San Diego

Why on earth do you think I would be worried about you?regular_smile
Ginger girl 11168 reads

I only have time to see 4-5 clients max per week. So I never worry about anyone...there are plenty of nice men out there that can more than fill my schedule....

    Let me say that I could never understand how some providers receive high marks and low marks.  Yet, the phrase YMMV may have something to do with it.  However, I think  it may have more to do with when a provider is having or had a bad day.
    You see, I just got back from a "DANCE" session with Caressa.  YES!  The very same one I described as the GFE of DANCERS!  Well, I may have jumped the gun.  Or it may have been the kind of day she was having?  She was at the beach all morning and when I met with her.....
    I would have thought that it was a different person.  Man!  I was floored.  TOP $$$ paid, and received some attitude.  Not a lot, but enough to make me say "NOT AGAIN!"  
    I did get to see her friend Maraih, however.  She is HOT!  BUT!  Being that I AM THE FOOTMAN, I checked out the feet!  As I checked out her body from head too toe, she was working on a smoking 10!  Well, that is too say until I got to her feet.  She had the ugly "French" tip thing going on with (maybe fake) long toe nails!  I don't know who ever told women that long toe nails was attractive, although, I would like to meet the guy or girl so that I can have their heads examined.
    That look is soooooooo ugly.  I would not receive a dance from her.  She is otherwise HOT!  I like Caressa's feet.  They are cute.  The nails are trimmed close and neat.  YMMV
    I would not return.  Let me say that louder, I WILL NOT RETURN!!!!
The Footman

GirlPointOfView11962 reads

I'm not defending any actions that took place that day because I wasn't there, however, your question brings up a valid point.  I would like to return with a question so that we, as providers, can answer you better.

Typically, I schedule appointments from 24 to 96 hours in advance.  When I schedule the appointment, I feel great. Otherwise I wouldn't have scheduled it.  Sometimes, though, on game day, I feel like crap.  Maybe something I ate, maybe not enough sleep, or any other reasons people wouldn't feel well that day.  

My question to you is:

If I was feeling like crap the day we were supposed to meet, and I called to tell you that and cancel our date, what would you say?  

My guess is that a lot of guys would be pissed....

Even when I do feel like crap, I try my damnest to be upbeat about it.  Bad reviews?  I'll tell you something about a bad review mixed in with a lot of good ones - it's the guy!  He was probably a jerk or too demanding.  Guys feel like their money should go way too far - There are things that compromise my safety that I just won't do and the guy gets pissy about it.  

I've even had guys demand that I be their girlfriend - What in the $#@%&! is that all about??

It was bad enough he tried to talk me down to $50.00 but why do I have to service him while he's sitting on the pot??

I actually would like it if a provider would let me know when they are not up to par. As long as there is a little notice, not at the door before the session. I like the session to be special not wham bam thank you maam. So the more the provider is relaxed and up for action, I'm sure the more I am going to enjoy. Just my two cents.

GirlPointOfView12310 reads

Thanks to most of you with the good advice -

I was really worried about cancelling a date because I thought it was rude.  But you have shown me the light fellas!

However, even on my worst day, I think I do pretty good - but I'd rather be really great instead!


hotlick13822 reads

Maybe I’m just not the average hobbyist but I would have a lot more respect for a provider that's had a long day, to much sun, worked to hard or just in a grouchy mood to reschedule rather that provide a mediocre session.  For me it's not a life and death situation and I would rather postpone it until another day.

But then maybe being single is the advantage here, I don't have to schedule around family.  I know that tomorrow, next week or next month that I will be ready to play. Every day is a good day to hobby. If I get cancelled on today I still have the cash, no harm no foul.  You give me a half ass session and I'm left with an empty feeling and wallet.

When a provider is not feeling well she should cancel her appointments. I would rather have a cancellation than pay for poor performance.  

In many cases a bad review mixed in with good ones may be the guy's problem but not always.

I had scheduled an appointment months in advance with a provider who was visiting the LA area.  The night before my appointment she ate something that gave her food poisoning.  She had the good sense to cancel her luncheon appointment but felt that she would be ok by the time of my appointment.  After driving for 90 minutes I was no more in the door than she was telling me about her food poisoning and that she was still not feeling good. Not being a total SOB after a couple of minutes of hearing about her problem, I suggested that if she was not feeling well we should reschedule our appointment when she was feeling better.  She stated that she would be OK and we should keep the appointment.  Needless to say the performance was not very good.  I did learn a valuable lesson from this.  If a provider complains about how she is feeling for more than a minute, I will cancel the appointment by leaving.  Of course that provider will then complain on one of the ladies review boards that I am a jerk and ripped her off.  I work to hard for my money to waste it on poor performances whatever the reason.  I am sure some providers will refuse to believe what I have said.

In the short time I've been hobbying, it's happened to me twice where a provider had to cancel because of illness.  While initially, I was disappointed because family concerns limit my hobbying opportunities, I got over it.  I'd much rather have a good session than a bad one anyway.

I eventually got to see them and all was good.  To me, this is just a hobby, not life or death, so I try not to let it bug me too much.

