San Francisco

Agree about...
catlover 321 reads

t was all downhill after the owners started charging money for provider ads. There was a time, mid to late 90s, when everything was free. All you needed was a login name, no password, to post. Those were the glory days, when everything was real. The idiot got too greedy and instituted an "unofficial policy" where paid provider advertisers could get negative reviews and posts deleted, and hobbyists with paid VIP memberships were also given favorable treatment, all to garner more money and make him rich. And slowly but surely it all became fake and the other site became nothing more than a social board with popularity contests moderated by crooked moderators. FBSM forum was especially corrupt.

Now look what happened. He deserves everything that's happened. He deserves it. If he had not gotten so greedy and corrupt with his "unofficial policies", he wouldn't be where he is

This is my 2 cents since I saw the other site from 2001... not the BEGINNING, but close....  

The ORIG old site:
Format like this one
Posted your visits to the Bay in the SF forum
People could reply.  
You got flamed and it was NOT removed  
The reviews were written more ethically and the old owner began to the "men" and their wants and needs not to the women, as he started the board for MEN not for WOMEN
NO ADS just memberships...  

Men wrote the reviews for the MEN not to please the women  

The chat room was 25 max, people went in to CHAT not free whack off material...

The clients at least imho were classier, more respectful, did not insult you by trying to nickel and dime you...  
The men actually steered fairly clear of low priced gals, or even 30 min ones...
the 15 min or bng was unheard of, and only left for sws

MOST clients paid a hr or multi hours, dinner dates, etc  
They never ever had too much issue with references, or screening, as it was just the way it was... you screen to play..


Then when the old owner started charging the providers, they became his new focus group and client base... no longer the hobbyist, but the women called the shots now as he made $$$ off them...  
This changed the dynamics of that site...  
the reviews were being removed.. because enough women complained.. The posts and flames were taken off, no more could you speak your mind if  the person alerted it as they took offense or your mean it was gone...
it turned the site into a mangina ran site...

Guys were writing reviews for the ladies benefits, the truth was not being told, it was all fluff and stuff...
The low class ads came next, low rates, sw prices, bng, etc... the mood and vibe of the site changed..  

long gone were the multi hour never negotiate upscale type clients now we got 15 min and 30 min requests, never reading your ads, or asking about services...  
the new rant was never screening and no references, get as much for as cheap...

There was once integrity and and a family almost feel on it...  

then it became like some unknown stranger..... It was no longer like CHEERS where everyone always knows your name...

I was sad to see the site start to deteriorate the way it was...I saw it happening for years from 09 on at least if not 08  

This site, and how they have done it? I still do not know... They have strict review polices which prevent shill and fake reviews and one time new review posts, they have a higher membership but its centered still around the males on this site.  

They do not buckle to the women, and wont... this site is for the hobbyists, we just get to play in their yard...  

They do not remove posts because they are "mean"... they want reviews to be detailed and have strict policy on giving over inflated scores and they do not allow constant ads...  

to this day, every single client I have met, or communicated with from this site, has been respectful, screens happily, books hrs-multi hours, tips, and is respectful.  

i have had one bad experiences from ter in 13 yrs!!!

so if anything the way TER runs their tight ship should be respected, and honored... why ask them to change and make rules the same as the sinking titanic?

I love TER!! I always have been a pr-TER gal!  

before the upheaval! I am not a refugee, I was here for a looong time before :)

hahaaha415 reads

It is amazing that you beat the other horse over and over again just after it's dead. Amazing.

Vorty410 reads

She's looking to be an authority here and establish control...guess what - not going to happen.  Good luck out there cause 'out there' is where you're going to be..

First of all vorty, where did I claim I am looking to be an authority?

I am not going to be "out there" as you so eloquently put it...  

However after the merge, I had at least 20-30 providers who were new to this site and confused call, email or contact me to help them...  


IS it because I am this authority?


It is because I have been on TER since 2001, same with other site...  

All I gave was MY PERSONAL observations of the differences of the two boards and the changes that occurred on one...

You can agree or dont.. I could give a flying fuck...

I think however I do know what I speak of, as I have been on these boards for 13 or so years.  
So I am not talking out my ass...  

you on the otherhand?????

