San Diego

Re: Yeah but they still hardly participate. Still considered a provider perspective dead board. (EOM
Onlyalurker 148 reads

As another poster recently noted before the thread was removed : women talk to men who pay them.  So I guess it's back to plan B.

What do you want to see here? Funny stories? Informative anecdotes? Warnings of possible dangers? Spirited and respectable debate? Name calling? Rudeness?  

Ok, I know you don't want the last two but, please weigh in and share your ideas about what you want to see here that would generate more interest.


I think my favorite regional board is the Atlanta board. It has a mix of advice, ISO, and an occasional warning for both sides, but it also has fun topics like movies, strange requests, pick-up lines, age of ladies men see (but in a way that's interesting, not nasty), sexual dynamics, kissing, and fantasies. It's also a board where most of the guys seem to actually LIKE us. Someone is occasionally cranky, but that isn't the norm.

guys like providers on the atlanta board?

you mean, unlike general discussion where you hookers are only in it for the money  lol

I actually didn't think BPJ meant to be mean; over on the general board some trolls regularly post very derogatory questions to stir the pot, and some of those guys regularly use prostitute or hooker to help increase the offensiveness of their posts.

like it was supposed to.  Do you have another one we could try?  You're pretty good at coming up with topics.

Ok, Kerri has observed the Atlanta board is better for the various reasons she stated. Isn't that we all want this board to be?

Come on people! Ignore those you don't like and move on so hopefully they will too. Let's get this board going so it is more like Atlanta's.

Thank you for the post Kerri.

And by the way, the ATL board isn't perfect, but it doesn't devolve as often as ours does. I think it may take a while before people don't have their hackles up on ours, unfortunately.

DONT.BE.A.TRICK296 reads

. Guys ask what the ladies want.  

2. Ladies tell guys we don't like the name calling, disrespect, and hateful speech.  

3. Guys tell ladies they're just being too sensitive. (Cause hey! We should like being called hookers right tee hee!)

4. Women everywhere roll their eyes and continue to not participate.  

5. Guys continue to talk amongst themselves and act like dicks while marveling at the deadness of the board.


     Telling a girl that she shouldn't mind being called a hooker, whore, etc.
 because of a "long and rich tradition of slang usage" is no different than telling a black dude he shouldn't mind being called a N***** because it's "just slang" with a "long and rich tradition". Are you fucking kidding me?

And if you think that some argument about the term pussy vs. vagina is in some way similar then you're a moron. Do you boys really not understand? Can you really be that ignorant?


Your demoralizing words and attitudes have killed the potential of any useful discussion on this board.  
Keep telling yourself otherwise. Doesn't change the reality of it

Thank you for your perspective. I am a guy and I agree with you 100%. I hope to see you post more here. Your opinion was heartfelt and well stated, you didn't single anyone out and so, nobody should be offended.  

More please.

PabloNeruda273 reads

but all y'all can suck her balls!

her head is up her ass.  Another one that wants to attack from an alias.  Sigh.  Why do all of the cowards seem to be on this board?  If you want to challenge someone on their opinion, that is what legitimate debate is all about, but stand behind what you say with your real handle.  Otherwise, you make yourself irrelevant.  

BTW, do you see the irony in your alias namd of referring to customers as a "TRICK" but complaining about "Hooker" being disrespectful.  You can't have it both ways, sweetie.

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