San Diego

When will you men ever learn.....
Ginger girl 12681 reads

If you have had these encounters in the past where a lady was much heavier than you liked...and it sounds to me that you like them very thin i.e. "model thin" then when you contact the provider ask her what dress size she wears and how tall she is. I recently had a review where the reviewer called me I am a size Ten and I am five foot 8 inches tall and wear a fitted size 32/32 levi. The average women is a size 14 and cindy crawford is a size 6. she is 1 inch taller than me and 2 sizes smaller, sizes run in 2's ladies 2,4,6 and jr's 1,3,5,  now that we have a reference to go by you need to look for women who are a size 1,2,3,4,5, if they are the average heigth of 5'6' or under. If she is 6 feet tall and a size ten she is proabable still very thin unless she is extremely small boned. If it is easier for you to understand jean size then that is a very good gauge to use...ask her what size levis she wears. Oh and the differences in the odd and even number sizes are that the odd sizes and the corressponding even size only differ by the amount of curve in the cut...that is why odd sizes are called juniors. Anna nicole is between a 18 and 20 dress size and she is 6 foot...that puts her at WELL over 200lbs. When it comes to numerical ratings I understand that a mans brain clings to these types of things as a measure...they are not however reliable in a very subjective forum and men do not like the same things or looks in women. I have also found the larger the ego the more the man thins his standards are THE standard and everyone else should think like he does.( the best looking girl in the strip club hardly ever makes the most money it is usually the sexy aggresive less attractive one that had the balls to be a stripper despite what anyone said) If the reviewer who saw me, who obviously likes his ladies trim had even a reasonable understanding of a ladies dress size in relation to what he is looking for he would never had called me in the first place. If he were to ask me I would have told him that I am not a skinny girl...I am however FAR from a BBW and no where near rotund....adjectives can hurt use them wisely. As a last and final statement, and yes I do realize that i am on a rant. If you don't like the way a provider looks ,espeically when she has had alot of good reviews then cancel the appointment instead of giving her your hard earned money (and usually not saying a damn thing during the session) and then turning around and writing a crappy review that could really hurt her business. My reviewer said "she was really nice so I feel a bit bad about saying this but I feel I should be honest" WTF? how about being honest and straight forward in the first place. Have some BALLS and tell the provider she is not your cup of my case he said he knew when he opened the door...I would not have had my feelings hurt at all if he had asked me to leave...but even if they would have been hurt I would have much rather left then have a very uncomfortable session with someone who had little to nothing to say to me and then wrote the review that he did. Passive agressive behavior is pathetic in my book. If you want to get what you want out of life or this "hobby" as it is so euphemistically called then learn how to communicate and educate yourself on what it is that you like...instead of lashing out in dissapointment because you were to weak and horny to send someone away and spent alot of money on her anyway.
Sorry if I have offended anyone but then again tough love hurts, if you don't believe me ask Dr. Phil

Wasnt me12014 reads

The last five providers that I have seen have had multiple reviews posted by TER members that have also posted numerous reviews. Each of them had “looks ratings” of 7, 8, or 9. In the text of the reviews references were also made to how “hot” they looked in some way or another. Well notwithstanding the level of information that was available for each of these ladies and the “model material” rating that they received from my fellow hobbyists, they were all at least 30 to 40 pounds over weight!!!

Yes I looked carefully at the photography that was available on their websites and either they were older pictures or carefully posed shots with attire that concealed their obesity. Yes I said the “O” word. These ladies when observed naked are obese!

So I’m at a loss. Either the general male population has developed a taste for large ladies with huge butts and sagging bellies, or our fellow reviewers are too afraid to truthfully describe their dates to other hobbyists for fear that the lady will know who disclosed their secret.

On one occasion I was so disappointed with the difference between the review rating/description and web photo that I wrote a polite but very accurate review in which I clearly described a particular providers huge physical characteristics. Shortly thereafter that provider’s reviews were no longer available and she re-surfaced with a different but just as concealing picture and several “model material” reviews followed.

I am not intending to hurt any ladies feelings. I did enjoy the time I spent with each of them. I just would like to know before we get to that intimate moment whether she can fit into a seat on an airplane or not.

