San Diego

Re: unless you have friends in high places
kujmi26 505 reads

Posted By: ShorelineAmpVIP
Tough to get appointments w/o any type of screening, especially if you claim to be "unemployed". You might want to bring this discussion over to the K-girl forum...
K-girl forum?

Is that in another website?

kujmi262926 reads


I'm a bit of a newbie at this, but I've always wanted to try the SDAsiangirl agency. I have mostly done AMPs so I don't really have any references to give them. Not to mention I'm currently jobless, but have enough money saved for a while.

Is there a way for me to get screened for them? I've sent them an email but haven't gotten a reply at all.

Tough to get appointments w/o any type of screening, especially if you claim to be "unemployed". You might want to bring this discussion over to the K-girl forum...

kujmi26506 reads

Posted By: ShorelineAmpVIP
Tough to get appointments w/o any type of screening, especially if you claim to be "unemployed". You might want to bring this discussion over to the K-girl forum...
K-girl forum?

Is that in another website?

kujmi26464 reads

Thanks for the info!

I got a reply from the agency and it seems they aren't willing to compromise on their screening. It's a real bummer for me since they have the most and best reviewed K-girls here in SD.

Looks like I'll have to build up some references first. Hopefully I can find a nice and well reviewed provider around my age that is willing to see a newbie.

Onlyalurker450 reads

Don't feel so bad. I found the Kgirls to be the closest thing to a robot there is. Most of them hardly speak English and they all follow the exact same routine with every client. On several occasions I tried to change things up a bit but without any success. Also,  their reviews tend to go from great to not so great as time goes by. And then there is that trafficking issue....which probably explains extraordinary verification requirements.

-- Modified on 3/27/2016 11:46:13 AM

Screeners. Without references or employment information, even if you get a response, you will never get approved. You should move on.

Some people get bitter when they can't pass screening. Don't listen to the nay-sayers... Most times they are limited in their actual experiences - I would suggest messaging a user who is already in their network (some have posted here already) and follow their suggestions. Everyone starts somewhere and it's up to you to follow or not follow suggestions, guidelines and tips. Not following them is a fast track to most people's "no see" list. Some users have experience with that as well and will try PMing you to either scare you off, talk sh*t or just stir up trouble. Many reviews does not a reputable gent make - remember that. It's disturbingly easy to submit  review for agency or managed girl when you have in fact never met and easier still to suggest you have met but, again, have not. I suggest reading forum posts and familiarizing yourself with the users here as well to see who may have a chip on their shoulder and who is here for fun.


Posted By: kujmi26
That's a bummer.

kujmi26348 reads

I thank you for the encouragement. Even though I can't get past the screening, I still found that people are quite helpful here.

Think about what you have to do to get a new one.  A resume would be helpful for any prospective employer.  Think about that resume.  Did you start as the CEO, or did you do some other things to get to that position?  Life in Provider Land is a little like that.  I see you don't have reviews, and it would be helpful initially to find some newbie-friendly providers to build that hobbyist resume.  But on top of that, you've elected to climb the local Everest of Asian Agencies.  They are very careful, and so should you be.  If you attempt the peak too soon, you may never make it.  In general Asian bookers don't rely on a reference system in exactly the same way as do local independents.  The K-Girl forum will provide details on this.  I'd suggest if you really want to get to the top, don't try climbing too soon.  Wait until you are employed, and then work on that resume for K-Girl Land.  In the meantime, there are plenty of other mountains to climb for the avid hiker.  The peak will be worth it.

kujmi26394 reads

Thank you for your tip. Although, I'm not entirely in a rush to find a new job since I did just quit my last one to finish my schooling. I've also saved a good amount without going into debt since I hate owing people money.

I have been verified by thelibrary and that other Asian agency that advertises on Cityvibe before when I was still working, really wish I had myself verified with this one before I left now. I did not have a very good experience with the Asian agency with the phone # that ends with 5862, which is why I wanted to go with a well reviewed agency this time around.

As you have discovered, sadly not all AAs are created equal or have the same level of customer service.  PM sent.

hey dude, can u tell me whats wrong with that asian agency? saw them have some pretty girls

Posted By: kujmi26
 I'm a bit of a newbie at this, but I've always wanted to try the SDAsiangirl agency. I have mostly done AMPs so I don't really have any references to give them. Not to mention I'm currently jobless, but have enough money saved for a while.  
 Is there a way for me to get screened for them? I've sent them an email but haven't gotten a reply at all.

