San Diego

Scott is Right
TIREDOFBS 11 Reviews 10713 reads

Read your own remarks. Youv'e benefited from our reviews and discussions for
months but youv'e never lifted a finger anyway. Right? Why, certainly not because of
my post last night. Let's examine your attitude, selfish?
You are right, however, about my attitude. True I'm Tired of BS, but I seem to have
lost touch with some of the traits that I hold in the highest regard, understanding and
Obviously, I feel no loss that you will continue to be a user and not a contributor, but
truly thank you for reminding me that I don't have to be such an ahole.
So,which goddess has been your favorite?
Tired of Being Tired.

First, this is no slam about Lara J in any way shape or form! I think she's hot.
If any of you are new to posting reviews please use Ake_Unktomi's review of Lara J as the Bible of how NOT to post a review! This is not why the reviews are here.
VIPs, please read it. It soils the pith and marrow of my attribute!
This is the most self centered, obnoxious and truly selfish review my sorry ass has ever had to sift through!
VIP's, please let me know your opinion. We've helped each other out but does Ake help us out? Furthermore, E mail me and I will send you one Ake Unktomi voodoo doll. How's your neck feelin' Ake!
Ake, the area you filled in is called "Juicy Details", not "Here's the Reasons Why I'm So Glad it Wasn't My Mother This Time". There is no I in Team.  

I forwarded links to Staff.

To all others out there: If you find reviews that you feel are inappropriate (either inconsistant or lies, or don't offer any detail) please forward a link to the review to [email protected]

If you don't agree with what someone wrote, that's not enough to forward a complaint, but if a provider has been getting postive reviews and scores in the 7 range, and you see one review that rates a 2 and the reviewer is ripping the provider apart-that might be suspicious. Check the reviewer's posting history and review history. If it's someone new, that's REALLY suspicious and should be forwarded.

If you post here, I'll eventually catch it and forward to staff, but you could eliminate the middle man.

Also remember that the YMMV statement always applies as well.

I filed a problem report on that piece of crap, which was promptly "unapproved". Shall I expect the status of that to change shortly?

gumby00711598 reads

I also saw the review. I was about to make a problem report, but one had alreadt been submitted. I can only guess that it had to do with the extreme lack of details of the encounter. I have no idea how the heck that one got by.

Staff8596 reads

TIREDOFBS, you are right.. That should not have been posted.

ake_unktomi9156 reads

Folks, I posted as much detail as I felt comfortable posting in a public forum.    Apparently that was not enough (I am not a VIP member, so I have no way to know what is standard).   I was just trying to be helpful, sorry it didn't work out.   Voodoo doll? Man this is a tough crowd... just make sure the doll has a dick and you send it to the ladies too :)


badboyscooter8610 reads

Is there a link to the review so we can all see how bad it about a link to Laura J.?

scott1618010790 reads

Ummm....TOBS....wasn’t the guy taking time out of his day to at least attempt to do you a favor?  Do you realize the vast majority of guys who see these ladies don’t even attempt a review at all, detailed or vague?  What about “thanks for the effort - now here’s what would improve your review...”?     I have been an occasional poster here for a few months, but haven’t yet done a review.     Any thought I had of attempting one (at least on this site) just disappeared -  I for one am not going to lift a finger to do a favor for someone with your attitude.  

Read your own remarks. Youv'e benefited from our reviews and discussions for
months but youv'e never lifted a finger anyway. Right? Why, certainly not because of
my post last night. Let's examine your attitude, selfish?
You are right, however, about my attitude. True I'm Tired of BS, but I seem to have
lost touch with some of the traits that I hold in the highest regard, understanding and
Obviously, I feel no loss that you will continue to be a user and not a contributor, but
truly thank you for reminding me that I don't have to be such an ahole.
So,which goddess has been your favorite?
Tired of Being Tired.

scott1618010159 reads

You assume too much...I don't know how many ladies you see in a couple months, but I hadn't seen a applicable lady in this town until very recently (long story).  Yes, I did make a decision based on reviews here.  And I had planned to pay back.  But it seems too hostile here.  Bye.

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