San Diego

Re:I Would Think That Sticking To Known People (For Both Gentlemen and Ladies) Would Be An Option...
gumby007 13112 reads

As usual, she is right. When I saw Anna, I entered the room, put an envelope on a night stand and "dated" her. She never even looked at the envelope the entire time I was there. It could have been empty for all she knew. Under these circumstances, was a law broken?? We never even talked about the date or what we would do. I knew what to expect from reviews. I regret to say that I am not wise in the ways of the law pertaining to our activities. I don't think that a few episodes of "Law And Order" qualify as a substitute for law school. LOL

lipsandmore4u11060 reads

I have been thinking about it....I have been thinking a lot to what happend to Debbie and dont know if its worth continuing.....any suggestions?? Tips??

gumby00711839 reads

Do what you feel is right. It's difficult to protect yourself in this line of business. You may want to only see clients that can be vouched for by other providers, or, even other hobbyists. Than can get to be a pain in the rear though. I guess it all depends upon what you are willing to do to stay safe.
  None of us wants to see a provider go due to fear, but it's better than a night in the slammer I'm sure. Follow your heart and do what you think is right. Good luck.

humpQ14494 reads

Anna I have been with you several times with you in the past and the way you do things prevents you from getting nailed by LE. If I recall correctly, you ask for the donation after the service is completed, and that's a great way to find out if he is LE. See, if money exchanges hand before the provider continues, then by law you are busted, but afterwards it's a different story. Say that you completed the service and he gives the donation and turns out to be a cop, you can say "what's this for?" and you can also say to him that you and him did it for mutual compainship. Anyways, I don't think cops aren't suppose to have sex with providers, so keep on doing what you are doing, and if you decide calling it quits, then it was a pleasure seeing you and lots of luck in whatever you choose.

a-n-o-n-y-m-o-u-s12648 reads

yes there are ways including screening and not accepting anything up front that may help. But not discussing or accepting money up front will not prevent getting nailed. Just ask a few of those who were nailed recently! Some of them never discussed or were given money at all! The cops lie, and it is your word against theirs. Guess who is likely to win that contest? yes in the end we may get off. But we still have to go through being cited or even arrested, going to court, and them thretening to take our kids away. I don't think that anyone should be scared into quitting or into not seeing providers. But please don't think that anything prevents you from taking a risk in getting nailed whenever you see someone new. You can help improve the odds of not getting nailed, but thinking you are preventing it when the cops play dirty is just a false sense of security.

-- Modified on 5/29/2002 2:06:11 PM

I know of women who got in trouble even though no $ was exchanged.  It is not unusual.  Still, I think it's smart to do things the way you suggest.  Anything one can do to make the case harder to prove can help.

They can still bust you.

It goes to that 'ole intent thing. The best suggestion I heard was to make it seem like a date. Either meet at a bar/restaurant or go otu BEFORE you do anything. While it won't keep you from being busted if they really want you, it might reduce the probability, since LE generally doesn't want to put a lot of effort into a bust.

Exchange of $$$ IS NOT a requisite to a bust (ask the guys picked up for solicitation).

gumby00714346 reads

Intent has to be proven. Someone would have to be able to literally read your mind to prove intent. just my opinion.

There are some beautiful hotels and furnished condos around the Pueblo Amigo just across the border and everything is legal.  Yes the girls are already down there but the quality is only fair to poor and the English is zilch.  Us old guys think talking is part of oral sex!

carpevinum10443 reads

You seem to be very popular with tons of reviews. Maybe you could get by on your regulars and only see new people that are referred directly by your trusted repeat clients and other providers that you trust.

I don't know what type of screening you do now, but if you're willing to do some really tight screening, you should be fairly safe.

carpevinum10916 reads

but did he show you a military pay stub as well?

I know there are cops that are, or were, in the military so that shouldn't be that hard to fake. Anyway, law enforcement and military seem like they would be able to work out a deal in order to bust people.

Your situation is scary. I heard a statistic (unsubstantiated) that 80% of busts are outcall. Yours was incall, so the fact that they came to your home is bad enough, but also that you checked his military ID...well it's just frightening.

-- Modified on 5/30/2002 8:04:56 AM

gumby00715029 reads

.....who required that I remove all of my clothes and put them in a walk in closet before she would discuss business. She figured that if I had a wire in my clothes, that it would be out of the room and therefore would not be able to hear us. Now, I understand why she did that.

LE concern or is there also a portion of burn out involved here? I merely ask because of the volume of reviews(all great) that have been generated for one so young and new to the biz.

It isn't unusual for a lady to take some time off and you certainly have earned the right to do so, but I would recommend seeking counsel not only here, but among trusted family, friends, parish priest, etc. Good luck with whatever decision you choose to make. MfSD.

TrueGFE11312 reads

Well, Gumby--I guess I'll just rescind my opinions, then. I guess it all really is cut and dried...

-- Modified on 5/30/2002 12:00:30 AM

gumby00713113 reads

As usual, she is right. When I saw Anna, I entered the room, put an envelope on a night stand and "dated" her. She never even looked at the envelope the entire time I was there. It could have been empty for all she knew. Under these circumstances, was a law broken?? We never even talked about the date or what we would do. I knew what to expect from reviews. I regret to say that I am not wise in the ways of the law pertaining to our activities. I don't think that a few episodes of "Law And Order" qualify as a substitute for law school. LOL

GirlPointOfView13789 reads

I am by far no expert in the law only having taking a few criminal justice classes in college - however, when I asked about placing money on the night stand and the girl never looking at it, I was told that it is in no way protective or an easy out.  Because we providers have rates published on our webpage, or even discuss rates over the phone or via email, the courts will assume it is an exchange of money for sex.  Fact is that in San Diego county, what Austin and Brigette do is illegal!  If they touch themselves (breast, buttocks, genitals)and the cop gets aroused and money is exchanged at any time before or after - you're busted.  This is so hard to believe but it is FACT.  Read the legal corner discussion board for more info.  I think it's retarded because a titty dancer slaps her ass and touches her breast and I'm sure guys wil get aroused, but they are not arrested!  

