San Diego

Re:TJ info pls - directions to farmacias meeting place :)
dawctor 10 Reviews 12576 reads
1 / 8

I have to find the farmacia meeting place in TJ and haven't been down there in years. Anyone able to give me simple directions? I will probably park at the International Lot and walk over but might take the trolley and walk over - if that matters. TIA!!

paperback_writer 24 Reviews 9155 reads
2 / 8

Walk through the turnstiles and across the border.  Continue along a wide walkway with walls on both sides (but open to the sky), and various government buildings on the left.  As you near the end of the walkway -- perhaps 100 yards or so across the border -- you'll see more turnstiles directly in front of you.  These lead directly to the taxicabs.  However, if you instead take a right turn before going through that set of turnstiles, you'll see that the walkway continues a bit farther, to another set of turnstiles.  Walk through, and you are at the farmacias meeting place.  Take a left, walk along the sidewalk, and see if your chica is waiting for you!

Buena suerte!

dawctor 10 Reviews 11472 reads
3 / 8

Thanks so much for the directions - right on the money! BTW, had an outstanding time.

dman 10374 reads
4 / 8

I'm guessing, since you said that you had an outstanding time, it was Tania.

dawctor 10 Reviews 11132 reads
5 / 8

You guessed right, dman -- Tania it was (2 hours +) and will be again. So outstanding, I regret not moving to SD some years ago when the opportunity arose. Now it's four hours to the border but she's worth it... as you apparently know :-) I take it from your "guess" you don't think Rosalba is in the same league? I haven't seen her but met Tania's friend Becky who is appealing... any knowledge of her?

dman 7776 reads
6 / 8

In fact, there is only one other provider in TJ who is as consistently as reliable as Tania, a lady named Aricelli, who doesn't have an internet presence.

aspuser 34 Reviews 11981 reads
7 / 8


I know both Rosalba and Tania and find it interesting that you infer that Rosalba is less reliable.  In what way do you mean?

aspuser 34 Reviews 8962 reads
8 / 8

Look for my review about Rebecca coming out soon.

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