San Diego

Re:Specials are a great idea....regular_smile
Danimal 12637 reads

I agree, this makes a lot of sense.
Automobile manufactures, credit cards, travel agencies, etc. are all giving incredible deals to encourage spending by cautious consumers. Why shouldn't the AE industry follow suit, it seems like the patriotic thing to do. Providers could offer specials to us loyal and caring TER members, thereby encouraging TER members to frequent providers more often. Everyone comes out a winner. United we stand!
Thanks Gumby for this excellent suggestion. God bless America.

gumby00714501 reads

There is a gal in Chicago names anal ashley who is offering discounts due to the struggling economy. She states, that as soon as Greenspan says that we are in the clear, her rates will go back to normal. What a gal. If she only worked out here....
  Why not offer B-day specials? Or, specials for TER members? I have heard that 1 or 2 of our local providers currently offer such a discount to TER members. Just a thought. Thanks

Danimal12638 reads

I agree, this makes a lot of sense.
Automobile manufactures, credit cards, travel agencies, etc. are all giving incredible deals to encourage spending by cautious consumers. Why shouldn't the AE industry follow suit, it seems like the patriotic thing to do. Providers could offer specials to us loyal and caring TER members, thereby encouraging TER members to frequent providers more often. Everyone comes out a winner. United we stand!
Thanks Gumby for this excellent suggestion. God bless America.

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