San Diego

What do others find to be a "FAIR" rate for services rendered?
DreamMaker4u2 21 Reviews 14143 reads

I have been an active hobbyist since the days of the "track" on Midway/Rosecrans.  Much safer to meet with someone reviewed at TER.  But over the years, I have seen the rates more than quadruple.  I remember when FS for an hour or more was $100+room.  That was for someone with legitimate 7+ looks.  

Now as I cruise TER and the escort sites that abound, I am constantly amazed at the number of overweight, average looking providers offering minimal/limited services for $250 an hour and up.  AND they think they are doing us hobbyists a favor by only charging that much!  Remember, for some, paradise is only twenty minutes south of San Diego across the border where 8's, 9's and even 10's can be had from as little as $20 for 30 to $400 for an "All Nighter"!

So is it a question of supply and demand that has driven the rates up or is this hobby we all so enjoy susceptible to laws of inflation as well?  Any economists out there that can suggest a way to reverse this ugly trend?  Imagine if you could make as much as some providers do in a oh man.

The_Hitman17121 reads

I think the current rates stem from a couple of things actually.  First, the risks involved.  Any illegal activity is going to cost more no matter what it is.  Down south, it's cheap because it's not illegal.  Legalize prostitution nationwide and the prices will drop dramatically.  In the redlight districts overseas, getting FS for a week will cost you $400.00 including the room.

Second, any new providers are going to see what the other girls are charging and go somewhere around that price.  

Now, is $400.00 fair?  You bet it is!  $400.00 is what keeps the quality of the client a little higher than your average dirt ball.  And since you are technically "sharing" all of the providers previous clients, wouldn't you want to know that she only sees nice gentlemen instead of "more questionable" individuals?  It's the same concept of seeing a girl who has unprotected sex all the time.

For the fat chicks and ugly dames, their prices will go down because business won't be coming their way.  Just watch....

Hitman, you bring up a good point regarding the higher prices ($200 and up) keeping the neighborhood safer - as it were.  The only problem is the talent doesn't always match the fee.  A lesser rate would bring more satisfied customers.  I guess that is why some providers (like Candra) have such strong clientele demand.  You do get what you pay for.

Just remember the old saying you can Paint a trash can Gold, But it's still a trash can!!!! HAVING MONEY DOESNT MAKE IT ANY SAFER.

...........and can't imagine paying someone old, overwieght and with subpar looks ANY MONEY!!!, i can get that for FREE at any bar!!!! i sure i can count on one hand the calibur of providers in San Diego that fall under the catagory of $$ or more and that's it fellas, go to LA or LV, and you'll find your 8,9, or even 10 girls, but you will pay and i have no problem with that. If I pay for Filet Mingon I want Filet Mingon not day old ground chuck!!!!!! nuff said!

gumby00717031 reads

This has been   covered several times in the past. The only reason that they get away with it is because we are stupid enough to pay.
  I have found that the best providers work for around $$. These providers really like what they do, or they deserve an Oscar for such great performances. The few providers that I have seen for $$$+ have not ben worth it.
  Far to often, I leave a provider, kicking myself for thinking with the wrong head. I think,"Damn! I could have bought a new stereo system with what I spent on her." It's very rare that I walk away with a big smile on my face.
  I guess that we are all looking for it to be as good as the first time. I know I am.

MARSHAL16708 reads

I think 200 is fair max since tj is so close. Im all for letting girls make a good living and paying a little extra for not having to drive south. My best experence has been down south for 40-70 tops.

I agree with what is being said. "Why paid the price" when you can get better down south. My question is "what's the wait" coming back across? I'll spend the extra green not to spend all day going to TJ, besides, I've gotten some great stuff under $$.

Yank McCrank14312 reads

You said it right gumby...the quality of the performance seems to be inversely proportional to the rate charged.  Why most providers can't figure out that the more we pay, the more our expectations are must be the result of their egos interfering with their business sense.

Just Another Bimbo13822 reads

IMHO the problem is those guys who have low expectations and accept poor performance and crappy attitudes, and then continue to give business to those providers who give a low quality experience. if poor quality providers weren't given business because of their bad attitudes and disinterested performances, then bad providers wouldn't be around for long, no matter what rate they charged.

mademan14963 reads

I think your missing the point. For most hobbiest, we do it for recreation and to spread the wealth a bit. We are willing to part with some finances as long as you all don't get too greedy.

Ask yourself the question what would you pay and I'd bet you would pay a lot less than what the current going rate is. It's time you all got off your high horse and got down to reality. It may be the oldest profession but you all think that what god gave you is more precious than gold. I got news for ya, the only reason why your doing this is because you can't make money any other way. Try getting a college degree and start working for a living, then come to me with your good provider/bad provider comments.

Just Another Bimbo16877 reads

All right then, keep on paying for shitty service and encourage that trend in the market. It's not my problem, as I wouldn't pay for that which I found unsatisfactory, regardless of whether that dissatisfaction came at $50 or $500 dollars. I'm on my high horse for suggesting that hobbyists insist on not patronizing any lady who doesn't provide quality of service, no matter what her rate?