Sorry if I have hurt anyone’s feelings. Just trying to encourage truthful and accurate reviews. I’ll accept any flames.

San Diego Man12775 reads

I concur completely! My best guess is that if you have a beer gut that hangs down to your knees and could use a bra yourself, then seeing a provider who's ass looks like a golf ball in a Salvador Dali painting is probably "Model Material". Perhaps we should ask Staff to sub-divide the category and say what they're most likely to be modeling for, like Playboy or Jenny Craig.

nctyguy13188 reads

As they say "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."  I have also wondered what some of these reviewers were thinking or maybe they just left their glasses at home.  Part of the reason that I participate in this hobby is to be able to have intimate relations with a woman that may not give me the time of day in the real world.  I cannot afford a full time trophy wife or girlfriend, but I am capable of frequently renting them.

I am not the greatest looking guy, I am overweight, thinning hair, but my money is as green as anyone's and I do take the time to arrive to appointments on time, neat and clean.  It is always a YMMV hobby and some guys may get better service because of their looks or mannerisms. There seems to be a strong correlation between the level of service a person provides and the ranking of beauty. If someone plans on returning, I think we increase the scores a little just in case the provider does connect the review back to us.

When I set an appointment it is usually because I am in the mood for some companionship, at various levels.  Every session is partially a fantasy and looks may be a major factor in selecting a person. Other times it may be mostly on services provided. If it is looks, then being dissappointed greatly reduces the over all pleasure of the session.

Let us all be honest, otherwise why have this board. To all the providers that I have seen in the past, thank you.  Without you I might be a lot richer, but this is a case where money has bought happiness. To all the rest, thank you for allowing all of the guys to get pleasure when needed. This thread is intended towards the inflated reviews and not against the providers, unless you have posted fraudulent pictures.

Ginger girl12682 reads

If you have had these encounters in the past where a lady was much heavier than you liked...and it sounds to me that you like them very thin i.e. "model thin" then when you contact the provider ask her what dress size she wears and how tall she is. I recently had a review where the reviewer called me I am a size Ten and I am five foot 8 inches tall and wear a fitted size 32/32 levi. The average women is a size 14 and cindy crawford is a size 6. she is 1 inch taller than me and 2 sizes smaller, sizes run in 2's ladies 2,4,6 and jr's 1,3,5,  now that we have a reference to go by you need to look for women who are a size 1,2,3,4,5, if they are the average heigth of 5'6' or under. If she is 6 feet tall and a size ten she is proabable still very thin unless she is extremely small boned. If it is easier for you to understand jean size then that is a very good gauge to use...ask her what size levis she wears. Oh and the differences in the odd and even number sizes are that the odd sizes and the corressponding even size only differ by the amount of curve in the cut...that is why odd sizes are called juniors. Anna nicole is between a 18 and 20 dress size and she is 6 foot...that puts her at WELL over 200lbs. When it comes to numerical ratings I understand that a mans brain clings to these types of things as a measure...they are not however reliable in a very subjective forum and men do not like the same things or looks in women. I have also found the larger the ego the more the man thins his standards are THE standard and everyone else should think like he does.( the best looking girl in the strip club hardly ever makes the most money it is usually the sexy aggresive less attractive one that had the balls to be a stripper despite what anyone said) If the reviewer who saw me, who obviously likes his ladies trim had even a reasonable understanding of a ladies dress size in relation to what he is looking for he would never had called me in the first place. If he were to ask me I would have told him that I am not a skinny girl...I am however FAR from a BBW and no where near rotund....adjectives can hurt use them wisely. As a last and final statement, and yes I do realize that i am on a rant. If you don't like the way a provider looks ,espeically when she has had alot of good reviews then cancel the appointment instead of giving her your hard earned money (and usually not saying a damn thing during the session) and then turning around and writing a crappy review that could really hurt her business. My reviewer said "she was really nice so I feel a bit bad about saying this but I feel I should be honest" WTF? how about being honest and straight forward in the first place. Have some BALLS and tell the provider she is not your cup of my case he said he knew when he opened the door...I would not have had my feelings hurt at all if he had asked me to leave...but even if they would have been hurt I would have much rather left then have a very uncomfortable session with someone who had little to nothing to say to me and then wrote the review that he did. Passive agressive behavior is pathetic in my book. If you want to get what you want out of life or this "hobby" as it is so euphemistically called then learn how to communicate and educate yourself on what it is that you like...instead of lashing out in dissapointment because you were to weak and horny to send someone away and spent alot of money on her anyway.
Sorry if I have offended anyone but then again tough love hurts, if you don't believe me ask Dr. Phil

