San Diego

This may sound to simple ..
incallman2 32 Reviews 201 reads

This may sound too simple but, read the reviews and what is said about appearance and build. Then look at the photo's and compare with what was written recently. Look at the reviewers past posts. I use a combination of these and so far, I've never been disappointed.  

Unlike some, I don't mind if a face is blurred or not shown. Some of these ladies have lives outside the hobby and need to protect themselves.  

One more thing - Since I began "hobbying" I have learned I am attracted to more body types than I thought I was at the beginning. I'm not much younger than you so that may or may not mean something to you. Just be safe and don't try to connect with someone without reviews.

Now I know this is the Era of Obesity but for me the standards of body type are the same as they always were (yes, I am in my 60's). I have been surprised recently in visiting girls described as "thin" when in fact they are "average" IMO, and in one case she was what we used to call a bit on the chubby side.  Flabby ass and not a thin waist at all. There is no TER category for "average", BTW. Also what is "athletic"?  The last girl I saw who was described as this was in fact a bit thick in the middle but not overly so.

Also girls who are rated 8 and above for appearance to me are often only a 6 or 7 at best because their bodies are not in shape.

So maybe my view of body types is no longer valid?  The issue is that the girls all go to great lengths to disguise their body issues in their photos so we need to be able to rely on each others' reviews for accuracy.  I have read where a girl had "toned upper legs" or a "sculpted in-shape butt and obviously works out" when in fact they are nothing special and do not fit that description.  Maybe the Kardashian sisters' fat asses are the new normal?  FYI I hate the term "bubble butt" but that's just me.

What I am asking for is help in understanding and interpreting reviews.  Do I need to adjust my old fart perspective?  And please, no caustic replies, I am newer to TER and just trying to do my best to understand what the girl will be like before I visit her.

Doesn't seem practical to me but thanks anyway.  I would prefer hearing from some of the guys out there.

Posted By: GoldieKnox

Posted By: Handyman95051
There is no TER category for "average", BTW.  
Actually, there *is* a TER category for average, but you are correct that the descriptors are in the eye of the beholder and are nearly meaningless.  We all have different ideas of what those words mean.  To some, athletic means reasonably fit (and then subject to whatever "reasonably fit" means), and to others, it means the body of a pro athlete.  

Looks ratings are also all over the place, and yes, some Photoshop miracles definitely happen, but not everyone does that; some ladies look absolutely as delicious as their photos.  Someone, who is IMO very HOT and deserves all her high looks ratings, got an 8 on looks not that long ago, and that's mind-boggling to me (I'd bet most guys in a bar would disagree, too).  I've also seen scores higher than what is personally attractive to me, but that's just my opinion; there are definitely certain looks I prefer, and it's the same with the guys.  Keep in mind that when a guy picks the numbers for looks, sometimes he's focused more on the face, others for body, some for combo, and some for whatever a guy's favorite body part is.  The chemistry of the meeting can also influence how attractive a rater perceives a lady.

I agree with Goldie that a M&G is probably best if you are very particular; there is NO magic formula to interpreting the reviews. The next option is to see if your tastes somewhat match another guy, and then you can kind of follow his ratings. Also, you might be better off seeing girls with a lot of reviews.  Over time, an issue that's of concern to you might be hinted at in the reviews.  Additionally, you can always backchannel and/or send PMs to reviewers to ask for more specifics (keep in mind if they aren't current on VIP membership they won't be able to read it).

have seen 300+ providers, 90% Asian.  I feel your frustration.  In my experience, the terms "skinny" and "thin' are pretty universal.  For me, "athletic" means some visible muscle tone, like the water-skiing babe I saw for a few months last summer.  Anything past that is not reliable as it is all subject to the perspective of the observer.  Some guys will like a curvy girl, the next guy will say she is "baby fat."  A married guy who wakes up next to a 250 pound wife every morning may think a 160 pound provider is "average."  For me, if I can't pick them up and carry them to the bed, they are too big for my taste.  Consequently, I don't think there is any universal standard you can apply to the various build categories in the reviews.  Its all going to be in the eye of the observer.  One thing you can do is PM a few reviewers that have seen a girl you are thinking about seeing, and see if there are more details they can provide outside the review, or answers to specific questions you have, to give you a better picture of what you are walking into.

Epicurus61269 reads

so it must be true that after eating Asian, you're hungry again in an hour.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
have seen 300+ providers, 90% Asian.  I feel your frustration.  In my experience, the terms "skinny" and "thin' are pretty universal.  For me, "athletic" means some visible muscle tone, like the water-skiing babe I saw for a few months last summer.  Anything past that is not reliable as it is all subject to the perspective of the observer.  Some guys will like a curvy girl, the next guy will say she is "baby fat."  A married guy who wakes up next to a 250 pound wife every morning may think a 160 pound provider is "average."  For me, if I can't pick them up and carry them to the bed, they are too big for my taste.  Consequently, I don't think there is any universal standard you can apply to the various build categories in the reviews.  Its all going to be in the eye of the observer.  One thing you can do is PM a few reviewers that have seen a girl you are thinking about seeing, and see if there are more details they can provide outside the review, or answers to specific questions you have, to give you a better picture of what you are walking into.  

