San Diego

TJ vs a poor provider
MARKIE 2 Reviews 17462 reads

I just read another review of a provider working out of San Diego that was less than stellar. I read all her other reviews and they are virtually the same, she sounds like an absolute bitch to me based on what many guys who are seeing her for the first time have to say.

I feel badly that guys are paying so much for so little in my estimation because possibly they feel they have few choices.

I lived in SanDiego 4 years before discovering TJ. I went to strip clubs up in L.A. San Diego, MASSAGE PARLORS in both places.

My favorites were Hou's in L.A. and Tropical Lei in Upland. Cheetahs in San Diego is excellent as well.

I've been doing this close to 15 years and nothing compares to TJ in terms of value and quality. It' Nirvana, Utopia, and Mecca rolled into one. For those in San Diego it is a slam dunk.

I was encourged to go By someone who posts on the L.A. board, Zorro. He was dead on.

  I have nothing to gain by posting this, except I'm pissed off at this Sophia provider and want to encourge those of you to try TJ if you are so inclined. I'm there EVERY week, twice a week, over 140 trips so far, have learned some Spanish in the last year, and have had serious relationships with a couple of the chica's down there. I frequently take chica's to dinner, movies vacations etc at a fraction of the cost for one provider on our side of the border for one hour.

Now I'm not saying you will have the success I've had, I invest a lot of time and effort into doing this, but there is no reason you can't either.

At least you will have spent 60.00 plus instead of 300.00 for a lousy time. Not all chica's south are the same, but I can count my bad experiences on one hand.

TJ is a dump by anyone's standards, but the chica's are outstanding in terms of cleanliness, the street girls nonwithstanding, I don't do street girls.

It can be dangerous if you are stupid, like to get drunk and stumble around the ally's at night, thus becoming a target for muggers.

I drive down there and have never had anything close to a problem. The people are friendly, they want our business, this 9/11 attack has messed up their economy but good.

I suggest a cab to the clubs until you get adjusted, it takes a few trips, it's a culture shock for a lot of guys, but then you realize nothing bad is going to happen to you and you relax. Adelita's and Chicago CLUB, ALL the cabs know it.

Don't go on Sat night, avoid Fri if possible as well.Very CROWDED, you won't get the same type of service as you will on weeknights.

It's not like this is a big secret anymore, one trip to Adelita's will confirm this,you can't move in there on Sat. night , mostly Americans, few locals.

I don't share much and I don't share often but I FEEL a little like helping right now cause guys seem to expect and subsequently get so little for 300.00. I know if you are on a budget it must be tough to have to wait for a long time between sessions and then not know if you will get dissapointed.

I'm also aware there are good providers on our side of the border, I used to frequent some of the better ones, it's that as an overall experience and for frequency if you live in San Diego this is hard to beat.

fillherup15839 reads

Markie is right on the money.  I spent MANY a happy nights at Adelita's and Chicago Club with my buds when I was single and have had some great experiences with some beautiful mexican senoritas.  My friends and I would close the beach area SD clubs down at 130am and set off to TJ where the action seemed to be non-stop.  One night several of us "toured" every club/bar/hole in the wall in Zona Norte in search for the best lookin chicks and found adelitas and chicago to be the best.  Stay away from the street hookers because alot of them are not allowed to work the bars due to HIV or for being TS's.  Revolution Ave bars are ok if you want a older well used variety or He-She's.   Like markie said,  weeknights are less crowded and the girls will have the tendency not to rush you!


tmoney18491 reads

I do a LOT of "shopping" on the internet. I hit all the sites, read all the reviews, and even buy swing every month or two. I know who everybody is and I know what they charge. I don't post much I just like to lurk.

I have to agree with the 2 guys above. I've been going to TJ for around 5 years now, I've even rented an apartment down there for when I want to bring girls over to my place. I still live in San Diego, but when I want to party south of the border it's nice to have your own place and not deal with hotels.

Anyway back to the point, the other day while I was "shopping" I was on that other national site (something about a large and I ran accross some girl who had her own website. She was highly ranked on that other site, so I checked her out. She wanted me to fly to her, and since I was a new client I would need to pay her for a 1.5 hour session at $1000. So I looked at her pictures more closely, she didn't even have a picture on her site where she showed her boobs. For some reason this angered me. I sent her an e-mail questioning her mental stability. I told her that her rates were outrageous and that these "escorts" in the U.S.A. were getting out of hand with their attitudes and prices and did she know what a piece of ass like her would go for in another country? $50 - Maybe $80 if you were old, fat, smelly and stupid. I could spend the night with her from 9PM to 9AM for free if I wanted to put the time and effort into it or I could just pay her any where from $300-$500 and not have to "date" her.

The bottom line is that there are a TON of girls available with in a 30 minute trip south. Most of which are better looking and younger than what I've seen is available in San Diego and some of which are down right GORGEOUS. The girls are not stupid, dirty, or some dumb beaners run by pimps. They are clean, well dressed, VERY friendly, they like sex, and they're in-expensive. If you're nice to them and put the time and effort into it, you can do them for free (it's like going to a restuarant, eating and not paying) or you can just stand around and pick a girl of your choice and for under $100 you can have the girl of your dreams.

It all comes down to supply and demand. In TJ prostitution is tolerated, it's a thriving industry. There are a lot more girls who do it. If the girl standing next to them is charging $50 then who is going to be able to charge $300? Since prostitution is illegal here in the states, there is much more demand than there are girls and the girls feel they can charge what ever they want (and put up what ever attitude and rules they want). If it were legal, you'd be seeing $60 fun, likeable, hard-bodies all over the place.