300 to 500 or more, several times a day means a provider probably won't slow down for a headache or any other illness. Rescheduling just takes up later time that could be filled with new appointments. I don't blame them, and nobody is at the top of thier game all the time, but it is expensive for us gentlemen and from time to time we have to pay for poor service because she's having a bad day. The only thing to be done about it is to write a poor review, but hey, you already spent the money.

I pretty much agree with you Riker. Although some types of illness would cause most other people to skip work.  Bottom line no matter what level the provider we are just tricks, johns or portable ATM machines.  Any other view is just the type of fantasy BS that these discussion boards usually promote.

Ginger girl12895 reads

I personally don't look at "johns" that way at all. I refuse to look at any human being as being less than that. If I have an experience with a client that finds me just counting the money in my head and has me wishing I were some where else I just don't see them again...why? because I don't ever want to become the jaded money grubbing, single minded, shallow human being that you have desribed all providers as being. The main thing I love about this business is that I do get to spend quality time with quality people and i don't have to deal with the bs of dating. I have to admit that making sure that my appointments are all that they can be does require me to turn away alot of men who request me...If I can hear the jaded tone of an addicted and pessimistic hobbyist in their voice i say "no thank you " for fear of becoming like you.
P.S. If I am not feeling in the mood the day of an appointment I take some time to meditate and re-group. Works everytime.

I apologize for lumping all providers into one category.  I know that is not correct.  I am afraid that I went overboard in my reaction to two posts.  I will now address them using the same logic you used in trying to analyze me.

1. GirlPointofView made the following general all inclusive statement "I'll tell you something about a bad review mixed in with a good one - it's the guy!"  I do not know how she can be so positive in every case. A number of hobbyists have stated on various boards that they would never write a negative review unless it was an outright ripoff.  Other hobbyists have stated that they would not give a poor review to a well reviewed provider because they would feel that it was there fault or YMMV.  I guess if you get a few stellar reviews many of the hobbyists will not give you a negative review no matter what you do. It sounds like the providers are always right and hobbyists are always wrong.  This concept has been voiced by a number of providers at various times.  Couple that statement with several other she made in her post and applying your standards I would have to consider her a jaded provider who does not like what she is doing.  Don't worry GirlPointofView the only reason why I would like to know your identity is to make sure that I never try to book an appointment with you.  I don't need the jaded attitude.

2. Riker seems to think that no matter how ill a provider is and how bad their performance may be that money is money and grab it while you can.  Following that logic to its conclusion, I assume that it would be OK for a provider who knew she was HIV+ to have unprotected sex with her clients without telling them of her condition.  After all it's just another illness and money is money.    

3. Ginger girl made the following statement "If I can hear the jaded tone of an addicted hobbyist in their voice I say "no thank you" for fear of becoming like you." Don't worry Ginger, I am not addicted enough that I will be calling you anytime soon trying to set up an appointment.

GirlPointOfView11684 reads

Not jaded - just have standards!  Standards in which you do not meet.  

It's all about having fun to me - and if a guy like you thinks that he can treat a professional escort the same way he would treat a street-walking crack whore, then I don't want to have anything to do with you.

Not having any bad reviews myself, I can pretty much say that I won't be going broke by lowering my standards to see you.

I do have to give you credit where credit is due - my apologies for generalizing bad reviews.  I do know that it's possible for a girl to have a bad day and get a bad review out of many good ones.  I have seen it happen where I personally know the reviewer and he's a great guy - so probably not his fault.

Look - you came off sounding like a prick - you may be a good guy and all, but if you voice your opinion like that too much, you won't be seeing too many girls around here at all.  It's a two way street; don't think that just because you have money you can have any escort you want....

Just a point of view....

Ginger girl11169 reads

I only have time to see 4-5 clients max per week. So I never worry about anyone...there are plenty of nice men out there that can more than fill my schedule....

GirlPointOfView14525 reads

I have NEVER viewed a guy like that before - You should do your homework on a girl before you decide to see her!  Sounds like you are hitting up the agency types or Austin's prodigical students of scam.

AND another thing - what in the hell makes you think we are all seeing SEVERAL guys a day??  I know - you watch a lot of TV cop dramas.  Get real! Maybe a few guys a week!  If you think we see every guy who sends us an email, you are dead wrong!  I turn down way more than I see.  Since this is my job, I want to have fun doing it.  What a pig-headed opinion you have to think your money means that much to me!  I don't generalize every guy out there and say they're all jerks - so don't generalize us girls!

And kiss my butt if you think I'm saying this to drum up business - kinda hard to do since you don't know who I am....

As Always-

My Point of View  

-- Modified on 6/14/2002 7:36:28 PM

I am sure some ladies think like that, but they probably don;t stay in biz very long (except Brigette & Austin).

I think you're being a bit extreme.  I have had lots of ladies spend extra tiem with me because I wasn;t having a good day - maybe a bit distracted, or what.  They could have kicked me out when the clock struck,  but  I've never had it happen (except in Las Vegas - but there you go)

It kinda sonds to me like you got into this hobby expecting all the girls to fall in love with you.  That's a very dangerous thinkg - you're going to be disappointed.

But that doesn't justify what you've said.

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