San Diego

Re:Help w/my situation contined:
FLYJET 15852 reads
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Does anyone out there know for sure that I can treat my wife w/antibiotics by putting them in her coffee or tea?  Doesn't that dilute the medicine too much?
Any doctors or pharmicists out there?
If I can treat my wife,which is the strongest medicine that would work in her morning coffee/tea? -she drinks both.
Thanks for any advice you can give me....

HELMET 8 Reviews 15569 reads
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Better start checking if there is a treatment for stupidity and irresponsibility as well (yours).

MistressM 15259 reads
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Well, I am not a doctor or pharmacist, however I am a nursing student currently taking pharmacology so I know a bit about the drugs used for stds.

I don't know what your doctor gave you to take, but I highly recommend Zithromax - you only take one dose a day instead of 2 or 3 - and in the case of chlamydia one dose is generally enough to knock the infection out.

As far as coffee or tea diluting it, that wouldn't dilute it any more than downing a cup of coffee while swallowing a pill would. Some pills do have a special coating indicating they are not meant to be crushed because they are meant to be absorbed in the small intestine and not the stomach. However, as far as I know Zithromax is not one of these drugs, so it can be crushed and taken that way.

Chlamydia is a very common std and is the number ONE cause of infertility in women. Whether you chose to tell your wife or not, you and she MUST be treated at the same time or her fertility may be compromised.

I found this article on the web that answers some questions about chlamydia and Zithromax, you might want to ask your doctor for a prescription as well as one for your partner. They usually will give a dose for you partner if you explain the situation.  Chlamydia is undetected in up to 80% of women who have it, so your wife could get it and never know. Perhaps your one night stand didn't even know. Chlamydia is easily transmitted during unprotected oral, anal and vaginal sex - so please be more careful!

2sense 16949 reads
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If a chlamydia infection goes untreated, then you leave the door open in women for long-term complications (e.g., sterility). If your mate is infected and not treated successfully, then rebound infections may well occur that will also reinfect you.

Self-dosing, or in your case spouse-dosing, is definitely not the way to go. First, you have to be concerned about allergic responses to the antibiotic. Really only a physician can accurately monitor through cultures the efficacy of any antimicrobial treatment. There is always the possibility of a given chlamydia strain being resistant to a given drug. Too low dosing of drugs may actually help the development of drug-resistant bugs.

Here's a decent website with more info:

Don't mean to cool your jets, but it would be simpler and safer just to fess up and do the right thing.

chrissiedahl 14351 reads
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How are you going to explain the ED personnel why she'd having side effects to meds that YOU illegally administered? Unless you are willing to break the law to save your butt, don't do it.

fillherup 13665 reads
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Looks like your "Jet" has crashed and burned... Good Luck

ESCPA 13493 reads
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Hey, you better find a way to get a gram of Azythromyocin in here asap. I am also a nurse and it's the prefered treatment for your problem. Good luck

legman 14144 reads
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TEQUILA 5 Reviews 12197 reads
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If I am not mistaken, when women take certain antibiotics, they run a higher risk of yeast infections.
Case in point, my wife had a sinus infection and the antibiotics have triggered a yeast infection.  All is being treated and she will be fine.

Dude, I know you have been getting hammered here,,,,but you may need to come clean with your wife, get into councelling and get out of the hobby.  You have betrayed her trust and that will be hard to regain.  I just hope that you can stay married, especially if there are kids involved.  
I am at that cross roads of my see providers.  Thinking I have dodged enough bullets and time to retire from the hobby.

Good luck and let us know what happens.

lauren38dd 13701 reads
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philmcgroin 2 Reviews 13714 reads
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First tell your wife, both of you see a doctor and get treatment. Next, own up to the fact you made a mistake.  If she loves you, she will forgive you and it will be put in the past (but not forgotten because women hold grudges longer than the shelf-life of twinkies)and so life goes... live with it.  Anyway, now that you got caught at mach 2.0 with your hair on gotta deal with It!!!!

sex1 13102 reads
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FLYJET 12896 reads
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rcpnow 5 Reviews 12932 reads
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this is way better than springer...JEER REE...JEER REE.. JEEREEE!!!

mike2001 2 Reviews 14616 reads
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lauren38dd 10733 reads
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I am happily single you big BOZO!!!!!!

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