I've never tried the TJ thing.  If I went there and got a good looking girl, what am I looking at spending total?  I've been a big fan of the oriental massage parlors, and have found that for about $120-150 I can get full service.  I've shopped around enough that I know which places to go to, i.e., who has hot girls.  I've found some hotties, trust me.  boob jobs, young, long legs, great looking.

can I get the same thing for under $100?  How much less???  There is _some_ risk going to Mexico....they have different rules down there... but if you could get a hot ass girl to do full service for $50 bucks...then I guess I could have sex from 2-3 girls in one night for the same price as one in the US.  :)

can you go during the day or only evenings?

Day and night, full service, well under a 100 bucks, beautiful women. has lots of info for your trip.Enjoy.

dman14879 reads

For $125, you can have the nicest ladies at the Adelita Bar spend an entire hour with you, including the room and two shots of your gun.  For a 1/2 hour session, $40-60 for the lady, plus $11 for the room.

Street Girl quickies can be gotten for under $25 total (but that is not everyone's cup of tea).

tmoney20524 reads

Now you're getting the picture. If you get a good looking girl? Depends on what you mean by good looking. From what I see on this board and on the reviews, there is a wide chasm between my idea of good looking and most peoples idea of good looking. I am not one of the people who share the idea that Mara is attractive. No hard feelings if you read this, you know eye of the beholder and all that crap, any way. Lets use my idea of good looking. Most of it will depend on you and your attitude. If you do the standard routine, see a girl aproach, no Spanish, a wam bam thank you mam deal then you'll spend $50-$60 plus $10-$12 for the room and you'll get a half hour. and full service? You're funny. They don't do any thing else. They're hookers.

Is there a risk going to Mexico? Yes. There is a risk to walking out your front door. There is risk in everything you do. If you are a complete rube, a total jerk off, and a plain dumb ass you'll most likely find some body to separate you from your money. However if you think that you could arrive in any new city in any country and find your way around and to some girl action then you will not have a problem.

TJ is a large city. Most places (the whore houses) open at 8 in the morning and close at 6 in the morning. Go figure.

I have my house here in San Diego, I am an American citizen and I am about as white as they come but I feel comfortable to rent an appartment in TJ, I spend a few days/nights down there a week. I drive my car across, I eat at restuarants, shop at stores, go to night clubs, go to the movies, the mall, the beach, go to tittie bars, massage parlours and the cool part is they have this one little part of town that has hookers, at times thousands of them in this 5 square block radius. And I know that at any time I can go down there and bang any one of 'em I want or all of them!!!! What a great place.

Machiavelli14835 reads

thx for letting us know they arent some dumb beaners. those were your words right. are you sure youre here in SD with that kinda racist talk?

and youre angered by her pictures not showing her boobs. Who cares. get angered by being ripped off. get angered by it being a fake photo. but angered by boobs. gimme a break

-- Modified on 12/4/2001 6:04:57 PM

fillherup15888 reads

In defense of the guy who coined the term "beaners"  Who cares!  I didn't realize you were such a purist who has never made a racial or gender remark, even in sandi eggo.

Best Regards,

Signed,   a Dago/Wop/Meatball

Besides, the "beaners absolutely hate us "gringos"..... so the hell with them!

tmoney14890 reads

I wanted to respond to this right away. But first let me offer an apology. I was trying to convey and sentiment that I feel permiates this board. I get the feeling from most people on here that Mexico is a dirty little shit hole filled with good for nothing worthless lazy spics and nothing good can come from there. That's the feeling I get from the board. I don't feel that way at all. I live there for Christ's sake. I could be completely wrong and really don't have any facts or postings to back it up. It's just really more a feeling that I get from the board. I was just trying to write to an audience that might contain Mexico bashers and I was saying that it might be what they feel.

Mexico and it's people, me encantan. There's really no translation for that. I guess directly it would be they charm me. I have a deep respect and admiration for most Mexicans. They are strong, proud, caring, very passionate and put salt, lime and chile on EVERYTHING. I usually only date Latina women. The love and passion of a Latina woman when she truly loves you is unparralled in this world. And lord have mercy on your soul if you betray that love, for you will know no wrath and fury greater.

What I was trying to say was if you think that they are just a bunch of dumb beaners, you're wrong. Don't feel that way.

Your confusion was my fault. I'm sorry.

And yeah I was pissed she didn't show her boobs. Hell she wants me to plunk down $1000 for 1.5 hours and I don't even get to see the goods even just a picture of 'em before I pay her over-inflated price? Who cares about boobs? You're kidding right?

It was more part of her attitude. Of "I'm so hot, you have to do this, you have to do that, I have rules, rude behavior will not be tolerated, my shit doesn't stink, I can just stand here in a bikini and men will just drool over me and throw thousands of dollars at me." huh? WHAT? EXCUSE ME? Bitch here's $50 now shut the fuck up and lets go knock boots. I mean only in America do we tolerate this kind of treatment. I'm telling you in many other countries it's not like that. I mean I'm not rude like that to any girls I "date" But I've litterly have had nights when at 4 in the morning I'm shit faced falling over drunk, smell like a brewery, can barely talk, I see some SMOKIN hot piece of ass go up to her and say "you wanna go fuck? Yeah? Cool, me too, fifty bucks cool? yeah? Right on, lets go."

I'm not saying that all girls are over priced and they all have bad attitudes, there are some great providers out there and you have to take into consideration that they face a much higher risk so with higher risk comes higher prices. Also you wont have many women who want to take that risk so with less competition you will also have higher prices.

There is just a huge disparity with some girls of price/attitude/service and all of a sudden when you cross a line just a little bit south your quality increases significantly and your price decreases significantly.

bigniplover16425 reads

Sounds like you guys are right on!  Did you see the Nov. review of ROSALBA in TJ?  If its an accurate review, WHAT A DEAL IT IS!!!

Trust me, thats just the tip of the iceberg.

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