San Diego

Frustrations with Communications!!!sad_smile
tinbuk 12593 reads

I traveled to S.D. last year and experienced my first cash-and-dash.  I blamed myself for not doing the research.  Well, I recently traveled to S.D. again for business.  This time I thought I would splurge on myself and planned on seeing a few providers.  I discovered TER and did my research for 6 weeks.  Two weeks before my trip, I e-mailed a well-reviewed provider that was traveling to S.D. at the same time.  She e-mailed me the next day and asked for a phone number to contact me and agreed on the date and time.  Well, I never heard from her again dispite several e-mails and phone calls to her over the next 2 weeks.  I figured she was going to stand me up, but out of desparation I called her a half hour before the agreed time, and she actually answered.  So, she showed up and it was a nice time (review to come).

Provider #2:  A few weeks before the trip I e-mailed a very well-reviewed provider from S.D.  It took her a while to respond, but we agreed on a date and time.  She even called me before I left for S.D. to confirm.  She seemed very nice.  When I got into town we left several messages confirming our date.  I was very excited to see her.  Well, the date and time came up, and she didn't show.  I called her when she was 45 minutes and 1 1/2 hours late and no response.  She obviously had my hotel phone and room number, but I never got a call.  I will refrain from saying who she is for now.  I am giving her the benefit of doubt and hope to get an explanation from her some time.  I would still like to see her in the future.

Potential provider #3:  I had another free day to see a provider.  Even a week before I left for S.D. I started calling potential call backs.  I took a list of 14 providers on the trip that seemed exciting to me based on TER reviews.  After calling and leaving messages multiple times and going through many numbers that were disconnected, I got no response from anyone.  I have been in this hobby for a few years now, and I understand that discreetness is needed for phone calls and replies.  I also understand that hobbiests need to be gentlemen.  I feel that I was discreet and friendly on my phone messages dispite my being very frustrated.  That night I settled for an agency which turned out to be awful.  I had to settle for a very expensive and uncomfortable HJ from an unattractive woman.

I'm sorry for this long message, but I needed to vent, and I wonder if other hobbiests are having this problem.  I also wonder if providers can give any suggestions and advice to prevent this from happening again if I travel to S.D. again.  Thank you in advance for your repsonses.

I live here in SD; and I also am frustrated at the no-call back thing. I would say that for every 10 calls to different providers, I probably only get 2 call backs.

In the case of the first provider, since she was travelling here as well; I can understand the miscommunications process. Fortunatly things worked out for you.

The second, the local lady. That was inexcusable, except for the possibility that she had an emergency arise. If she has been well reviewed, and she is a local, my suggestion would be to send her one more note requesting a reasonable explanation. If she had some type of emergency arise, that should be enough of an explanantion. S**t happens. However, if she has no satisfactory reason for blowing you off, especially after you had both communicated exensively prior to arrival, then you owe it to everyone to explain she "no showed" you and never explained. Many of the legitimate ladies express dismay about no shows, so I'd be interested to see if she was one of them.

As for your list of others, it's getting to be more and more that you need to make advance arrangements with the local ladies. Because of LE activity, they are very careful about same day outcalls to local hotels.

Sorry it didn't work out better for you.

missmoon7911470 reads

Just let me know and I will change your mind about San Diego emai me or call me or both.

[email protected]

(618) 217-4640

Check out my website:

fillherup15355 reads

Forget these broads... try the little mexican honeys south of the border... a margrarita and a good fuck will cheer ya right up!

HottyH13320 reads

You won't find any cute blue or green eyed Cal. blondes down there. Hey boys stay in California for a piece of American Heaven. USA Rules.


Just Another Bimbo12320 reads

grouping all providers together, here or in tj, is a mistake. get real. I'm sure there are lousy experiences in tj just like there are here. saying "these girls" in SD or "the providers" in tj is saying that all ladies are alike in service and quality just because of where they are located? what a bunch of crap. all of us here didnt come out of the bridget and austin school of service standards. and I'm sure all the chicks in tj arent your wildest wet dream either.

you had a great time in tj? good for you. does that mean you can't have a good experience with any of the ladies here? Hell no! but why should all of us here in sd be held accountable for the actions of someone else who happens to work in the same city as us? crap crap crap. I hate that shit. it's not fair to those of us who do make an effort. and quite franky, it pisses me off. I am not bridget. I am not austin. don't group us all together because we live here and talk shit about "all the providers" in SD. Damn that's irritating!