Onlyalurker336 reads

I got cleared, tried and don't think it's worth it. Not unless you enjoy being part of what is truly is a human conveyor belt made up of women. The agencies constantly move the girls around from city to city.  There was a recent discussion about bonding, friendships and choices.  None of that can be found in these places.  Also,  the first question they ask you while clearing you is your race.  Apparently, Asian hobbyists need not apply. I wonder why? The most disturbing though is what I read on another forum: that every room is equipped with listening devices and sometimes cameras to make sure that girls follow the rules. Have no idea if it's true but wouldn't be at all surprised if it was.

except i'm currently in school, so I joined p411 and saw a few providers on the list to give me OKs. afterwards SDAG gave me the green light.

except I have a job and am not about to give any information about it to p411 or sdasiangirls. So how do I go around that?

this agency without employment screening.  I was nervous he first time, too.  But the screener is a real pro and made it painless.  You just give the name of your company.  He will look it up on the internet, call the main number and ask for you.  As long as they patch him through and you answer the phone there, he will just say you are all set.  Then you can email for an appointment with a particular girl.  He could care less where you work, he just wants to make sure you DON'T work for LE.  Once you have a couple of successful appointments and the girls report that you are a gentleman and not abusive or rough, they don't even save your information in most instances.  So if you're "not about to give any information" like that, then you should move on and forget about ever being a customer there and seeing the hottest Asian girls in SD.  This agency consistently has the best and most beautiful talent.  

That's gonna have to be the case "moving on". Maybe for you it's cool to give away your work information but for me it can only fuck me in the ass and hard. They can have as much reference as they want from all the woman that I've seen but them having data on where I work is equivalent to me having personal information about their lives (your address, your family, your position, married, etc.)...Which is not pro in my book. It's blackmail waiting to happen. I've dated a bunch of MP K-girls and even they never knew what I did until they stayed at my place for a couple days out of the week. You can easily type in someones name or phone number and get all the damn data you need to know almost everything about a person while you would know jack shit about the person holding all the damn cards...which is every text, visit and all that other juicy good shit attached to your name.

Hell, why would the last MP K-girl i dated tell me to never tell information like my real name or give away my work information. In the end I'm only looking out for myself. There's plenty of woman out here north and south, plenty of Asians all the way up to L.A and further north to the Bay. This is just a drive or a short fly away so I'm not bleeding over it.  

Anyways, why would I risk my career and expose my personal life for some ass is the main question...Why would anyone really? Only an average person would do something like this since they have a lot less to lose than people in positions where personal information like this would be catastrophic...Anyone with a position that represents a major organization, where reputation is their life blood is totally screwed.

It may look on the surface like a set-up for blackmail, but in reality, the org has more to lose trying something like that than you do.  This agency has at least a 10 year stellar reputation for integrity that I know of personally, and may go back farther than that before I entered the hobby in 2008.  If an agency were to attempt something like that, the next day, it would be all over TER and every other escort website, and the agency would be finished.  These guys make a great living running these places and don't want to fuck it up by not being trustworthy.  This is not some seedy mob operation, its just some savvy business guys (MBA button-down types) running a successful business.  Their most important goal is keeping the girls and their other customers safe.  Screening does that.  I, for one, have always felt safe at these places because I know that no one gets in without a proper screening, so I can enjoy myself without worrying about whether there is an undercover vice officer in the other room waiting to arrest me when I come out.  You are much more likely to have trouble at a MP set-up than a Kgirl incall.  The MP's get busted all the time because they are usually in store fronts where LE can just sit outside in the car and watch.  Kgirl incalls are always in massive secure apartment complexes that require you to be buzzed in by the occupant.  I know a lot of guys that go to this agency, and you would be surprised how high-profile they are, not average at all.  There are CEO's, doctors, lawyers, sports and TV celebrities, all guys who have a lot to lose if discovered, but not one has ever been treated with anything but respect by this agency when it comes to their privacy.   The only reason they screen through employment is to make sure you're not LE.    

I have never used SD Asian Girls, The Library or similar sites.  I do think this is a form of human trafficking.  The girls only get a part of what they earn and are at the mercy of the organization.

I would not be surprised if LE is not targeting them as we speak, what with all the #MeToo protests and the interest in Human Trafficking.  If your name is in their database you could get an embarrassing knock on the door some day.  They could even bust these organizations, take over their website and just wait for you to call and set up an appointment.

Personally I am looking for an independent provider who is neither a drug addict nor a pimp controlled 19 year old.  I want someone who is happy in her choices and willing to provide good service for repeat clients.

This is the most uninformed opinion about Kgirls I have seen in a long time.  When the big Seattle bust went down three years ago, they didn't charge the girls at all, and they charged the agency owners with "promoting prostitution" NOT human-trafficking.  Within two weeks, the girls all had jobs lined up on the East coast.  They go from city to city working at various agencies on their own, not in custody of a trafficker.  That bust, as are most, in the Kgirl world, was an infiltration bust, where the screener didn't do their job in vetting a new customer.  Its been years since there was an infiltration of any of the Kgirl agencies in SoCal.  Kgirls are all "happy in their choices" and lined up in Korea to have a chance to come here and work for 90 days at a time.  

I have personally been to a few dozen residences of Kgirls that live in Ktown near LA and work at incalls all over SoCal.  Even the ones working at SDAsianGirls will go home on their days off, and then come back their next day working.  Some working in Mid-Wilshire in LA go home and sleep in their own apartment EVERY night.  I know, because I have overnighted with a few at their home when they were my outside real life girlfriend, not at the incall, and then dropped them back off for work the next day.  Does that sound like girls being trafficking.  Your ignorance is astounding, and the fact that you would post such drivel that just makes you look like a moron tells me you have never even seen a Kgirl.  Am I right?