Epicurus61215 reads

yep, the build descriptions can not be trusted. If you didn't already know, these are usually set by the first reviewer and it is rare that they change over time. As far as "looks" score, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Many will argue that scores are inflated and body type should count, but the system is what it is, and it's also skewed by providers offering favors for "good" reviews and reviewers concerned about being blackballed for posting negative reviews.

Personally,  I've become very skeptical of airbrushed photos. The girls like to call them glamour shots, but there's a lot of digital nip and tuck too. Selfies are more honest and reliable.

Without taking the ladies' advise of going to a M&G, the best way to know is to back-channel. If you're VIP, you can PM prior reviewers and flat out ask what the girl's body type is in his opinion. Maybe you won't get a response, but other than TOFTT and accurately reporting, there aren't many options. (BTW, thanks for the honest review of Madeline).

As far as "average" goes, I recently read that 50% of US female weighs more than 140 lbs at age 30. I guess that's one scientific definition of average.  



Posted By: Handyman95051
Now I know this is the Era of Obesity but for me the standards of body type are the same as they always were (yes, I am in my 60's). I have been surprised recently in visiting girls described as "thin" when in fact they are "average" IMO, and in one case she was what we used to call a bit on the chubby side.  Flabby ass and not a thin waist at all. There is no TER category for "average", BTW. Also what is "athletic"?  The last girl I saw who was described as this was in fact a bit thick in the middle but not overly so.  
 Also girls who are rated 8 and above for appearance to me are often only a 6 or 7 at best because their bodies are not in shape.  
 So maybe my view of body types is no longer valid?  The issue is that the girls all go to great lengths to disguise their body issues in their photos so we need to be able to rely on each others' reviews for accuracy.  I have read where a girl had "toned upper legs" or a "sculpted in-shape butt and obviously works out" when in fact they are nothing special and do not fit that description.  Maybe the Kardashian sisters' fat asses are the new normal?  FYI I hate the term "bubble butt" but that's just me.  
 What I am asking for is help in understanding and interpreting reviews.  Do I need to adjust my old fart perspective?  And please, no caustic replies, I am newer to TER and just trying to do my best to understand what the girl will be like before I visit her.

This may sound too simple but, read the reviews and what is said about appearance and build. Then look at the photo's and compare with what was written recently. Look at the reviewers past posts. I use a combination of these and so far, I've never been disappointed.  

Unlike some, I don't mind if a face is blurred or not shown. Some of these ladies have lives outside the hobby and need to protect themselves.  

One more thing - Since I began "hobbying" I have learned I am attracted to more body types than I thought I was at the beginning. I'm not much younger than you so that may or may not mean something to you. Just be safe and don't try to connect with someone without reviews.

I know what you mean about the learning curve on body types.  I was always a spinner guy, but last year I went through several months of seeing taller girls 5-8 and above and was surprised how much I got into it.

Thanks for all the helpful feedback.  Quite honestly at my age I have decided that I am very picky about looks and attitude.  I only want what I want and I don't want to spend my hard earned $ on anything less.  I understand this limits me but that's just the way it is.  I am thinking of telling gals that if I show up and they do not match the pictures to my satisfaction I will leave immediately without paying.  I am betting that many "photoshoppers" will just hang up an me and solve the problem for me.  I hate to do this because basically I like to play nice but if you are being dishonest you need to expect some blowback.

I wouldn't do that. You will likely miss out on some great ladies. It's kinda understood the women are supposed to be those shown in the pics. If, when the door opens and the woman is different, say so and then leave. Sometimes you'll notice it's the same woman but older but, still hot and you'll want to stay anyway. That's my 2 cents.

Good luck!

Sometimes providers can put some pounds on, yet the information in the profile is slow to change unless people actually submit error reports on it.  The fault of errors in body type can sometimes be everyone's fault.  Things slowly change in their size, but no one, the provider or reviewers, take action to get ti fixed.  Also, sometimes a few extra pounds can be temporary.

A favorite of mine had a thin somewhat athletic build when I first met her.  Now I would classify her build more baby fat.  It has not changed my willingness to see her because we click well and always have a great time.  Originally I might have passed on her and picked someone else if she was like that before we met and had those current photos up.  However, that is only because looks are one of the few things we can judge a provider on before meeting her.  I would not have know the difference, but it would have been my loss if I never met her.  We both really treat each other well.  She is one of the most honest, fair, and fun providers I know.  So those few extra pounds don't bother me at all because there is so much more to her.  

But that is only one reason the descriptions, especially body type, can be off.  Unfortunately, someones a provider's profile can also be initially generated by her having friends write what are basically bullshit reviews.  In those cases it is clearly the other clients fault for being a bunch of Pansy kiss asses and not clearly spelling out the bullshit in their reviews

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