’t courteous enough to get back to you with an explanation, and an offer to make it up to you, write a no show review. A week would be fair.  

Unfortunately, for both girls and guys, the no show is part of the hobby. One thinks that if you party on the high end these types of situations will be avoided. While the percentages are better, there are no guarantees.  

One last thing. Since there are no guarantees, it's always wise to have a back up plan. In the old days I used to have ten back up plans. Now I simply plan my sessions around several other events.

We can speculate all the possibilities why this things happens but we'll never know the reasons, the damage was done, even she gets in touch with you right at this moment and explain her side of the story..reality is it's over, done, fini.You can accept her excuses and forgave her and re-schedule or I say I don't want to hear it. STFO... I feel for you brother but there's no sure thing about this playground..The only sure thing I know about our city is we have plenty of Respectable Reliable Stunning Hot Ladies of your taste around hear in SF and that's no BS's a fact..

Move on to the next...and FYI have a bailout/stop, backup strategy like the other gentleman said...for me booking in advance is great because you can plan ahead of time, but I always send an early follow up messages and give myself ample of time to plan my backup or exit strategy, by sending short follow up msgs you can tell the signs and signals if the date has nice welcome message that it's a go or bust with the me, silence, no responses is a redflag, If I send a msg and she didn't responds in a timely manner...I'm cancelling the date and move on to Plan sending

Well, thing is, this WAS a top of the line, premium level provider.  That's why I was so surprised this happened.  And no, I'm not going to "out" her -- that doesn't help anyone and, frankly, makes me look bad.
I had been hoping a provider might see this and help me to understand why someone would do this.  It really did ruin my evening.

There is always a "but," right? With these types of Escorts, I have the notion that because of her High Rated Status as you saw it in your research, you expects her to be more professional the least. Looks like to me you considered yourself as a respectable gentleman also and always have the good manners, and when something like this happens, you don't want this shit...Well, la-di-da...High Price Ladies always have the upper hands and they will use it, and they will let you suffer, because the believed they are in are just one client to them, and one lost client not gonna effect their can take some action to tarnish her or whatever you plan to do but will not solve anything and further drags yourself down spiraling to an unpleasant behavior because, looks like you just got bullied and you can't let it go...

Posted By: oargerela
High Price Ladies always have the upper hands and they will use it, and they will let you suffer, because the believed they are in are just one client to them, and one lost client not gonna effect their can take some action to tarnish her or whatever you plan to do but will not solve anything and further drags yourself down spiraling to an unpleasant behavior because, looks like you just got bullied and you can't let it go...
The higher end girls have LESS of an upper hand. There are fewer guys willing to pay for the higher end.

To a girl who only sees six guys a week each lost sale is 1/6 of her business. That's why higher end well reviewed girls tend to be way more reliable.

The lower end girls who have low priced 30 minute specials might see 30 guys a week. Each guy is only 1/30th of her business. Low end mongers are easier to replace than high end mongers.  

There are flakes in any price range but higher end girls are much less likely to flake for the reasons mentioned above.

I respect your decision not to "out" her but disagree that it would make you look bad.  In fact, it would make you look good to me and most likely many others you would potentially help.  In a way, I view this 'hobbying career' of ours as an "we're all in this together" thing.  If she did this to you, with all of the courtesy you showed, she could/would most likely do it to others.

Understandably, things come up. but to me what is unforgivable is that she chose not to communicate with you and just leave you high and dry.  It would have taken very little effort on her part to let you know she needed to cancel.  Right, it's a business and you are just one client, but in any other service business - bad word-of-mouth (and reviews) travel fast.

Just saying - it's only fair to you.  Hope you don't encounter this again and wish you the best.

IMHO, she controls the success and failures of her own business and one disgruntled client will not changed or effects her profits.having said that, the subject gentleman vouch that, she's not cheap and has an outstanding review/reputation an evidence that if you factor that within her business strategy....the ratio is her own advantage with her higher percentage of positives vs negatives... and if the gentle pursue and create a bad image of the business and have a negative effect on her...She will just simply, close, move or dissolved her business and re-invent herself and start a new one...Which is not surprising with the High Price Escorts, they are highly skilled, talented educated professionals and plenty of networks...with majority of their repeated and cultivated clients...obladioblada...just sayin....

Posted By: mike1631
I respect your decision not to "out" her but disagree that it would make you look bad.  In fact, it would make you look good to me and most likely many others you would potentially help.  In a way, I view this 'hobbying career' of ours as an "we're all in this together" thing.  If she did this to you, with all of the courtesy you showed, she could/would most likely do it to others.  
 Understandably, things come up. but to me what is unforgivable is that she chose not to communicate with you and just leave you high and dry.  It would have taken very little effort on her part to let you know she needed to cancel.  Right, it's a business and you are just one client, but in any other service business - bad word-of-mouth (and reviews) travel fast.  
 Just saying - it's only fair to you.  Hope you don't encounter this again and wish you the best.

Really  You should like a jilted boyfriend.   Get Over It.    In this business there are no guarantees or explanations necessary or required.   If you would of the one to cancel I'm 100 percent positive that she wouldn't be posting trying to figure out the scenario.  Shit Happens.  I'll say it again  
GET OVER IT and Move On.  

Sure, you're right.  I just wanted to be sure it wasn't something I might have done, because I don't want it to happen again.  If it's within my control I can fix it.

You are 100% correct -- it's a business.  And ALL businesses - yes, even this one - rely on their reputations and good will. I also know it works both ways as you so correctly pointed out - we occasionally have to cancel our meetings with providers and no doubt there are a number of 'us' hobbyists who just flake and no-show the date.

I am not one of those who do that, nor do I suspect this gentleman is either.  When I have had to cancel, I have ALWAYS contacted the provider and try to do so with as much notice as possible as I'm aware that her time is valuable.

That said, all I am trying to state here is that there is no reason why a provider can't show the same courtesy to her client as we show to them.  He is not acting like a jilted boyfriend, he was just trying to get some ideas from us as to why this may have happened.  It takes very little time to send an email or text.  A business for sure - but (laugh if you will) one can still run it using the Golden Rule of 'customer service'.

Honestly some women are just flakey. As a provider, I've tried at least a dozen times to get together with other providers (going out for drinks, getting lunch, etc) and the majority of them flake. It's the nature of money-hungry women, always looking for better opportunities.

 What I do know is that if I have a date set you'll hear from me the evening before/morning of and two hours before. Why two hours? Because I want solid confirmation from the client before doing hair/makeup. It's odd that she didn't initiate confirmation because I doubt she'd get fully ready for a date without confirming.  

From now on I recommend making it clear with providers that you want a confirmation email/text by X time. We may have other things going on but this is our business, any provider worth their shit isn't going to ignore a simple text that solidifies an appointment.

Well said and most refreshing to hear from a sensible and trustworthy provider.  Hope you come out this way some day.

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