San Diego

Re:Marnee and the math
sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 11428 reads

Well said, RogerL


I contacted her last month to set up a date and take one for the team. We e-mailed back and forth several times before we made contact by phone. She seemed very nice, then....

Once on the phone the questions started. What do I do for a living? How much do I make? ETC. I told her that I wanted a date to see if we were compatable. Before she would make that date, She wanted me to commit to seeing her one or twice a week. She said she has 10 guys who see her that often.

My questions is; If she is that busy, why does she need to continue advertising? 10 guys once a week is $3,000 per week or $13,000 a month or $156,000 a year TAX FREE! That would be the equivalent of you or me making over $200,000 per year.

Do San Diego escorts make that kind of money? If they do, Where does it all go? Most of the providers I have seen seem to be on the brink of poverty, living one month to the next, without a pot of gold in the bank.

-- Modified on 11/20/2002 3:34:07 PM

-- Modified on 11/20/2002 3:36:25 PM

It seems to me that if your numbers are correct that's a committment of $1200.00 per month. I don't know many guys who would be willing to do that. You should go fishing elsewhere...

Oh, how I wish I could go on with these topics - for you really have more than one going on here!
Since Finance if my forte, I'd like to just make this one comment: how much someone makes has no relation to how well money is managed.

Statistically speaking, something as outrageous as 90% of Lottery winners file for bankruptcy within a year after receiving their millions!
It's not how much you have or earn, but how well you manage.

Likewise in reading books such as The Millionaire Next Door, you'll discover that the most ordinary, common people, driving the Pintos and Geos of cars (example) and wearing blah clothes have the money - in the millions. And the real estate...

To your success,

What you are saying is; You (SD escorts) do make that kind of money. The feel sorry for me attitude is just a ploy do make more off of our sympathy.

SexxyKelle11583 reads

don't speak for all please.........

Some make $$$$ but I'm sure others don't make as much. I'm also sure they don't piss it away either or make you feel sorry for them. Could it be the SD Hobbyists,  always wanting a deal, making the provider feel sorry for them? ie discount without coupons? ;)

RogerL5511206 reads

Read through this thread, and you sound a little bitter Dude.

I've been in contact with Marnee also,and you're right.  She does a lot of screening, is interested in only a certain type of client, and can probably be accurately described as "high maintainance".

But, like you also said, she is very nice and, man, what a body!!

She's upfront in her Eros ad, and on her website.  She's not as interested in the guy figuring out if he is compatible with her as she is whether she is satisfied with the guy.

It's not the typical provider approach, but you said it.  She needs only a certain number of guys to be her clients, if they are interested in her kind of business relationship.

And, why the continued marketing?  Well, she told me she has "some" guys agreeing to the regular visit thing.  She never told me the "10" number.  And, of course, guys might start off at that number of visits and not continue meeting at that frequency.

As far as your math, you need to exclude one week a month off the top, many of these women do generally pay taxes on a quarterly basis like all self-employed people who don't want to end up like Dusty Baker, they have to pay health insurance, there is no Social Security so they need to save for the future..and of course..some of them live more extravagantly.  And...if it were me...I would expect compensation far above the normal for what they do for a living. experience...the girls who play the poor act...they aren't the same ones that live the higher lifestyle.

Anyway, that's what I know about her...and the math.  I do have to say that I really didn't understand the purpose of your original post.  It was like you were calling her a liar or that she shouldn't conduct her business the way she does.

The whole thing strikes me this way.  There's always going to be some guys who think something's worth more BECAUSE it costs more.  And there will always be some providers happy to acommodate them.  I choose not to play in that park.  Each of you gets to make your own choice.

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