San Diego

Anna here!teeth_smile
lipsandmore4u 9790 reads

Hey guys......  

I'm baaaaaaaaaack! ;-) My plans did not quite work the
way I expected them to.  So here I am!

I wanted to take this opportunity to say hi to all of
you and let you know that.... I AM OFFICIALLY BACK!
I'm going out on a limb here, but also wanted to say
that I TOTALLY MISS the INCREDIBLE TIMES we've shared,
not to mention the INCREDIBLY YUMMY THINGS we've done!
And YOU wonderfull gentlemen that I have had the
privilege of meeting. :-)  MMMmmmmmmm I miss that

If you think we had fun before... the fun was just
beginning! :-)  

To those of you that I didn't get the opportunity to
meet (you KNOW who you are!), I do so sincerely
apologize and I OWE you one! Send me an e-mail! and

One more thing... I will be posting new pics in the
weeks to come so please go visit my page on a regular
basis.... new pictures will soon be posted!

It's good to see the heart-warming message. Maybe the tough market has got Anna's attention on customer service? I still won't call Anna because I was stood up 3 times(without any apologies either). She may be a good performer but isn't worth all the inconvenience that has caused me. Once I see a pattern that Anna doesn't flake on clients anymore...then maybe...

Mara9637 reads

Anna....................when I get back from vacation we will have to continue on our quest to have them all...............yummy! Can not wait until we go to L.A. and have some of those boys who have been waiting for June.
you have been are still the best no matter what anyone says...............can't wait for you to ????
See you soon........
kisses & Licks..........

Yeah Mara, I cant wait either...thanks for all your help,support and for being there for me!!! You are truly a very special girl!!! Have fun with your kids!!!

jimj8225 reads

There is another side to this you should consider...and judging by the number of "reads" on the message she posted before I had a chance to tell you all myself, I am sure almost everyone else understands. Anna was trying hard to "retire" and was watched closely because of her "past." I know from my own personal, unbelievable, experience tempting her out of retirement, that she genuinely misses the action, the variety, the fun and, well, you can guess the rest. My view is, all you guys who whined and moaned about her not being around, or standing you up, should simply get out all the money you saved while she was away and be glad she's back. She is the very best in San Diego, and you are lucky if you get to find that out for yourself!!

Same rates apply for first timers?  I'd love to see you, but your 90 minute rate for first timers would mean not paricipating in the hobby for a month or two.  Yes, I have read the reviews.

thatotherguy7230 reads

I know her rates are high, but she is worth every penny. She is one of the few providers that I have seen that when I left her place, I had not a single regret for spending so much money for such a small ammount of time. I smiled the entire way home. If you compare her rates to the girls who claim to be the best, she is reasonable in her rates. Take the plunge. You will enjoy it.

Wishful thinking about a tough market causing her more attentiveness to customer service and concerns about one's financial abilities to play well in this hobby really fall extremely short of what is. You really have'nt even a clue about this lady's power. She can pick and choose as she wishes and we gentlemen stand in waiting. Like it or not. All she has to do is snap her fingers and the market will shift toward her in a NY Minute. If the rates are too extreme for some, she would prefer that person find someone more within his means. Now you may not like it and say not you. That's good! We all have the freedom of choice. But, believe me, matters like these are'nt going to get her to even bat an eye. For the disaffected, you're really only a drop in the ocean. It is a big ocean indeed.

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