Ok,whatever you say. But if you thought about it for a minute, if all of the guys refused to see crappy providers, regardless of rate, then theoretically all of the substandard service would be wiped out of the market. Then, the pricing bell curve may not, in itself, change altogether--but the overall quality of service would be higher, since no one would see a lady who was disinterested, shorted clients on time, ETC. Therefore eventually, in theory, a simple refusal to see bad providers would bring the overall quality of service up, with those providers on the low end of the price scale not being super-models, but at least providing a reliable and enjoyable service. So then you could easily obtain that which would be satisfactory at a rate which previously could have indicated an undesirable low end provider.  That, and with the consumer-forced ejection of bad service providers from the business, and therefore the subsequently ensuing more positive experiences that most hobbyists would have to look forward to on a regular basis, we all might eventually see a better attitude among hobbyists and providers alike, if that's not too much to ask at this point.

And by the way, what makes you think that I, or anybody else in this hobby, doesn't have a college degree and hasn't or can't make money any other way? Comparatively speaking to other positions I've held, this job is usually much more fun, except for the occassional asshole out there. Why wouldn't I choose to do this instead?


-- Modified on 1/22/2002 10:14:14 AM

mademan16632 reads

If you like it so much, why don't you offer free ones to some of your best customers?

In addition, I don't think the price is based on good .vs. bad providers. It's based on what we as hobbiests are willing to pay. Furthermore, from looking at this board and others as well as all the other websites, there is quite frankly not enough of what you call good providers to make the current going price justified. Out of all the providers in the SD area, how many have made the top 10 list. I think just 2. Where do you fit in the list? I haven't seen your rating anywhere on the board or others.

Additionally, why do you think the thread started in the first place. It is a perception that the local industry is charging too much and getting greedy. Most providers are trying to make your weekly quota on 6-8 guys instead of 12-16.

Just Another Bimbo14051 reads

You haven't seen my rating anywhere? How do you know? This is an alias. But you knew that. You just want to find something negative to say. Ok. Thats not my problem. My job is to keep my clients happy and meet their needs. There are good providers here and that visit here all the time. You just have to want to find them. I really don't care if you do or not. My concern is with the guys that do find me and want to be made happy.

complain and be down on everything all you want. It's fine by me. There are many guys out there who want to have a good time and find good providers. If you want to complain and attack ideas that might help the bad provider problem instead of taking steps to find good company, so what? There are plenty other guys whose primary focus is to find a good experience, not just to listen to themselves complain.

Ginger girl13499 reads

Actually made man there are alot of providers with college degrees...I am one of them ....and plan on obtaining more degrees in the future and this profession allows that to happen for me. I have a friend who has been in the business 10 years,...she has a masters in psychology as well as being certified in several related fields (having completed full internships) and has a californa real estate license as well. What a better job to have for some on who is studying? the hours are great as you make your own, and for someone like me it gives me time to pursue other endeavors such as Yoga, dog training and writing, which right now do not pay my bills. Life is as good as you make it and being a good provider I think means that you are o,k, with what you do and don't ruin yourself in this business by seeing men with bad attitudes about us. I may be a product but the decision to purchase it is not just up to you. i ultimately decide who purchases my services and that makes all the difference in the world. I may Charge $300 for an hour but I find that when I charge less I end up seeing hobbyist who are burned out, sometimes addicted to the hobby , and often have a rather bad attitude towards us (providers in general) Not my idea of a good time. If it ever becomes necessary to lower my rates then of course I will...but by then I probably will be using that MBA I am working on.

After reading so many of your responses I am of the opinion that the problem is two-sided.  On the one hand, there are hobbyists that either don't share a "fair" price concept relative to the services and quality of provider, or they like to spend big as part of an ego stroking.  Just look at the disparity of review ratings for the same provider.  Autumn/Mistress Erotica was a prime example.

On the other hand, there are providers out there that think, "Hey, I look hot and guys are always trying to get into my pants"... They check the sites just like us hobbyists and see providers charging $$$, or $$$$, or more.  They look at the pictures of these providers and figure they look good enough to compete with that.  But what they don't do is understand what hobbyists want by way of services in order to justify the price.

I am all for paying a fair price, and like many have insinuated, I too want to see my favorite providers make a decent living.  I do not like the idea of spending half a day in TJ either.  So for me, I think $$ for an experienced, friendly, true GFE provider is tops.  I cast my vote in controlling the economics of the hobby by staying away from the $$+ providers.  

BTW, Just Another Bimbo, if you are the sincere GFE provider you come across as, yeah, I'd like very much to talk more and hear your views.  I appreciate your "head on straight" approach and attitude towards trying to be a quality provider.  

As to the rest of the hobbyists out there, we need to continue to educate each other and the providers on what is a "fair" price by staying together and keeping the communication going. So keep on pulling together to keep prices respectable and the experience positive.

