San Diego

Re:Joe Millionaire
MikeMorgen 10956 reads

My girlfriend watches this show.I've only watched part of it and it looks lame.I don't think the girl that is left standing is going to stay with him.Just my $0.02


littlebird9393 reads

I was curious as to what you all thought about this latest "Reality" show:  JOE MILLIONAIRE

Personally, I think it'd be kind of funny to see their reaction when the truth finally does come out.  Especially if they were only in it for the money!  But, I mean..COME ON FOLKS...Aren't they a certain extent...In it at least for the lifestyle that "that kind" of money can provide??

On the other-hand...I think it's a bit shady of the FOX network to even pull a stunt like this in the first place...Completely Misrepresenting "The Facts" to Such an Extent is CRUEL!!  
I mean, wasn't He represented to them as someone who is looking for a Bride??

I think that some of these ladies are really going to get their hearts broken!!  And from where I'm standing...THAT is not something I would laugh at.  WHAT DO YOU THINK??

Public humiliation for money. It must work as it sounds like it got you to watch. Personally, I'm pround to say I've never watched any of the so called "reality" shows from Cops to Survivor nor any of the latest twists.

If there was truth in advertising they couldn't be called "reality shows" .

MikeMorgen10957 reads

My girlfriend watches this show.I've only watched part of it and it looks lame.I don't think the girl that is left standing is going to stay with him.Just my $0.02


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