San Diego

the GFE trap
spongebath 9840 reads

What is best way to deal with the "emotional" attachment issues surrounding GFEs?

More n More11869 reads

Deal with it just like any other paid for service unless you are getting for free.

spongebath12020 reads

Dear MnM, you're right of course.  It's the apparent contradiction between "service" and "experience" that I'm exploring here though.  The TER main page is currently asking if anyone has ever fallen in love with a Provider.  The Plumber is committed to cleaning your pipes, not fulfilling your GFE fantasies, whatnot/whathaveyou.  It's the emotional attachment rather than the service, I'd guess, which brings back the Regulars.  Bottomline, I'm new to the "hobby" so appreciate having people to explore with this curious "setting a boundary" thing we call GFE.  Damn, I'm loving it so far.  Sincerely, Spongebath

More n More12122 reads

I usually call on providers more than once.  I try not to so with the plumber.  But you are right. Perhaps if you keep changing providers, you won't develop an attachment.  But you have a point.  Why ask a question, if it isn't an issue?

spongebath10040 reads

In hindsight, should have posted on the newbie page, sorry and thanks to all.  It's not a *real* issue MnM, just a new, fantastic something to better understand.  It helps me to hash something new out from all angles.  you know, stick my tongue in it, see what sticks, bang it around a few times kind of a thing ;-)  

Basically, just wanted to hear I wasn't alone in thinking about this.  thanks again.

Hey SudsBath,
Aside from your wimpy apology, there is something else wrong with your post. I don't believe that you were just thinking about this. Am I wrong? Did you just cave to pressure of the replies that you got? Looks to me like you resorted to macho locker room lingo to duck your feelings "you know, stick my tongue in it, see what sticks, bang it around a few times kind of a thing"
If not, what did you mean "hash it out from all angles ;-) "?
It doesn't belong on the newbie page it belongs here. It should really be a statement saying, "Hey old dudes, stop throwing around the Girl Friend Experience acronym just because you cuddled after shooting!"  
Let me know, otherwise you might want to consider changing your name to SpongeBob.
Frankly, newbies posts are a lot more entertaining than those gathered here daily, fearing newcomers and recycling the same old platitudes to mediocre providers hoping to get a discount down the raod.
Rage into the light. Sound off like you got a pair and for Christ sake don't apologize for having questions. (_8^(|)

spongebath13106 reads

Well, since you've called me out, let me say that it's been said by others that I think too much.  Questions don't go away for me, it just that others become more relevant and/or applicable.  What's the line about teenagers?  "they know all the answers but only half the questions"?  

Am really enjoying the new "have you ever fallin in love" thread currently running on this list.  That's the type of material I was looking for in my initial question!  The GFE dynamic.

yeah, and balls/raging will only get you so far.  Patience, ingenuity, and an ear for a good story!  So I apologize probably far too often.  Deal with it!  ;-)  

, bathes-on-pong

good honest question sb, mnm shouldn't have been so quick with the plumber analogy. although, i do remeber a penthouse pictorial using the plumber setting and quite honestly if the girl in that pictorial showed up at my house to unclogg my drain (no pun intended), i could've easily fallen in love with the plumber.

regarding your question i know at another site clubhombre or something to that effect, that many men have fallen in love with providers south of the border and actually began long term relationships with some. so i guess falling in love with a dynamite gfe provider happens more often than not.

on the other hand mnm's comment about paying for a service is right on. remember why that someone is being nice to you!

gumby00710649 reads

On this side of the border, it would be very expensive to fall n love with a provider. Some of our best require $$$ or more. That enough will usually stop most from falling for a provider. Just my 2 cents.

Best way to deal with it is to move on. A provider dont want your Attention/Effection outside of the service provided. She is providing a service at a price, nothing more nothing less. Best medicine for that hurt is to find another provider and find another way to get yours.


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