What CDL writes is very true, some of the ladies speak very good English and if you are respectful with them and treat them like a friend they will open up and answer most any question you might ask. I won't disclose here how much of a cut the agency gets but will tell you it's not that much and way less than half of the rate charged. I have been going there for a little over 7 years now and have had 2 so so experiences one of which they gave me a discount for my next visit.

For the most part they are best place to go, at least in my opinion, the rates are great the service is great, never a ugly over weight girl hiding behind the door. The pictures they post are close but not real but once again they still look good.

It works for me and the screening was never a issue, the response time to make a appointment is second to none, but if you don't like how they screen and verify you just move on to what makes you feel comfortable.

Like I said " I have never used SD Asian Girls, The Library or similar sites.  I do think this is a form of human trafficking. "  

Be careful.  Right now the national mood is somewhat anti-male and pressure is on LE to crack down on groups using immigrant women.  Think their customer data base can't be accessed by LE?  Think that in the next Operation Human Trafficking officers won't contact your business to see if you accessed the Asian provider site on company time?  Think LE is not looking to bust a few high profile customers to show they are on the job?  

In the current spin providers are "victims" and clients are "victimizers."   Police surveilled the residential locations used the San Diego Finest Massage over ten years ago.  They arrested Carrese the owner and sent her to prison.  Customers were stopped after leaving the locations and questioned by detectives.  All those providers were American women.  LE can do it again if they want and the national mood seems to indicate pressure on them.

Tony McCune, the owner of a car dealership in San Diego was outed in about 1991 for using the services of the "Rolodex Madam", Karen Wilkening.  She went to prison, he was publicly embarrassed.  Think about former NY governor Eliot Spitzer and his fall.  Just be careful about giving up personal data.  You would be surprised at what can be retrieved remotely.

Let me translate.

>I think it's human trafficking but I admittedly have no idea what I'm talking about.
Then why open your mouth and blab about it? You have a few guys here who do know what they're talking about, why not let them handle it? Answer: Hubris.

>People think you're bad people.
This isn't new...  
If anything, public perception is better than it has been because we have less and less puritanically driven people trying to string heaux up because 'jesus'.

>Other people have been caught.
And 99% aren't. Your chances of getting caught doing this are virtually zero if you're not an idiot.

Someone motivated enough could figure out exactly who you are, regardless of the information you've given out. If you think not one of the 99 girls you've reviewed wouldn't squeal on you for the right price you're out of your fucking mind. All they'd need to cough up is a phone number or email address and you're done for. Email->IP Address->ISP Provider->Your Front Door. It's that easy. Don't pretend it's hard, or that an agency is somehow less safe. If anything, an agency could provide more security, if they were so inclined, than an independent girl could and they don't have to store much data in order to do so, if any at all.


The fact is, we'd all be caught if they really had the motivation to do so. The truth is, these vice cops are government wage slaves trying to *look* good long enough to get promoted and collect their pensions in a few years. Minimum effort types. They are provably unmotivated to go after all but the lowest hanging fruit.

I agree.  I worry more about a desperate independent having my personal info than I do about a big agency.  Agency bookers and screeners are at a remote location, not at the incall, so no way for LE to get your information from them even if they do bust a girl working the incall.  An independent girl has your information where she is also working, maybe even on her phone that she carries from outcall to outcall.  Something to think about before you pass on the agency business model.  

double-down on your ignorance?  LOL

LE is NOT interested in places that are NOT trafficking unless a bust literally falls in their lap.  The stings they do are far more productive, which are based on the hotel iincall model used by independents. This big operation last week did not get ONE Asian agency girls.  They busted customers responding to ads, and they busted girls being run by street pimps.  Pimps are where the real trafficking is.    The Kgirls are independents, just as independent as the girls you want to see. They tour the country just like the ones you want to see.  The ONLY reason they work from an agency is because they don't speak enough English to do their own screening.  Some eventually do.  We have an example in OC right now.  A Kgirl who was with an agency for a year and now does her own screening.  She was already in her own apartment, and just stayed there.  So the agency aspect for her was solely for screening and booking.  She's been in the US for nine years, worked in several major cities, so she is hardly trafficked.  

Massage places are the low-hanging fruit for LE because they are usually operated out of store fronts and all LE has to do is sit in their car in watch.  They are also the places most likely to have trafficking.  Kgirl incalls are in massive apartment complexes (200-400 units) and have buzz-in security systems for access, some with video monitoring.  I have always felt more safe in these incalls than going to an independent American provider's apartment or house, which can be watched the same way as the MP's.

I agree with GK, everyone has to start somewhere.  I see newbies & always do my own homework.  I have no problem whitelisting a true gentlemen after 1 encounter.  See a newbie friendly provider & ask her to whitelist you here on TER.  Maybe write a review here on TER as well, so you can let others know your new to the community.  I love TER it is a nice place for some of us who are truly here to help.

Happy hobbying.

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