Fit&Fun11699 reads

G, I think the main point he was trying to make is, what exactly is "Model Material"?.  Clearly, there are models in the VSecrets catalog and also in the big and tall pubs.  Everyone, in my opinion, is a model to someone.

I don't buy the "Model Material" - I do buy truth in advertising and simply believe providers should provide current descriptions and recent photos.  Digital cameras are less than an hour donation these days - why do so many reviews state "not like her picture".  Hell, I put on an extra 8 pounds over the summer that I need to work off - shit happens.

I just think us men can be real wimps around providers.  We think with our dicks, not our brains.  I think it is important to communicate what we're looking for to see if there is a match.  If we simply cut to the chase and set-up the date - we take a real chance of having just an ok time.  For providers who are really trying to build a small list of regulars - this is a waste of time in my opinion.

I, too, believe that it is important to do your research.  You obviously took the time-out to look over the reviews to see which ladies received high marks....Did you not take the time to visit their site, as well?  
In Ginger's case...I have both seen her pics & met her in person. I cannot see where this guy was surprised when she got to his door.  First of all, She is Far from Rotund! And Secondly, Her pics are an Accurate reflection of her appearance.

My pics, on the other-hand, do not show my body at I could understand if a guy was surprised at how I looked in-person.  I am 5'9" and I wear a size 6.  Yet, still..I have had a review in which the date said my body was "nothing impressive".  I agree in that I do not have the body of a super-model..but I Have always been told that I was Thin.  So I guess it ultimately depends on each individuals' tastes.

But, then again...some men must obviously have left their eyeglasses at home!  For instance..the derrogatory posting re: Meagan Lee.  I have seen her in person, as well.  Some guy said she "had a beer-belly". Well, when I saw her she was built like a runway model!  I'm completely serious!  She is 2 inches taller than me, so that puts her at 5'11" and only a size 6!!  I doubt she weighs 125# if that!  So I find it hard to believe that she did indeed have a beer-belly.

I realize that I, too am rambling-on...So I will just say this & go: Please take the time to ask all the "important" questions PRIOR to the date....And Don't hold back...'Cause if you do, then only "You" are to blame if she is not what you had hoped for!

Any comment about "you men" or "all women" is bound to be incorrect. We're not all the same and we're also all likely to be different on different days sometimes too.

There are really several separate issues here.

1) are all men stupid?  No. Some of us look at the reviewers' other reviews to determine his level of credibility. Hopefully we compare reviews on ladies we've seen in common to determine the relative preferences. For example anyone that called you "rotund" is clearly out of touch with any reality I live in. I might call you svelt or nicely built IMHO.

2) do some men think with the wrong head sometimes?  Yes. This factor of review inflation has been discussed here numerous times. Some men are afraid that a lady won't see them again if they're too accurate in their comments and the lady knows their TER handle. Some men just don't wish to admit they got intimate with someone who's not a model and inflate the review for their own ego. And some men write their review too soon after the session so they're still glowing hopefully in awe and aren't objective a la beer goggles.

3) do some ladies "fudge" their self description and photos? Yes, some do. Often it's through the use of older photos than current. OTOH, some ladies attempt to be as accurate as is reasonable because they don't wish to disappoint and waste their time as well as the gent's. Will all ladies tell you their true dress size? Will all ladies tell you their true age? I think not.

Ginger girl11951 reads

When I said you men I am refering secifically to the men on this board and their difficulty understanding a ladies dress size. It may be a generalization but I think it is a correct one to say that men in general do not know the first thing about what sizes in womens apparel mean. For example look at all the ads that say I am a 44FFF and then you look at the ladies'  pics and she is tits on a stick...well they do that because men do not understand that the number on a bra size is NOT indicative of the actual size of the individual is how big around her ribcage is. I never called men stupid...I LOVE MEN i just can't stand people who are bad communicators and that behave in a passive aggressive manner. Failing to communcate well is problematic for alot of people...and it is particularly problematic with men...thats not my opinion that is the result of neurological gender studies done by scientist... not me. I think you are a very nice man and you are definately not stupid.