I agree wholeheartedly.  A few months back I put together a list of good providers here in SD off the top of my head that was 3 times as long as the omnipresent list of 'ripoffs', and yet, somehow, the perception and attitude of some guys seems to be that SD has absolutely no one worth seeing.  Focus on the positive and you'll be fine, focus on the negative and your perception will be that all there is out there is ripoffs.

gumby00716504 reads

None of us should ever consider another guilty by association. That is just plain wrong. If I ever do it, like I have done in the past, call me an idiot. I will deserve it. I have attempted to correct myself and not generalize.
  To call all providers up here over priced is like calling all hobbyists fat, ugly or smelly. I'm sure all prividers have a fair share of those. Not all the girls are in this for the money. Some of us have found  a few girls that really enjoy what they do. We really appreciate those girs, and the reviews show that. Thanks

fillherup13181 reads

Weak argument my dear....  Ever study Economics?  1 SD provider= $300 per pop....  5 TJ girls@$60.00= $300 for 5 pops!   and yes some of us older guys can still get it up more than once, twice even three times the same night! I only rent the hotties not the oldies....  Bye lover xoxox

HottyH13283 reads

Your a mexican on viagra... Oh now your secret is out.


fillherup14159 reads

Sorry babe... Im a blond blue italian boy!  :-)

HottyH16239 reads

So you think you can tell
Heaven from hell
Blue skies from pain
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail
A smile from a veil
Do you think you can tell?
Anyway, I think you Mr. fillerup should move to Mexico.
Have a good life.

fillherup14441 reads

I already do lover!!!  but if you're lucky I'll throw some pesos your way.  :-))

The only way to fix these type problems, is to name names.
I am sure you will get the, "I don't know what you are talking about, we didn't have an appointment." excuse.
Guys the only way to improve things in the hobby is to, be honest about reviews, stop giving the benefit of the doubt  ie.  (...I guess she was having a bad day).
Remember we are the customers, they need use alot worse than we need them!!!!!!1

tinbuk14804 reads

I have been in contact with the provider that did not show, and there seems to have been a lot of misunderstandings and miscommunications.  She had every intention of showing.  I do not feel comfortable giving her a bad name, and next time I am in town, I will try to meet her again.  As far as the others, I tried calling at least a week in advance with no returns.  I don't know what else to do about that.  I have a job that demands a lot of phone calls.  If I don't make them, then business will go down.  I guess these providers already have too much business.  I guess if there were more quality providers, then the real quality providers would not be overworked.  Hmmmm.

Just Another Bimbo15560 reads

some providers, including me, do not return phone calls if we cannot call that person back within 1-2 hours unless he says it is ok in his message to call back anytime. This is because many guys seem to have a window of a few hours of time to talk and we dont want to put them in an uncomfortable situation by calling at a time when they are not free to talk. Guys seem to forget to tell us in messages in what time frame it is ok to call, so thats why I have the 1-2 hour rule. Emails are alot better in that way. If you are contacting a provider a week or more ahead of time, I think email is better if she has email on her site.

Over priced in SD? I would have to agree that every provider I have aquainted myself with or called is definitely overpriced. I make a damn lot of money per hour and would be considered a high paid professional and I don't bring home the cash these ladies do in one day. Take into account it is probably 100% tax free and they are WAYYYYYYYYY overpaid.

To group them all together I agree is wrong, but generalizing the dollars to value for all SD providers is fine. You providers are charging too much. For $$$ you should do way more than you do, and you all watch the clock in one way or another. But, you have us all by the balls, pun is intended, and we will eventually pay what you ask. I just think the pool of ready clients will diminish with time. And you providers will in time also get old and ugly and we will seek younger talent. You see, we win in the end because we do also get old and ugly, but we will make more and more money, and give more and more to younger talent over time. So, ladies, ride the wave of cash while you can, time is chasing you, not me.

One more note on TJ, get real guys the talent may look good but there are WAY more diseases down there, pun intended again! And you run a larger risk of getting your balls cut off by cops or thugs. Then there is the wait at the border to deal with. Be careful down there. I used to frequent Mexico everyday, and I know that there is an underculture that exist there that smells money out and will find you eventually. If you go, stay with the reviewed talent.

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