Posted By: Vorty
She's looking to be an authority here and establish control...guess what - not going to happen.  Good luck out there cause 'out there' is where you're going to be...  

I actually contacted her for help. She knows her way around here and I was thankful to have her help.  

I am not sure what the problem is as she knows the "ins and outs" and for someone who had no idea, I think she, among others, was being very helpful. Thanks CK.


Skyfyre406 reads

Newsflash: nothing in life lasts forever!

Yes I was at the other site from the beginning when the format was similar to this one before it became sophisticated (and I earned the Charter member title).

But unlike you I was very, very happy with the change. It was a little confusing at first but it was like a change from dumb bar phone to smart phone it took a little learning curve.  

I was thrilled, absolutely thrilled that the affordable providers were able to come in and market themselves. It was good that the streetwalkers could also market themselves on the Net and not just relying on the dangerous stroll to make a living. And as a street cruiser I too was glad I was able to hook up with my girls through the safety of the Net backing up by reviews instead of taking chances on the streets. It was a WIN-WIN for both of us.

Oh sure there "might" have been losers. With the flood of affordable providers, the high-maintenance, greedy, materialistic providers were squeezed and pressured by market competition and no longer had their monopoly on the Net. Which I think is only fair since a lot of the affordable providers cum streetwalkers are the real needy ones with family and kids to feed.

Unfortunately the "other" site is now history! However the cat is already out of the bag. It's only a matter of time before something similar, maybe even better comes along. Where there is pent-up demand there will be a way for supply to come and satisfy.  

Nostalgia is nice and heart-warming alright but nothing lasts forever and I look forward to the next big thing.

Oh for god's sake. "my affordable girls" versus "high-maintenance, greedy, materialistic providers." Why are you trying to pit women against each other?

This is what I've said all along: men from that site (particularly CHEAP men from that site,) trying to mind fuck women into lowering how they value their time. Maybe those "affordable" providers wouldn't be the "real needy" ones if "clients" such as yourself VALUED THEIR TIME MORE.

Why are you even here? This doesn't seem to be the site for you since it generally caters to those you deem "high-maintenance, greedy, [and] materialistic."

Skyfyre203 reads

It looks like you're not entire clear on the concept of "affordable" providers. There are a multitude of reasons why they are "affordable": they live paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford to lazily sit on their behinds waiting for the next sucker ATM machine, they do not have the resources to get high-class hotel room and/or beautify themselves, they do not have sufficient reviews, they can't compete on pure physical attractiveness, they have marketing defects, etc...  

So in order for them to survive against the competition they resort to the time-tested equalizer: lower prices!

Are you saying the consumers should not go with the law of the free market of supply/demand and instead pay MORE than what they should

Posted By: BreeDrake
Oh for god's sake. "my affordable girls" versus "high-maintenance, greedy, materialistic providers." Why are you trying to pit women against each other?  
 This is what I've said all along: men from that site (particularly CHEAP men from that site,) trying to mind fuck women into lowering how they value their time. Maybe those "affordable" providers wouldn't be the "real needy" ones if "clients" such as yourself VALUED THEIR TIME MORE.  
 Why are you even here? This doesn't seem to be the site for you since it generally caters to those you deem "high-maintenance, greedy, [and] materialistic."
Actually , there were a group of guys who trashed any girl over 200 at the other site. There was another group of guys who trashed other guys who could afford more than they could. That's another reason that the other site had a bad reputation.  

It brought in a ton of pimped girls. That was the real reason for the cheap prices.

catlover322 reads

t was all downhill after the owners started charging money for provider ads. There was a time, mid to late 90s, when everything was free. All you needed was a login name, no password, to post. Those were the glory days, when everything was real. The idiot got too greedy and instituted an "unofficial policy" where paid provider advertisers could get negative reviews and posts deleted, and hobbyists with paid VIP memberships were also given favorable treatment, all to garner more money and make him rich. And slowly but surely it all became fake and the other site became nothing more than a social board with popularity contests moderated by crooked moderators. FBSM forum was especially corrupt.

Now look what happened. He deserves everything that's happened. He deserves it. If he had not gotten so greedy and corrupt with his "unofficial policies", he wouldn't be where he is

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