San Diego

Hello Law Enforcement
The Law Doctor 13972 reads

Was hoping to gather your attention to this forum..Having served our system for the years that I have/district attorney..I have a open question for those in law enforcement monitoring this site..Why not spend your time convincing your superiors in vice..that you could be spending better time..going after crack heads,coke heads,and those who threaten our security. Busting a facility such as MBHC is serving what kind of deed to our society..and other establishments who at least keep people satisfied one way or another..This will nver stop..and I think you could spend our taxpayer money by providing security for a power plant..or even a airport. I will monitor all questions regarding legal issues..and hope other legally informed..will as well..There are certain ways to explore the loopholes in the law..and start having the odds stack up again law enforcement..of what is accepted or thrown out in a court of law..or by those deciding to prosecute.

Just Another Bimbo13735 reads

as a guy would you want to spend your time chasing dope dealers and putting your ass on the line daily up against scary criminals that might shoot back at you? or would you want to spend your budget money spending time with and getting massages from attractive women all day? Uh, I dunno. Let me see. Tough choice, isnt it?   lol   remember that cops are guys and they think like guys! lol

chrissiedahl13694 reads

Since you sort of brought it up, what do you think about changing DA's? Do you feel Pfingst is doing a good job or are leaning towards a replacement?

Are you hoping cops read this thread and change sides/opinions? I always find that line of questioning humourous, "cops, think of all the evil you are perping on us". I so doubt that, why would they care?

Most of the current threads are about SW busts, not the usaul 411 around this board(TJ, indies). Where is all the street intell coming from? Not TER

It is a real revolving door, cat and mouse game. What would cause a change in San Diego's market? People complain that the area is just ROB's because LE aids the in business some way.

I'm sure this is not PC and I'll be banned from posting but I have questions too.

rvy12317 reads

I wish I could answer that for San Diego..but I thought of a interesting concept..licensing surrogates..Cops are people too..and I'm sure good customers to many a provider..It comes down to politics orders come from the top when enforcement is needed or a provider jumps out of their normal line.

chrissiedahl13868 reads

  Thanks for a response. Cops work off complaints I believe, not being pissy about the biz in general. Licensing is tricky also, what would be the parameters? Education for the massage part, time in service for escort? Maybe short quiz on the general laws, the do's and don'ts for the safety of both parties?
Might be interesting to discuss.

I do read alot of things about SD, bad action, all ROB's with some comments about how the cops help the Ripoffs, stay in business. If adult entertainers are licenced through the PD, why not the rest. I saw the council meeting about massage therapists(HPP's) don't want to be herded in with escorts, etc.It does seeem to be a problem for all involved.

 That brings me back to Pfingst. Is he pro/con sex workers and would a change effect the tone of the county. I am more acquainted with the bay area with the openness of Berkeley/SF.


-- Modified on 3/27/2002 4:48:10 PM

rb113111 reads

There's a good chance Pfingst would have been voted out of office if it wasn't for the Van Dam case. While he didn't win the election, he will be in the November primary.
The crack down on MP's probably has a lot to do with our previous
city council,,namely Juan Vargas.  I also seem to recall,, we got a new head of vice around that time too.  The previous one  once said in the paper about MP's that they got very few complaints about them, as opposed to SW, so he didn't spend as much time on them.  The new one, she could be more "by the book".
IE,,It's illegal, we are going to bust you.  
I know,, I am sure not willing to take the chance.

chrissiedahl9690 reads

I kind of figured it was so, with all the Van Dam case publicity. I know that Juan Vargas was a seminarian student in a past life, so that make sense.

I forget the name of the women running against Pfingst, but she seems to have the support. Should be interesting.


lauren38dd10745 reads

I agree with you all the way!!!! Also, what they did to MBHC was down right awful. LE~~~~~~What a bunch of bozo's.

fillherup12347 reads

don't forget that busting the MP's and escorts also generates funding that helps the PD do it's duties...where does the money come from??  the City treasury that collects money from you and me!

chrissiedahl13536 reads

Do you mean they recieve money from the coffers or is it drug/car/money seizures? Is there a car seizure law in the city of SD? I know in SF there is none, but Sac and others see it in another way, they take your car.

The Law Doctor14476 reads

Chrissie..LE can take your car..if it is part of the unlawful sequence..I have seen creative ways for what would stand up in a court of law..that L/E has used..even if it means they are lying..In perhaps the sexual surrogate role..(There are some who do this..but still hush ..hush..It would come under the umbrella of a licensed theory..but this most likely would never happen..for normal there would be a strong lobby against this from most any kind of group..licensed or public.Bottom line..It comes down to common sense..and your gut feelings..when it comes to matters of L/E..and Politics. You seem to follow things well..but be careful. :) The Law Doctor

chrissiedahl13453 reads

It is so hard to keep track of all the varitions, from juridication to jurisdiction. I was a law clerk about ten years ago, so I have an interest in the law. They say that CA is saturated with atty's now, 1 for every 300 people in the state.


fillherup14716 reads

I'm no LE expert but my understanding that departments such as Vice are funded (budget) by how well they are doing (Busts).  Drug/seizure money does go directly into the Citys coffers, you don't think it just sits there collecting dust in some lockup do ya?!  Money is used as evidence and it eventually makes it way into the coffers.  I've read LE such as the Fish&Game will confiscate equipment and vehicles that are seized from poachers so I'll assume that Vice is doing the same during their gig.

chrissiedahl12356 reads

I remember that story, about the poaching of lobsters, they got the guys boat or something? I have heard about the car seizures and the cash on hand. It sure is the encentive to keep the stats up :(


buckfutt14878 reads

Question for the Law Doctor--  Calif. is the only state where its legal to make an X-rated artistic work. The Cal. PC provides a legal loophole for adult video producers, actors, everyone involved in that industry. So what would local LE do if the service providers all became video starlets? Get paid to perform on video with the client? Just a thought....


chrissiedahl13755 reads

I'm not Law Doctor but some already do that in other areas.

  It is a flat 400-500 USD, YOU KEEP THE TAPE. The extra expense is in the lic. and video setup,maybe extra security in case things went sideways? Good question.


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