San Diego

Re:The Morning Incall Rush...Anyone Else?
paperback_writer 24 Reviews 10009 reads

I'm a big fan of morning appointments -- no later than 10am start.  Because of our respective schedules, there's less chance of detection by my significant other.  Plus, what better way to start the day?

TrueGFE13657 reads

Though there have always been those gentlemen who wish to meet during morning hours--during the past few weeks, I've had an unusually large percentage of my overall appointment requests be for morning meetings. Usually, I do not entertain until noon. However, if this preference for morning meetings is to continue--then I will have to re-think my schedule so that I may better accommodate AM interludes.

Are other ladies experiencing the same, as of late?

Might any of you gentlemen be able to enlighten me as to why morning meetings are suddenly more appealing?

Autumn11350 reads

I wish I could - but I seem to be getting a high number of morning / afternoon requests.  I wish I could, but I have to be elsewhere each morning and afternoon.

For some of us, it is actually the best time to hook up before work, it is easier for those of us with hectic jobs and schedules to simply start the day a little later with a breakfast of champions!!  For some of us, by the time noon rolls around we are knee deep in so much it is tough to get away and even tougher to not get relaxing time to enjoy a rendevous....

God bless mornings and weekends!!!

I'm a big fan of morning appointments -- no later than 10am start.  Because of our respective schedules, there's less chance of detection by my significant other.  Plus, what better way to start the day?

I believe the answer to your question is simple:  A favorite provider told me that she estimates that 80% of her clients are married, i.e., mornings and "nooners" are popular with those who must return to their wives after work.  There is also the issue of client's hoping to find the provider not "worn out" from too much work, i.e., prefer 1st's, 2d's over 5th's, 6th's.  Lastly, a visit with a nice provider in the AM often sets the tone for a great day.  Keep up the good work!

Testosterone levels are at their highest in the A.M.

I must agree with Lencho, i have near complete flexability with my work schedule,  I can leave for lunch at 10am and return at 3pm with no questions asked. If i start telling the wife/kids i need to go out at night i look like the bad guy and it raises suspition.

ffosty sendzzz

hotlick11821 reads

All the responses have very good reasons for requesting early morning appointments.  They all make perfect sense, and I agree with the reasoning.  They don't answer the question, however, as to why now?  Why not last week, last month and last year?  What is different this month that would cause these early morning appointment requests that wasn't being requested before.  I'm just curious.   I personally would love early morning appointments only because I am more energetic in the am, but since I have to be at work at 6am, I would have to play on a Saturday or Sunday morning which doesn't seem to be good days to hobby.

So I have another theory….. The weather….. We have had a miserable spring and a lousy start of summer.  The temperature has finally risen over 75, causing some spring fever. The days are still long and its nice enough outside to hit the golf courses, take the kids to the beach or water slides after work.   Just a temporary shift in priorities Is what I think.

shannon11406 reads

Yes, I too receive a lot of request for the morning appts.  However, I prefer to entertain in the mornings.  I have found that morning appts. tend to not cancel as frequently as evening appts.  I'm not sure why that is...but my guess would be...more things come up during the course of a day.

Overall, I prefer morning appts...especially as the summer season is starting to warm-up.  I take appts. as early as 8.



something about early mornings that make most people feel fresh. perhaps the day is still in its virginal state and hasn't been tarnished by the events of the day. who knows? i do know though, that i perfer early morning work outs to start my day and i'd much rather do it with one of san diego's gorgeous women - than stair master!

very funny times25!
I MUCH prefer mornings, as well...and a stair-master can only do so much for one's physique, wouldn't you agree??

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