San Diego

Re:Thoughts on Providers sharing health card information
Just Another Bimbo 12789 reads

doesn't really put me at ease. health checks are for personal use, not to prove something to someone else. that piece of paper tells me your state of health as of six months ago, it does not tell me where you were, what you did, or who you came from seeing this morning. you can show me anything you want, you can tell me anything you want, I won't be any more comfortable, and will still insist on taking the same precautions. truly Id be concerned that if a guy showed me his test results that meant that he was going to try to convince me not to use protection, or that he was going to try to not use protection and tell me it was ok. so I might be more uncomfortable if he showed me his tests.

From my own personal perspective, I keep myself clean by playing safe.  That means only seeing providers that have at least a good, fresh, taken care of appearance and attitude.  I test regularly (anonymously at the free clinic) and don't mind telling my partner that I am D&D free.

But for all of our own safety, would it be wrong for a hobbyist to share his health tests (timing and results) with a Provider and ask to see hers as well?  I know this sounds "clinical" and the time together is to be romantically enjoyable, but personnally, I'd rather be safe than sorry.  I also wonder if any Providers find this to put themselves at ease to know that a hobbyist they are seeing is safe?

Just curious to hear what you think...

Just Another Bimbo12790 reads

doesn't really put me at ease. health checks are for personal use, not to prove something to someone else. that piece of paper tells me your state of health as of six months ago, it does not tell me where you were, what you did, or who you came from seeing this morning. you can show me anything you want, you can tell me anything you want, I won't be any more comfortable, and will still insist on taking the same precautions. truly Id be concerned that if a guy showed me his test results that meant that he was going to try to convince me not to use protection, or that he was going to try to not use protection and tell me it was ok. so I might be more uncomfortable if he showed me his tests.

Sexxysue12489 reads

Good Morning Gentlemen & Ladies,

    I don't usually post too much on this board or any other board, due to some of the pettyness that goes on.Being in the medical field, these tests are only as good as your next appointment. I feel that everyone should test every 3 months, because their is a window, on these tests that goes back for many months. I test myself every 3 months, you can go to the drug store and buy a home kit to test for Aids, or you can order them off of the internet. And it is very much confidential, you will know the results within 3 days. They use a number, and you call in give them the # and they give you your results. As for STD's you need to go regularly to the health dept. for testing for these. It is our responsibility to keep ourselves safe and healthy. The best thing to keep ourselves safe is to protect ourselves when having any kind of intimacy. Using condoms is not foolproof but it sure helps. Soo let's all keep ourselves safe and healthy, and use condoms we are all responsible adults here. And as you know that when we meet we as adults are given a gift for our time and companionship, and what we do with that time is totally up to us. May we all stay safe, and healthy. May we all have a wonderful day. Kisses & Huggs Sexxysue

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