Mara10634 reads

I try very hard to explain to my clients that I am not model material and that I have 4 kids.........Hoping that this will eliminate the fantasy that I may be prettier or thinner than my picture. It has helped however I still get some reviews that state how they thought I would be thinner, it does not make sense. I do state my stats accurately however I do not think me understand the numbers 36DD- 29- 36. I am also a size 10 however I am only 5'4.
Well this is only my .02 cents
Kisses & Licks.......

Vianca10572 reads

I couldn't say that better myself!!

scott161809027 reads

I would guess TER provides separate "looks" and "service" ratings so that there can be accounting purely for physical appearance in the first, and then all the intangibles in the second. That seems like a good system in theory - but if you see a lady, and she is a genuinely nice person, it is uncomfortable to go then write a review and not inflate the looks a bit.  Whether or not she knows your handle, it is painful to think of hurting the feelings (and business) of a nice person.  On the other hand, there is the feeling that you owe it to comarades to be somewhat honest.  Different people are torn in different amounts by these two opposing goals.  

The purpose of reviews is twofold - to help other hobbyists, and to promote good providers.   Sometimes these pull the reviewer in opposite directions.   I don't see any easy answer.

I too have been so disappointed by "9" and "10" that I cannot trust too many of the reviews. I have also seen a couple of slender hotties that were given lower ratings... not sure why, unless the hobbiests are older guys with poor taste.

Dream in North County10778 reads

If it is nothing that I haven't noticed more in being a provider it is the diversity of is such a great thing but it can also be so confusing....everyone sees things differently!!!
  For instance I am a little young and at times lightheaded....I have a couple of tattoos and always find myself in the wierdest of predicaments....some people love me to death and think I am the greatest ever(smile)....but I meet some gentleman who lets say are a little older and more reserved who dislike my tattoos or my carefree attitude....maybe they are more into the "girl next door" and that is not always me....
  At times I have been given appearance ratings that have hurt my feelings but only because I know by no means in any normal persons mind could I be described as being "Plain"(smile)....but I do realize that Nobody is Everybodies preference and that's OK....
  As far as the weight issue is guys have to be a little understanding and realistic considering that a womans weight fluctuates beyond our control every month.....SOMETIMES WE'RE BLOATED GUYS(xoxoxsmile)...DREAM

carpevinum11041 reads

And out of those reviews 7 of them had derogatory comments about the girl's appearance:

Have you ever been happy with anyone you've seen? Or do you just not write reviews about the good ones?

GirlPointOfView8417 reads

Gathering from everything I have ever heard him say on this board and in his reviews, Ness is an extremely hard person to satisfy and always has the "problem" identified.

Now Ness, I know you didn't start this thread, but I know for sure you were damn happy when you saw it!  Ness, I like you - you make this board interesting from time to time and I have always enjoyed debating with you.  One of these days, you and I are going to cross paths and I'm gonna fuck you silly!  You WILL be calling me your momma and telling me how bad you feel for arguing with me....

One of these days, Ness...... One of these days........

I just hope you are everything you expect from me!

darkgable9714 reads

Who is this Girlpointofview we read about???  Seriously!!!

She is the one that will do me silly pretty soon...yeah...pretty soon

that's it i'm through being nice . . . i wanna be like ness!

May our paths cross too. Whatever that is good for ness is also good for me. Hey GPOV I did not debate with you but I do not mind being fucked silly by you.

