San Diego

yea no doubt...why do you think we screen so much?
sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 15971 reads
1 / 15

Did anyone happen to catch last nights news on Channel 10, at 11? The topic was the World's Oldest Profession Gone Hi-Tech? It was rather unsettling..
I was more incensed than anything else, however..

SDSURFER619 84 Reviews 9294 reads
2 / 15

One of the ads on SDX is for SDPD!!! Friend was one of the 75 guys busted so far. SDPD is monitoring EROS-SD, SDX, Cityvibe, et. al. They have been targeting the guys for now. I would not be surprised if they start going after the girls in the near future.

slambig 12 Reviews 10385 reads
3 / 15

screw that now i'm really paranoid...............

pepper69 4 Reviews 11481 reads
4 / 15

What do you mean by monitoring the sites? I heard somethig about they (SDPD) has new techniques? Whats the 411?

concerned alias 12892 reads
5 / 15

It seems that we need an effort on our part (hobbyist & providers)to deter suspicious activities by LE!

missjs 10210 reads
6 / 15

No need for paranoia here! If LE is targeting the guys, guys just stick with local, well-known providers with enough reviews over time that the provider can't possibly be LE.

wandamorehead 8904 reads
7 / 15

Stick to the ladies you know and stay far away from any provider that doesn't screen you...if you have an ATF then why stray?

sextoy 395 Reviews 9574 reads
8 / 15

From what I saw It appears that SDPD has an officer posing as an escort her name is JADE. I am sure they are reading our post and gathering info.

sdhobbyist 23 Reviews 9101 reads
9 / 15

Just watched the tape of the news.  To me it was no new news.  They came out with the absolutely shocking revelation that many of the women who advertise as "escorts" are actually "prostitutes" just using a different descriptive word, and that the men they used to call "Johns" are now being referred to as "hobbyists" (so you can call me SDJohn if you'd like).  They have placed an ad under the name of Jade (I remember that it was on both Eros and SDX for a while, and it isn't on either site now for obvious reasons) and busted 70 guys during the summer.  Anyone who keeps up on stuff using this site knew about Jade within a day or two.  They showed HotUSANights a lot, spent a lot of time showing everyone's favorite 'provider' Brigette's homepage, TER got some play (but only regulars would've recognized it, they didn't say the name, just said "there are even review boards..."), and Exotics-USA's banner ad got some airtime (but not the local chapter, SDX).  Only members of SDPD were interviewed.

To me there was nothing revealing or scary there.  Stay safe, screen, go with names you recognize.  Another tact...don't break the law!

A question.  Is it sweeps week or something?  I heard a promo for Channel 8 news at 5pm Friday where they were interviewing an ex-provider about all her sordid affairs.  I noticed last year that all the swimsuit and hookers stuff happens at important ratings time.

aldus-huxley 13273 reads
10 / 15

Rule No.1 = Information wants to be free.
Rule No.2 = Only the Paranoid survive.
Rule No.3 = LE thrives during election periods.

Assumption = All posts, chats, and reviews are (capable of) being LE reviewed.

Here are some General statistics that any non-member could find out:

# of total reviews posted (all services)
las vegas 341 (first post 11/99)
san diego 469 (first post 10/99)
los angeles 2834 (first post 2/99)

# of currently reviewed Providers (all services)
las vegas 237
san diego 333
los angeles 1343

# of Escort-only providers with donations less than $200
las vegas 15
san diego 127
los angeles 275

# of Escort-only providers with donations greater than $1k
san diego 6
las vegas 27
los angeles 57

anothergirlview 11496 reads
11 / 15

for some time now. Why in the world do you think the ladies screen so heavily, guys????  SDPD calls and emails the girls on a regular and frequent basis. A girl gets lucky and she sees through the ploy, unlucky and she gets a ticket for running a business without a license or a night in Las Colinas Women's Jail on a charge of solicitation.
Please don't be naive. If San Diego is "the first police department in the Nation" as channel 10 reported to have advertised as an escort online, and to have a full time officer exchanging emails online, don't think they won't be the first to do other things....
I personally wouldn't put it past Chief Bejarano and
Mr. Pfingst to allow a fiasco like the BD hijinx in Florida.
Something to think about and a real reason for ladies not to allow you gentleman to post reviews about them. (Nevermind SDPD can use the new reviews as a "trigger" to go after ladies, assuming they're not fictional and a reason to assume the lady is "doing" something possibly illegal...Let's not forget that posters got snatched into the Florida case as well as providers.)

alphared 10268 reads
12 / 15

I was set up specifically because of my very first review...they showed it to me and quoted specifically from it while he was trying to negotiate,,,i made the mistake of thinking that they played by the rules. they do not. If you show up you are getting ticketed no matter what. There was 9 police officers in the next room and they were only targeting independent escorts...i was told this by the sargent in charge...a woman. they want their $3600 for a license and if you have one you can lie cheat and steal as much as you want and they will actually back you up.

