San Diego

Bathroom Fetishes & Spell Check :)teeth_smile
Shut Up And Do Me 14989 reads

Recently, a reviewer indicated that he "pooped" during a session with me while in doggie. I would just like to take a moment to clarify that--to the best of my knowledge--there has been no pooping involved in any of my intimate ANY position! LOL  [I sincerely hope that this recent spell-check mishap does not cause a rush of bathroom-fetishists to seek me out] :)

    All joking aside: I know you gentlemen mean well (the majority of the time) when submitting your reviews. But, when reading the reviews of others--do you not find yourself a bit distracted when a spelling error occurs (such as "pooped" instead of "popped") that entirely changes the visual imagery (not to mention obliterates any eroticsm?)

    I know TER seems to make a habit of NOT editing the wording of reviews in order to preserve the veracity of the reviewers original standpoint. But wouldn't it be ok if TER made a few textual alterations if, in fact, there is something such as unintentional pooping going on?  

Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off!!! I saw that review and thought it was hilarious!

DDHunter(o)(o)12480 reads

or maybe "soda poop"
or Dr. Suess's book  "Hop on Poop"

Just kidding gang !

hotlick13654 reads

As you know as we males become aroused the blood leaves the brain for other parts of the body leaving us momentarily brain dead.   There are two possibilities here.   First:  He did in fact lose control of all bodily functions because you are that good.  or Second: While attempting to write the review got so aroused again that blood loss impacted his ability to write.  Personally after a session with you I'm always pooped…but never during the session.

vantana12165 reads

Whole lot of poopin' goin' on!

hotlick11953 reads

I did a search it seems you only like posting the negative, or to complain. Sorry you didn't like my humor.  I was waiting to see if the Staff would delete this attack but obviously not.

Maybe you think your backhanded slap was funny, but gee I'm not laughing. You are more than welcome to question my point of views or my ideas. I'm not quite sure what you would call this. If you don't like my "Verbal Diarrhea" don't read it.

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