"fuck you silly"... talking trash now girl!  Some of us may want some of that action! :)

I have made a couple of reviews of girls that I thought were good, but they were never posted... and so I got fed up and stopped.

professorpussy9409 reads

...maybe you should just lower those sky high standards of yours and get good and drunk before your appointments so that she will look better and who knows maybe it will improve your personality too... there are some guys that get great sessions most of the time and guys that get lame sessions most of the time...the difference between them is mostly attitude. I have noticed a direct correlation between those with less than a rosy attitude about other issues and dissapointment in providers looks. I have had providers that weren't my type but I chose to look at the cup as half full. I treated her as I would a raving beauty and she returned in kind.(one of them is now a regular of mine and when she is talking dirty she is the most beautiful girl in the world) I did not spend time complaining about a bunch of silly AND VERY SUBJECTIVE numbers picked by strangers, nor did I waste my time later writing a review that would only hurt her business and her feelings when she did something for me that was intimate and extremely personal. Some people spend too much time complaining and not enough time living.

If you guys (and gals) want to see who I consider an "8" or better, check out Bella at apresvous.

Her peformance was OK (about a 6 or 7, if you factor in the amount of $$$$$ paid), but she definitely looked good.

I want to hear from someone who has indeed seen her, and compare her to those other ladies around here who charge "market" rates, though are not "market" beauties.

Now, I know Rhonda is attractive, but FBSM only. Then there is also this muscular lady named Michelle... I'd give her a 7 at best (she's a bit older but looks great for her age). Only problem with Michelle is that she is big time YMMV... I got along great, but I know some of you were dissatisfied with the service. That said, she is OK in the looks dept.

Lastly, I have seen a few lookers in LA, but the level of service is way too varied...

These are pretty decent for the most part...

1. Most girls from, now

2. Madison monroe.
3. Nikita/Milana (beautiful Ruski, CV/LAX). So so performance.
4. Randie (citysource, babe with great reviews).
5. Michelle/Savina/Rene/etc (italian, LAX)
6. Sexy/Alexis (LAL, Utah girl, good rev)
7. Jupiter (CV)
8. Darlene (CV, attractive blonde, similar to Jupiter)
9. Mia - Kissing bandit (attractive, great reviews)
10. Sky/kara (elitsheet, cute slender brunette, flaky)
11. Susan & Nicky (polish, CV. Eros). total flakes
12. Alexa (hot blonde, CV)
13. Nicole Oneil (visitor from NY)
14. Chris/Charli/Billie/Di/Chanel (russian-good reviews)

gumby00711287 reads

Personally, I don't just look at the numbers, I look at the type of build listed as well. I have noticed that very few are "thin". I like that. I prefer a medium or sometimes a "muscular" as well. As stated earlier, it all depends on the mood and what to expect. My expectations are usually met. Although, I am somewhat harsh on how I rate someone, I sometimes defend it in my review.One needs to do more than simply go by the numbers and read the review. Look at the heighth,build,etc.
    Also, I would just like to state that Gingers honesty is appreciated. Even if I don't agree with all that she said, it's nice to see a provider speak her mind and not hide behind an alias.

-- Modified on 9/20/2002 1:32:51 PM

GirlPointOfView10061 reads

The minute you guys (not all, but some) stop hiding behind your aliases on this board, I'll do away with mine.  I'm sure your birth certificate doesn't say gumby007 or whatever other aliases are used on this board.  

Most of you choose to remain aynonomous on this board, so do I.  

Disagree with what I said about having a good time with Ness (if that's his real name......) and that's fine.

Disagree with my TER username; well, you need to get a better hobby!

Girl Point of View is exactly what the name implies.....  

Which brings to mind, why choose a name that implies a British Spy made out of clay?

puppytails9862 reads

now that was funny!  

clay spy... lol

gumby00711668 reads

You and I both know that your original screen name tells the regular hobbyist who you are. Not by name of course, but the regulars know. Some providers that I have seen do know me by my birth name as well as my identity here on TER.
  Now, you claim that you will no longer use an alias as long as the others don't. I sure hope all of us don't get the urge to jump off a cliff . In the past, you stated that you used an alias because you wanted to speak your mind without retribution in loss of clients. I only ask that if someone gets up on a soap box, to please use your original screen name. When a hobbyist does it, I do look at his reviews to see if he is just blowing smoke, or has a valid point due to experience. When a provider does it, even if I disagree, I respect her. If she should lose business due to her comments, then it is her own doing. Just my 2 cents.

wandamorehead11852 reads

if you really wanted to know what GPOV or any other provider really thinks then you wouldn't mind the is our BUSINESS and we aren't going to f*&^% it up by speaking our minds under our own names...because alot of you just wouldn't be able to handle knowing that we have strong opinions about anything. "Youwant the truth? you can't handle the truth!" LOL you just have your boxers in a bunch because for all you know she could be your ATF and if you found out she was then you would know that it was all an act...sometimes we're acting boys...and sometimes we're not. Only we know for sure.

