San Diego

ThePeopleRule 423 reads

Is a guy with 300+ reviews posting on the Provider Ad Board?

Provided of course our time is great.  Please PM me.  In the gaslamp tonight.

ThePeopleRule424 reads

Is a guy with 300+ reviews posting on the Provider Ad Board?

Damn!  That must be a record for fuckin! Does masturbation ever enter your mind?  Your accountant wishes it did.  LOL.  
I am NOT hatin on ya bro!  If you are able to enjoy yourself like that, then more power to ya.  This is an acknowledgement that your VIP status goes into the TER stratosphere...

AverageEverydayJoe408 reads

Wow - u must travel a lot!  300 plus reviews - now that's a very trust worthy hobbiest!

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