According to the escort license we are all supposed to have (but that's a bunch of crap!) an escort can not come within six feet of a guy and nobody can be naked touching themselves (breasts, buttocks, genitals).  

The hard point to swallow is that if you happen to get a cop as a client, you're not going to talk your way out of it.  Your best bet is to go to trial with a good lawyer who can find a loophole somewhere and get you off or a plea bargain.

I base these comments on what I have read in the law books - If someone thinks I may have it wrong please show me - don't just tell me based on a friend of a friend's experience.

This is a tough job, but good procedures, experience, and TER can help reduce the chance of you being busted.  Personally, TER is one of the best outlets of screening a guy.  Just like you hobbyists who like to see girls with a lot of reviews, I like to see a hobbyist with a lot of reviews that go back a while.  Then I can talk to the other girls he has seen and make a decision from there.  I figure that a guy who's been around for a while on TER is not a cop.  That would be kind of stupid to build up a reputation for a long time to get one girl.  Because once he did, his name would be mud around here --

Check out the site below for more info!

Ginger girl10144 reads

the statistics here in san diego were les than 25% of the ladies entraped or cited were ever actually convicted of a crime that was even remotely associated with this business. If you have a clean record and do no have any other violations invloved in your case you are almost guaranteed of having it pled down at the very least to disturbing the peace or some other such charge that gains the city a bit of revenue. the facts are that the city does not recoup anywhere near the amount that it takes to set up, charge and convict any of us of a crime. It is simply a maintenance procedure that gives some conservatives the illusion of having some control over the worlds oldest profession. even if you are cold busted the city DA will take up to a year to prosecute a case like this because they are horribly swamped and simply do not have the time. I have one friend who has been ticketed three times as an independent and twice had others who worked for her unlicensed service ticketed...she has never had to cop to anything except for one misdemeanor disturbing the peace and that only because trial cost $1500 a day in attorneys fees...there were many of thousands of dollars however spent in attempting to cite her. In one incident she overheard officers discussing what they would say to have the best chance of the judge not even throwing it out in the first place. On the other occasion her case simply dissapeared and her attorney found no record of her ever even being cited...I am not at all saying that you won't get in trouble. What I am saying is that if you have a clean record and money save for an attorney then don't sweat what you can't control...and control what you can. Read the section on how to handle a night or two in jail (with the right attitude it can be an interesting experience.) and realize that what happens during the meeting with the cop will eventually pan out in your favor if you conduct yourself properly. of course this is no guarantee but if you are horribly wronged there are several legal options available to you. Knowledge is power and actions interprative...just ask any attorney.

good advice ginger girl, but during this current climate why risk it? anna stay with those you know eventually everything will settle down again.

lipsandmore4u13305 reads

Thanks everyone for the good advice...I feel better now :)

Ginger girl12196 reads

Actually It is on the BD site. It is under the In the Biz section for members. I also forgot to add that the last time my friend got ticketed it was by a man with a military id and I posted a warning to others right after it happened. He was however a reservist which I am sure many cops are. Ever since then military i.d has not been enough for me. Also look really close at the pic they don't update them frequently in the military...hell my ex's pic still shows him with hair and he hasn't had any for a long time. Make sure it is him... It should say on the id if they are active duty or not...Debbie if your reading this do you know if he was active duty or not? I don't know if LE here is using the collared john method for setting us up but they do in many places and that entails taking a man who is already arrested for solicitation and offering a deal for a set up. A military guy could suffer major consequences if he had an arrest like this on his record and I am sure his commanding officer could even order him to participate if he/she were to find out about it.

Unless things have changed, military ID cards come in three flavors!  One color is for active duty or what you would think of as the REAL military, another color for reservists and still another color for retired military. Just check the color of one that you KNOW is on active duty and that will take care of that problem.

Ginger girl12214 reads

The id the cop had that arrested my friend was for the airforce...she use to be in the airforce so you would think she would have noticed but she said it was the same color as her active duty one...I think she may have gotten confused as it was long time ago and she was also in the reserves.  after he popped her she asked him about it and he said that he was a reservist and told her that it said so on the id ....she didn't notice because she just looked at the color. Of course he did not offer to show it to her again so who knows for sure. She sure did kick herself in the butt over that one...

GirlPointOfView11307 reads

One of my professors (a SD Sheriff) basically told us the same thing about San Diego county's court system.  Basically, theri rule is to NOT arrest misdemeanor crimes if they can help it.  Sometimes, the STATE requires it such as domestic violence or prostitution.

The jails are extremely overcrowded and the court system is backed up for ages.

The important thing for the girls is to NOT plead guilty - let it get lost in the legal system like it should!

nolie13212 reads

Don't know if its worth continuing? You charge in excess of $300.00/hr. for your services; surely you must expect some risk, otherwise the price that you would be able to charge would not exceed $30.00/hr.; because the market for the services you provide is illegal, you are able to charge much more than the amount that would normally prevail. This additional amount is compensation for the risks you take by engaging in this sort of activity. As for advice, always use a prophylactic.

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