I, for one, do care what you have to say and would prefer knowing who it comes from.  Heck, I'm still gonna think with my small head when it comes time to party.  I'd just as soon party with a gorgeous gal who I can have an actual conversation with.  Yes, looks are important to me... very important. But, I've been closer to leaving a provider's pad because of being an airhead/space cadet than because of looks.

I know it's an act... I'd rather it weren't and that providers would just be honest with me, but that ain't ever gonna happen.  I know I'm not, "So big, the best, whatever"  I'd rather hear, "Hey dipshit, you're doing it all wrong, try this..."  Hell, talk about GFE!

2sense11205 reads

Sometimes I get the impression that we're all just a bunch of kids in class, passing notes asking the proverbial questions such as "Gee, does she really, really like me?"

Wandamorehead points out that many providers are really just acting to like us, and that "we can't handle that truth."

Well, all I can say is that some of my most profound experiences have been watching certain classic movies, plays or TV programs. Ocassionally, they've changed my life, such as watching Stanley Kubrick's "Paths of Glory" and deciding the Vietnam War was not for me. How can this be, since none of these productions are real. If they have something true to say, then just because they're dramatizations doesn't make them less real. Entertainment parks aren't real either, but people spend a lot on them because they're fun.

If the escort is a very good actress, then the hobbyist is caught up for that time in the proverbial GFE. True, it's artificially-induced and lasts only a short time compared to real relationships, but then doesn't everything have a shelf-life, including real relationships?

So to address Wandamorehead's principal point. A woman who can provide a GFE to me, particulary if she can't stand me, is a consummate actress who should be adequately compensated. She certainly is more valuable to me than any number of Julia Roberts.

GirlPointOfView11804 reads

Look, I hear you Gumby.  I think you make valid points.  But me having this alias and using it to speak my mind outweighs anything else.  It's not so much that I'm afraid to lose business, it's just that I really want to seperate my business from participating in some of the more "heated" discussions here on the board without them worrying about what I may think of them should they choose to see me.  I want our time together to be all about the guy I'm seeing, not about my opinions.  
On the flip side, do you think I would ever want to go out with a guy that emails me and says, "Hey, I'm sandiego2 from TER"?  Not in a million years given his record of opinion on this board.  (for those of you who don't know, sandiego2 thinks all San Diego escorts are dogs).  

I have been on this board for about a year now and given words from a girl point of view.  I have really enjoyed it and am rather addicted to checking the boards.  

I ask that you respect my desire to remain aynonomous on these boards. If you need to validate my point of view via my screen name, it tells you what you need to know; I am a girl.  The alias gives me no special privledges - I still have to follow the rules....

humbleman9905 reads

that guys do.  And yes I have posted this under an alias not linked to my reviews.  I enjoy ladies with strong rational opinions even if they differ from my own.  I have followed GPOV posts for quite a while now and find that far from necessarily being the truth that they are just as opinionated as SanDiego2, Ness, etc.  From the posts she has made on a number of different threads I consider her mind a rather ugly place to visit.  Therefore I would love to know her true alias because I do not wish to meet her.  I do think her and Ness may be a perfect match.

And Wandamorehead I sense a bitterness in your post that reminds me that many of the women in the business should not be.  Because they either hate men or have severe problems of their own that are not related to men.