Since my case was dismissed I have received several LE calls a month and I know because they use the same tired ole stories to explain why they can't get through your screening process.They underestimate the power of the grapevine..

if you are offering discounts they assume you are desperate enough to make an time is all they need. I am considering writing a guide to screening as well as an on the phone checklist page that makes it much easier and natural to do.

Alot of the apointments forms on ladies websites are so limited that I beleive that they miss out on appointments that could be booked if they took into consideration that there are so many different professions that have alternative ways of being verified. Also out of town clients are much easier to verify last minute then most of us think. there are a multitude of ways to do it without requiring appt's be booked several days in advance or calling their work.

If you are well known and respected provider please show your interest here and I will do this. I have often given advice to those who are just starting out but I have not put it into any kind of written format to follow espeically when trying to spontaneously book an appointment. I have also found that many let their egos get in the way and truly believe that they are bust proof but do not realize just how sleazy and underhanded our local LE can be.

I have alot of experience with this...too much to go into here, but suffice it to say if there was a scenario layed out by LE I have heard of it or dealt with it directly....I have also spent and enormous time dealing with clients on the phone and have taken advice from the very best in the business on booking as many safe calls as possible. If there is an interest in this i will do it free of charge. You can e-mail me via TER if you are interested but realize that you must be a well known provider or have very good references and at least two reviews from known TER members to be considered for this.

"Why is it illegal to charge for something that can be given away for free?"
-George Carlin-

GirlPointOfView 11512 reads
13 / 15

From this article on the net and what was on TV, sounds like 10News is really trying drum up some news.....  The article below applies to street-walkers. Video link has been provided below.

Prostitution Making Comeback In San Diego
Sat Nov 2, 2:39 PM ET

Once thought to be on the decline, prostitution is making a comeback on San Diego streets, 10News reported.

And the ladies of the night are no longer looking for customers or Johns during the late hours. Instead, they are working the streets in broad daylight, according to police.

Daylight prostitution business is brisk and booming, said San Diego Vice Sgt. Mark Sullivan.

"The girls will be out here working as long as the business is out here. There are guys out here looking for this kind of activity in the afternoon," Sullivan said.

10News reporter Fred Blankenship went with Sullivan on a daytime prostitution bust. In just 45 minutes, Sullivan and his team caught two prostitutes and their customers.

The Johns are arrested and in lieu of jail time they attended a three-hour seminar listening to life stories from former prostitutes.

"I'm somebody's daughter. I'm somebody's mother. And I'm somebody's sister," former prostitute Kathy Hardy told the group of men.

Hardy is a member of the Midcity prostitution task force.

"I didn't care if I had gotten a disease or not. If you had it, oh well. If you didn't, you would probably get it from me and pass it on to your wife or your girlfriend," task force member and former prostitute Vivian Fernandez said.

During the seminar, police officers, health care professionals and community members try to drive home the point that prostitution is not a victimless crime.

"It's has a negative impact on the city. What about the condoms that kids pick up on the streets, the needles that are picked up and the fact that women are being harassed?" task force member Michael Dunn said.

And the prostitutes can become victims as well.

"I was raped 12 times by 15 different people and I don't mean they didn't pay me. I mean by knife point or gun point," Hardy said.

Deputy City Attorney Chandani Sil Flinn has headed the seminar program for almost a year.

"I think a lot of people look at prostitution and say what's the big deal, two adults having sex. Well, 35 Johns have heard these real-life stories. There have been no repeat offenders and one reason why is that they learn about the streets' harsh reality," Sil Flinn said.

10News could not reveal any of the Johns' identities, but one man did express what he took away from the seminar.

"I don't think I'll do that again. It's not fun. It's not worth it to lose your life. Not only will you lose your freedom if you get caught, but you can lose your life," he said.

-- Modified on 11/4/2002 12:09:53 AM

2sense 10328 reads
14 / 15

Imagine that there may be prostitution in San Diego, and that Channel 10 was daring enough to expose it. Shouldn't we be upgrading the color on our terror alert system?

Very reminiscent of the following exchange in "Casablanca".

"How can you close me up? On what grounds?"
"I'm shocked — shocked to find that gambling is going on in here."
::A croupier hands Renault a pile of money.::
"Your winnings, sir."
"Oh, thank you.... very much. Everybody out at once!"

-Louis & Rick

PAT MCGROIN 2 Reviews 11019 reads
15 / 15

Aren't you worried that offering this information might make you more of a target than retaining a lower profile? You heard 'em right: if they arrest you it's no doubt "for your own" good to protect you from the "harsh realities" of your evil life.

We also know that some ladies (and gentlemen) simply won't get it until they learn the hard way. No amount of making it easier for them will help if they don't really want help.

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