San Diego

Re: The guideline I use is . . .
BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 260 reads

write it, be honest, but don't be unnecessarily mean.

if your biggest complaint was her appearance not measuring up to her pictures, say that in those words.

if her performance was, as cour and oinge said above, she tried her best but it just didn't work for  you, i'd describe briefly what she did, say i didn't enjoy it that much but ymmv (your mileage may vary).

if it was obvious she wasn't into things, say that you felt that.

be honest but direct.

So, I had seen a provider that appeared to be in spectrum.  She was mature, really enjoyed it, appeared attractive, and seemed intelligent.  I looked at all of her reviews..... and most of them were very good.  A couple outliers but in TER that is to be expected.  I knew she was not going to be a Model but with scores of 7 and 8 in looks I thought she would be average to above average.  Then with scores of 8-9 on the experience I thought it would be a no brainer... well I am not sure if it was just me or what but as soon as I saw her I knew this was not going to be the session I thought it was going to be.  Nothing like I expected.  She was a VIP price but a Motel 8 quality...

So.. I know I should post a review however, I have never meet someone who I can not say lied about who she was or mislead me in anyway.  I have only had one of those instances.  I mean she was exactly what she said she was, I just mentally imagined much better.  She only has a couple bad reviews so I feel like I could look like a jackass for posting something bad, and it would be a signal to other providers that I am too critical.  

Anyway my question is, should I post a bad review (yet intelligently written) even though she did not necessarily lie about who she is.  (she did conceal her body pictures and face pictures but that is fairly normal).

if she tried her best but just doesn't quite measure up to the scores, then I would be lenient with my review.  If, on the other hand, I thought she was intentionally misrepresenting herself, I would be a little more critical.  

In other words, there are always newer providers entering the business that just don't have the experience of established providers, but still go all out to please you and give it their all.  I go easy on these girls because I don't want to discourage them to the point they leave the business before they get established themselves.  However, when providers use 10-year old photos, or claim an age that is 10-15 less than they really are, or 25 pounds less than they really are, I feel a little bit scammed, and will be more critical in my review if they don't measure up to their own representations.  

If you are relying only on other reviews, those are subjective, so I don't think you can hold a girl responsible for those.  However, if her own advertising is dishonest, then I think you should say so in your own review.  Just my opinion.  Others may disagree.

Sometime they might be having a bad day.  If I feel that is an issue, I would tend to cut them some slack.  But if they are clearly misrepresenting themselves, I will be very critical.  This also goes for TER profiles if I see a lady has it linked to her own TER account.  You can tell that if there is a PM option with her profile where you can send her a PM.  I hold ladies accountable for maintaining the accuracy on those.  Services, rate, etc should be up to date and honest.  This is especially important since P411 had to water down their search options and provider profile options.

Thanks for the response.  And I agree.  And that is my problem.  She did not misrepresent herself per se, but her website and ads do not really show her in full glory.  I hate to talk bad about anyone when I am not the athlete of my youth, but she had a pot belly and man hips, for me that is a really bad combination in a woman. Others may like that.  If I would have known that ahead of time I would not have seen her. So... I think the best way to go about it is to review her and try to do it as tactfully as possible, but honestly.

write it, be honest, but don't be unnecessarily mean.

if your biggest complaint was her appearance not measuring up to her pictures, say that in those words.

if her performance was, as cour and oinge said above, she tried her best but it just didn't work for  you, i'd describe briefly what she did, say i didn't enjoy it that much but ymmv (your mileage may vary).

if it was obvious she wasn't into things, say that you felt that.

be honest but direct.

I agree with Peter.  Many times, guys that saw a provider that didn't live up to the ad will be OVERLY critical to the point of trying to get even with her for wasting their money.  You should be honest, with a critical eye to any contradictons in the ad/website, but don't go out of your way to be mean spirited, which is always tempting when you feel you were scammed.

Onlyalurker267 reads

Sadly, in my experience, it's the outliers/bad reviews that almost invariably turn out to be the most accurate ones. So I would consider those as red flags. A friend of mine who has written almost 40 reviews, recently told me at least 25 of them were bs.  Some were written as a favor to provider after a bad review, some when there was a long period of no reviews, some for various bartering deals like extra time, extra services etc., some for membership reasons and who knows why else....So if you don't write an honest review, another hobbyist might end up in your situation.

Outliners can often the most accurate ones.  But not always.  There is one provider who I have seem multiple times and in general I would rate her an 8/9.  However, I have also seen her get totally blasted by reviewers and based on what they wrote, I have to consider their reviews as being very creditable.  I could totally see her screwing up a session just like those guys said if she was in a depressed mood, etc.  It's really sad, she should not have taken those bookings because she was not in the proper frame of mind.  Hopefully she learned a lesson from them.  Obviously I'm not going to say who this is so don't bother PMing to ask.  I actually do like her and am sad for the situation she might be getting into.

Then on the other hand, there was the one and only time I have ever given a 2 on performance and that situation was exactly what you are talking about.  My review is an outlier, but guys would be well advised to follow the warning unless they don't care about such misrepresentations.

Onlyalurker301 reads

Also,  often times the outliers are not really the outliers! When you discount all the bs reviews from "friends and family" as I like to call them, they are the only real reviews left. Lol :) That's why m&g's are such great $$ savers

Posted By: Onlyalurker
Also,  often times the outliers are not really the outliers! When you discount all the bs reviews from "friends and family" as I like to call them, they are the only real reviews left. Lol :) That's why m&g's are such great $$ savers.  
I read through this thread; bottom line you get what you pay for. Sure an M and G is a good place to "shop", for lack of a better word, and every one is looking for a deal, but every guy on TER who isn't a Noob that lives in a high rent district (like San-dog), knows he's going to drop at least 400-500 per for an attractive escort and a quality experience.  


I've found the outliers to be far more reliable, particularly in competitive overpriced markets like Vegas where providers routinely bargain for reviews or ask you not to post a review if you won't give 10/10. San Diego has more chill and you get better vibes and intel here.

It's rare that I click on a thoughtfully detailed outlier opinion and don't find the session to be closer to the outlier opinion than any other review. I ignore the short two sentence outliers where the reviewer is just angry or seems to have an agenda.

Hi Matkim. There is an abundance of caution here to post anything honest. Post it under an alias. Keep your good reviews for references and others under an alias. That's the o ly way to survive. I'm glad you aren't Sri king the Kool Aid.

If you knew what you were getting into, that's on you. She has no fault in that because she didn't try to be something she's not.  

And she has reviews, so you knew what the deal was.  

Your review will depend on that, not on what you expected.

Give an explanation for each point of appearance and performance score earned so your reader can follow your line of thought.  Explain when you make a deduction.  It should all add up for you and this audience.

I went ahead with the review and submitted.  I reviewed honestly and gave her a 5/5.  I tried to be honest yet not mean.  The numbers 5/5 are what they are... and are subjective.   I will leave it up to others to find out for themselves if they are into a woman who is into BDSM and loves aggressive sessions.  

Thanks for all  the comments and hope other providers note my other reviews.  I am a fairly easy reviewer but also hope others are honest like I have tried to be.

ThePeopleRule221 reads

I've never had a review be published that quickly.

ShillBill245 reads

In fact, a few in less than an hour. Of course, there were reviews that took days and I mean 3 to5. Who knows how TER process reviews?

Posted By: ThePeopleRule
I've never had a review be published that quickly.

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