-- Modified on 9/22/2002 3:10:06 AM

-- Modified on 9/22/2002 3:15:39 AM

wandamorehead13070 reads

Hate Men? I think not. It obviously makes you feel better about my statements to believe that and if it helps make the pill easier to swallow then think what you will. I am no masochist sir and being a provider that hates men sounds like a miserable existence that might have more to do with self loathing than self esteem has no problems and most of my friends are male. I know that those ladies exist in this business but I think you will find they are the ones who cash and dash and otherwise abuse their clients. I don't hate anyone hating is energy wasted as far as Iam concerned. I do have to admit to finding self absorbed PEOPLE with overinflated egos and a total inability to relate to the positions of others to be less than likable. Quite frankly I love nothing more than an intelligent, emotionally developed, and funny man that knows who he is and knows who he isn't and can express himself in a rational and objective manner. I also like women like that but they don't have a cock. I have also found So many  people in general personalize issues and really fail to see the big picture...I happen to enjoy enlightening or at least engaging those of limited thought to ideas outside their realm of it a compulsion if you like but it has nothing to do with hating men. Sometimes I even take a position that I myself don't necessarily agree with but for the sake of an interesting debate I will say just about anything. Actually I only contribute to this board when I think I have something to say that might stir it up a bit...I mean afterall this is an entertainment source is it not? When it comes to my clients I treat them all as if they were the only one, Because if I were in their shoes that is the way I would want it to be. "In the world to day a little empathy goes a long way"

You know, some of us may love you for your brains too!

I enjoy your "in the face" point of view - it would just be fun doing it over shots of Tequila then later going back to the room and ripping each others cloths off. :)

GirlPointOfView13289 reads

but we'd eventually wind up settling our differences in bed!

I guess I have to look at it this way.  There are some people on this board that I really don't like.  There are other people on this board that I really respect.  (one of those people I really respected is the one that all of a sudden decided my alias was threatening to him in some way)

On the other hand the same applies for GPOV, some will like me, some won't.  I'll get over it really quick.  

I really respect someone who participates in this board, even if their opinion differs from mine.  I just never thought in a million years we'd be arguing over a TER username.  Is it really that important to know who all the providers are on this board?  I don't personally know who all the guys are.  In fact, most guys never tell me their TER username.  I only can figure that out by the reviews.

>>"but we'd eventually wind up settling our differences in bed!"

Well in that case we would BOTH win, however my guess is you would probably win multiple times. :)

gumby00712023 reads

Thank you for an honest answer. The way you put it, I can no longer argue. Thanks. :)

If a lady, or a man for that matter, writes long enough under different names, you can tell who they are by the style of writing or specific references to certain details.  I only bring up my screen name to ladies who say they are more comfortable with known posters.  

Just pay attention to the details and there really is no mystery to the people who post.  I would never publish the identity of a lady who posts under different names because I respect their right to do so for whatever reason they are doing it.

After all, we are not here to find the cure for cancer or anything like that.  This is supposed to be fun for all!

Claire de Pense11957 reads

Now thats clarity of thought. Why can't more men be like Mike?

You got that right!  This is suppose to be a fun way to exchange information and different points of view.  I really don't care what name they post under, I'm more interested in the content of the post.

With all due respect GPOV I am who I am - the extra edge to the fire. My newest obsession is to be fucked silly by no one else but you. Now how can I make that dream come true when YOU are hiding behind an alias

GirlPointOfView11654 reads

Sorry baby - maybe one of these days.....

gumby0079938 reads

Now. Let us all go to the the top of this and look at the original post. I am sorry to say that I deviated from the subject and boy do I regret it. First off, my apologies to GPOV. My statements were the result of a dispute that I have had with our local moderator. He refused to post something because he thought it may be considered flame by one person. There were no insults in, no profanity, and it certainly didn't have any personal information in it. However, he didn't like the alias I wanted to use. This made me mad, because I see other who use profanity, and write posts that are flame. Most of it is not intentional. Some people don't even bother to think before they start to type away. They just let it fly and never think of the consequences, or the pain of what they say may cause others.
   For quite some time, I have done my best to stay away from the flames and remain somewhat neutral. Or, at least express myself in a way so as not to cause anger. I am not always right, but I try to contribute in the best way I know how. When our local moderator decided to start moderating me, I was surprised. I then got angry when I saw posts going up that were mean, and crossed the imaginary lines that we are asked to follow on this board. Several of these posts were from providers. So, I got mad to see a provider get what I considered to be preferential treatment. That is what I considered it. I may very well be wrong, but that is how I feel. I guess that is why I lashed out. I apologize.

GirlPointOfView12427 reads

I understand gumby -

I've always respected your opinion and still do.  I try my hardest to post my POV without coming off like a bitch.

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