Just Another Bimbo14907 reads

everyone has to stay within their budget, but I think the most necessary improvement in this hobby here is to control the quality of the environment by staying away from poor quality providers. if you stay away from providers based on rate alone, the brigets and austins who sucker you in with a low rate and shitty service will still be around in large numbers. the trick is to bring the average quality up, not try to directly bring the average rate down without regard for quality. One will lead to the other anyway if done properly, in theory at least.
if you'd like to hear more of my thoughts on this, I dont know if the rest of the board does, so if you want my addy is

[email protected]

All things considered, even TJ is overpriced... If you check out the Euro babes (Holland, Germany, Eastern Europe, etc.) you can get a super babe for as little as $50 a pop.  It will cost you several hundred, up to a grand or more for an all nighter.  If you go through the boards, you will motice that the best looking providers who are priced at US market rates are eastern europeans.  I think this is because they are used to getting less than $30 a pop in their homeland, but love the obsene amount they are able to make here.

Now, in eastern europe, you can get an absolute stunner for less than $50 a night if you go it alone (which is real easy).  If you go through someone, or book a girl in the US through a web site or pickup one of the ladies at the hotels/clubs, they will overcharge like TJ relative to their own market.  Remember, in TJ (like in eastern europe), the women will charge their own cholos way less than $15 a pop.

But yes, TJ women are only charging as much as they do ($30-$50) because we are willing to pay it and they like taking advantage of us "gringos."  I won't go to TJ because I can't see paying $50 for what is really worth $10 (again, considering what you can get in Europe).

This subject has been discussed many times.  The market place determines the rate.  If you do not want to spend $400, find someone who charges less.  Also as others have said in this thread paying more does not always result in better service.  "Just Another Bimbo" also raises a good point about seeing people who provide poor service regardless of the cost.  I am amazed when I read reviews that make me think a provider's performance could not be more than a 5 but she is rated as an 8.

gumby00712110 reads

The fact remains that there will always be newbies out there willing to pay a high price for bad service. The poor guy just doesn't know any better. The average Joe will discover SDX and Eros before he finds out about TER. I know I did.
  Heck! The best provider that I have seen was a hair less than $$. Go figure. I prefer not to think of myself as a cheapskate, I will be damned if I'm going to pay $$$ for a cbj then a weak performance with only 1 pop. As long as we stick to the good gals, we should be ok. It's just the poor newbie that gets burned.
  By te way, who is "just another bimbo"? It's not her original screen name. Why hide behind an alias??? Oh, and, what her rates??? Hasta

Just Another Bimbo12936 reads

but how many reviews have you read where the guy says that he had read a girls past mediocre or bad reviews, but hoped his experience would be better? or he had read that she was cold and disinterested and a bad time, but he thought he'd try it anyway because he liked her pictures or he called and she was readily available?
who am I and why hide behind an alias. simple. I want to post sometimes and say what I have to say without someone taking something I have to say wrong and it coming back on me as a provider. I hate to say it but there are great guys here but also a good number who dont want providers posting here, and for whatever reason have a crappy attitude against those of us who do. I dont want to deal with that crap. that's why

gumby00714894 reads

I know what you mean. I think that at least some of these guys just post a review for VIP credit. They could care less if it makes them look as though they got burned. I also will never understand the, " ....I think that she will do more on the next visit...". I always wonder about that.
  I honestly didn't know that there were some guys who don't like the providers on here. I think it's great. What better way to find out what a girl likes and dislikes? Oh well. If possible, email me through TER. I might like to get to know you better. Then again, maybe we have already met. Have a nice day.

Just Another Bimbo14979 reads

weird logic? ok. maybe. but I feel that if a guy likes to DATY, a BBBJ is in order. but if the other party doesn't get into oral activities, maybe there's a reason that I shouldn't with him either. Paranoia? probably. Luckily, very few guys seem to not DATY, so there isn't that internal conflict. besides the lubricant on condoms tastes like motor oil and there has to be some long term effect from ingesting all those chemicals regularly. yech!

vesuvius15345 reads

I take it that the girls listed at this site (link below) are out of the question then.....

    I would be happy to pay a woman for her time.  Quality counts.  Yet, only so far.  I like them young and hot.  I like them to be hard bodied.  I will not go for a $$$+ girl if I can find what I am looking for that is fair.  Once again, my formula is AGE+LOOKS(X-risk)=Fair $$$.  If they charge BIG bucks (no matter how hot they are) I will go and find it somewhere else.  If we all did that, the over priced girls would need to move to AZ.  They seem okay with paying high (I mean HIGH!!!) for girls that don't even look hot.  WE CAN CONTROL THE MARKET!
The Footman

nolie17281 reads

The answer to your question can be easily explained by a simple supply and demand model. The supply of sexual services is relatively scarce, especially in the SD area. However, the demand for these services is quite abundant; therefore, the price for these services equilibriates at a lofty level. In order to see the price fall, supply or demand will need to adjust. If more providers become available in the local market, hence an increase in the supply of these services,  then downward pressure will be applied to the price; additionally, if fewer hobbyists retain provider services, a decrease in demand will ensue and downward pressure on the price will result.As a consequence of the realtively high price, more providers may choose to enter the market, since it is now more lucrative to be a provider. The result in the long-run, provided that demand remains constant, will be lower prices. However, with more and more hobbyists out there, it will probably be the case that demand will increase proportionally and service prices will remain high. Let's just hope for glut in the market.

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